
Imagination has afflicted us, weakened,

ألم الخيال بنا موهنا

1. Imagination has afflicted us, weakened,
So welcome to it, imagination that pains!

١. أَلَمَّ الخَيالُ بِنا مَوهِنا
فَأَهلاً بِهِ مِن خَيالٍ أَلَم

2. It traveled in secret, hiding itself, and the light
Shows that it did not become concealed.

٢. سَرى كاتِماً نَفسَهُ وَالضِيا
ءُ يَدُلُّ عَلى أَنَّهُ ما انكَتَم

3. May God tend to your ghosts, shepherding
Those pacts and those covenants.

٣. رَعى اللَهُ طَيفَكُمُ راعِياً
لِتِلكَ العُهودِ وَتِلكَ الذِمَم

4. It has come complaining to us of estrangement,
And we complain to it of distress and pain.

٤. تَأَوَّبَ يَشكو إِلَينا العَنا
وَنَشكو إِلَيهِ الضَنا وَالأَلَم

5. My friend, will you convey greetings
From us to the dwellers of peace?

٥. خَليلي هَل تَحمِلانِ السَلا
مَ مِنّا إِلى ساكِناتِ السَلَم

6. And whoever came to the outstretched standard
My spirit mingles, O that standard!

٦. وَمَن حَلَّ بِالنَشَمِ المُستَطيلِ
بِرُوحي رَبارِبُ ذاكَ النَشَم

7. When they alighted with a flag in Hejaz,
We sent greetings to that flag.

٧. إِذا نَزَلوا عَلَماً بِالحِجازِ
بَعَثنا السَلامَ لِذاكَ العَلَم

8. And we said your valleys have quenched it
When arrows could not find you to quench.

٨. وَقُلنا سَقَتكَ غَوادي الجُفونِ
إِذا لَم تَجُدكَ غَوادِيَ الرِهَم

9. And its echo was trained until it lamented -
Your breeze is more fragrant than any scent smelled.

٩. وَرُوِّضَ مَغناكَ حَتّى يَئوبَ
نَسيمُكَ أَذكى نَسيمٍ يُشَم

10. And thirsty as the blades of swords -
As if honey drips upon it from hives.

١٠. وَظامِئَةٍ مثلِ مَتنِ الحُسامِ
كَأَنَّ عَلَيها مِنَ الآلِ يَم

11. With it we folded the beds of the chaste,
Folding the black tents beneath the stoning.

١١. طَوَينا بِها سُرُرَ الناجِياتِ
طَيّ الأَساودِ تَحتَ الرُجَم

12. I say to my companions when they have wrapped up:
"Daughters of darkness with the knocking of darkness!"

١٢. أَقُولُ لِصَحبي وَقَد جَفَّلوا
بِناتِ الظَليمِ بِخبطِ الظُلَم

13. While we - the journey almost touches
Our heels with its reins.

١٣. وَنَحنُ يَكادُ السُرى أَن يَمَس
مَقادِمَ كيرانِنا بِاللِمَم

14. Remove sleepiness and intend with us
By the Prophet the noblest of creations prayed to!

١٤. أَزيلوا النُعاسَ وَأُمُوا بِنا
وَبِالعيس أَكرَمَ خَلقِ يُؤَم

15. For if the young guide has connected us,
He has connected us, the loyal to covenants.

١٥. فَإِن أَوصَلَتنا الفَتى المُدرِكيّ
فَقَد أَوصَلَتنا الوفِيَّ الذِمَم

16. I saw the generous and when I saw
A bit, I saw the prophet of generosity.

١٦. رَأَيتُ الكِرامَ فَلَمّا رَأَيت
ثِمالاً رَأَيتُ نَبِيَّ الكَرَم

17. I smell and he competes, smelling the mountains -
But smell cannot compete with supreme smell.

١٧. أَشَمُّ يُوازِنُ شُمَّ الجِبالَ
وَلا يَبلُغُ الشُمُ وَزنَ الأَشَم

18. We blame time, and time does not deserve
To be gifted by us with blame.

١٨. نَذُمُّ الزَمانَ وَما يُستَحَقُّ
زَمانٌ حَبانا بِهِ أَن يُذَم

19. Noble - the noble deeds have crumbled,
Yet he did not stop until he rebuilt the ruined.

١٩. كَريمٌ تَهَدَّمَتِ المَكرُماتُ
فَما زالَ حَتّى بَنى ما اِنهَدَم

20. And he crushed beneath the oppressive tyrant
The hearts of the people in the hearts of terror.

٢٠. وَحَطَّمَ تَحتَ العَجاجِ البَهيمِ
صُدورَ القَنا في صُدورِ البُهَم

21. He has settled in Aleppo, a just one -
Erasing injustice from its people and injustice.

٢١. لَقَد حَلَّ في حَلَبٍ عادِلٌ
مَحا الظُلمَ عَن أَهلِها وَالظُلَم

22. And he protected them from the turns of fate
So they slept while their shepherd did not sleep.

٢٢. وَحاطَهُمُ مِن صُروفِ الزَمانِ
فَنامُوا وَراعيهمُ لَم يَنَم

