1. An apparition pained me just before dawn then left
I almost succumbed to grief over losing it
١. طَيفٌ أَلَمَّ قُبَيلَ الصُبحِ وَاِنصَرَفا
فَكِدتُ أَقضي عَلى فَقدي لَهُ أَسَفا
2. It returned, leaving no doubt for my companion that it
Was a creature of the morning, when night's wings had folded
٢. وافى فَما شَكَّ صَحبِي أَنَّهُ فَلَقٌ
مِنَ الصَباحِ وَجُنحُ اللَيلِ ما اِنتَصَفا
3. It visited me while the darkness, its tresses disheveled
Scattered the night until it split it in half
٣. وَزارَني وَالدُجى سُودٌ ذَوائِبُهُ
فَشَتَّتَ اللَيلَ حَتّى رَدَّهُ نَصَفا
4. Greetings to it, an apparition that stirred in me passion
For the beloved, and revived rapture and fervor
٤. أَهلاً بِهِ مِن خَيالٍ هاجَ لي شَجَناً
عَلى النَوى وَأَعادَ الوَجدَ وَالكَلفا
5. O apparition, my love for you was ardent
And when you visited, you increased my passion
٥. يا طَيفُ قَد كانَ مِن حُبّي لَكُم شَغَفٌ
وَزِدتَني أَنتَ لَمّا زُرتَني شَغَفا
6. My life was not good before you left
If only that past time had lasted
٦. ما كانَ أَحسَنَ دَهري قَبل نَأيِكُمُ
لَو دامَ لي ذَلِكَ الدَهرُ الَّذي سَلَفا
7. They thought it beautiful, but since you vanished
I have found no substitute nor replacement for you
٧. ظُنُّوا جَميلاً فَإِنّي مُذ عَدِمتُكُمُ
ما اعتَضتُ لا عِوَضاً عَنكُم وَلا خَلَفا
8. Except the Helper, who had it not been for the aid of His hand
I would have found no respite from the turns of fate
٨. إِلّا المُعِزَّ الَّذي لَولا نَدى يَدِهِ
لَم أَلقَ لي عَن صُروفِ الدَهرِ مُنصَرَفا
9. I had been powerless against the whims of fate
And today, by God's grace, I have regained my strength
٩. قَد كُنتُ مِن صَرفِ دَهري غَيرَ مُنتَصِفٍ
وَاليَومَ عُدتُ بِلُطفِ اللَهِ مُنتَصِفا
10. My soul and all my hands possess are ransom for
A clement king, true to his splendid promises
١٠. روحي وَما مَلَكَت كَفِّي فِدى مَلِكٍ
سَمحٍ إِذا وَعَدَ الوَعدَ الجَميلَ وَفا
11. The lance, when the horses bolt, steady in his hand
Familiar, though when you look at it, strange
١١. يُعاوِدُ الرُمحُ يَومَ الرَوعِ في يَدِهِ
دالاً وَكانَ إِذا عايَنتَهُ أَلِفا
12. The horses' hooves erect tabernacles
And the white blades unfold upon the chargers, pages
١٢. وَالخَيلُ تَبني مَحارِيباً حَوافِرُها
وَالبِيضُ تَنشُر مِن هامٍ بِها صُحُفا
13. The dogs at his side boast long-held honor
And the protector of the state clothes them in nobility
١٣. زادَت كِلابٌ بِهِ فَخراً وَأَلبَسَها
طُولَ الزَمانِ مُعِزُّ الدَولَةِ الشَرَفا
14. O foremost of the noble Arabs entire
By whom the harm was lifted from me entirely
١٤. يا سَيِّدَ العَرَبِ العَرباءِ قاطِبَة
وَمَن بِهِ باتَ عَنّي الضّرُّ مُنكَشِفا
15. You were excessive in your generosity to me
And I see no excess in gratitude to you
١٥. أَسرَفتُمُ في الَّذي جُدتُم عَلَيَّ بِهِ
فَما أَرى سَرَفي في شُكرِكُم سَرَفا
16. I plunge into a sea of your praises
Finding only pearls, no shells
١٦. أَغوُصُ في لُجِّ بَحرٍ مِن مَديحِكُمُ
فَما أُصادِفُ إِلّا الدُرَّ لا الصَدَفا
17. Your glory still rises high
And you remain under the shade of power, its peacemaker
١٧. لا زالَ قَدرُكُمُ في المَجدِ مُرتَفِعاً
وَشَملُكُم في ظِلالِ العِزِّ مُؤتَلِفا