23. When rain was absent, they found its substitute.
So its substitute took the place of rainwater.

٢٣. إِذا عَدِموا الغَيثَ شامُوا نَداهُ
فَقامَ نَداهُ مَقامَ الدِيَم

24. Abu Salih, you are the beauty of time
And the beauty of the cloak with the beauty of the flag.

٢٤. أَبا صالِحٍ أَنتَ حُسنُ الزَمانِ
وَحُسنُ الرِداءِ بِحُسنِ العَلَم

25. When a man composes praise upon you,
We find you nobler than what is composed.

٢٥. إِذا نَظَمَ المَدحَ فيكَ امرؤٌ
وَجَدناكَ أَشرَفَ مِمّا نَظَم

26. We have been safe with your nearness diverting fate,
So we are the doves and you are the sanctuary.

٢٦. أَمِنّا بِقُربِكَ صَرفَ الزَمانِ
فَنَحنُ الحَمامُ وَأَنتَ الحَرَم

27. It is as if al-Muʿizz is a Kaaba for us
And his peace is the corner and station.

٢٧. كَأَنَّ المُعِزَّ لَنا كَعبَةٌ
وَراحَتُهُ الرُكنُ وَالمُستَلم

28. We congratulate when the righteous Salih is well,
And that congratulation is for all nations.

٢٨. نُهنِّيهِ لَما بَرا صالِحٌ
وَذاكَ الهَناءُ لِكُلِّ الأُمَم

29. So strange - how can decline be feared upon you
When you are the remedy for sickness?

٢٩. فَيا عَجَباً كَيفَ يُخشى السَقا
مُ عَلَيكَ وَأَنتَ شِفاءُ السَقَم

30. The time had frowned and we said,
"Salih is righteous," so it smiled.

٣٠. وَقَد كانَ قَطَّبَ وَجهُ الزَمانِ
فَقُلنا بَرا صالِحٌ فَاِبتَسَم

31. If we were delighted by its blossoming with dew,
It has harmed the lifespans of piles of bliss.

٣١. لَئِن سَرَّنا بُرؤُهُ لِلنَدى
لَقَد ضَرَّ أَعمارَ كُومِ النَعَم

32. For a journey the pillar spends the night contracted in it,
When the miserly hears a voice in it, he is stubborn

٣٢. لِسَفرٍ تَأَوَّبَ في لَيلَةٍ
يَبيتُ العَمودُ بِها يُلتَزَم

33. And he comes walking while in himself are concerns:
Weakening, not strengthening, him.

٣٣. إِذا سَمِعَ الصَوتَ فيها البَخيلُ
تَصامَمَ وَهوَ قَليلُ الصَمَم

34. And the guide meets success, kindling the fire's years
To guide delegations to an abode,

٣٤. وَأَقبَلَ يَمشي وَفي نَفسِهِ
هُمُومٌ تُفَنِّدُهُ لا هِمَم

35. Where delegations spend the night in bliss -
The quality of a generous-faced people,

٣٥. وَيَلقى بِها المُدرِكيّ النَجاحَ
يَشِبُّ سَنا النارِ فَوقَ الأَكَم

36. Noble in origin, noble in nature.
May God reward well the backs of the riders

٣٦. لِيَهدي الوُفودَ إِلى مَنزِلٍ
تَبيتُ الوُفودُ بِهِ في النِعَم

37. And bestow upon me the best reward of the pen!
For I used to seek the most generous

٣٧. سَجِيَّةُ قَومٍ كِرامِ الوُجوهِ
كِرامِ الأُصولِ كِرامِ الشِيَم

38. And I sought for praise the people of merit.
But when I found the family of Salih,

٣٨. جَزى اللَهُ خَيراً ظُهورَ الرِكاب
وَأَحسَنَ عَنِيّ جَزاءَ القَلَم

39. I found independence and lacked nothingness.
And I bore from their favor a blessing,

٣٩. فَقَد كُنتُ أَلتَمِسُ الأَكرَمينَ
وَأَطلُبُ لِلمَدحِ أَهلَ القِيَم

40. And position, wealth, meat, and blood.
Kings - when you count kings,

٤٠. فَلَمّا وَجَدتُ بَني صالِحٍ
وَجَدتُ الغِنى وَعَدِمتُ العَدَم

41. You count for them kings in nobility.
I served them in the shirt of youth

٤١. وَثَمَّرتُ مِن فَضلِهِم نِعمَةً
وَجاهاً وَمالاً وَلَحماً وَدَم

42. And I serve them in the shirt of old age.
So if I die, thanks to them will arise,

٤٢. مُلوكٌ إِذا ما عَدَدتَ المُلوكَ
عَدَدتَ المُلوكَ لَهُم في الحشَم

43. Written by the daughters of speech.
Passing it between the dweller of breasts

٤٣. خَدَمتُهُمُ في قَميصِ الشَبابِ
وَأَخدِمُهُم في قَميصِ الهَرَم

44. Either a Bedouin or a non-Arab.

٤٤. فَإِن مِتُّ قامَت بِشكري لَهُم
مُحَبَّرَةٌ مِن بَناتِ الكَلِم

٤٥. تَداوَلَها ساكِنُ الخافِقينِ
إِمّا العُرَيبُ وَإِمّا العَجَم