
The memory of youth stirred him

ذكر الشباب فهاجه التذكار

1. The memory of youth stirred him
And he sighed in melancholy, trying to pull himself together

١. ذَكَرَ الشَبابَ فَهاجَهُ التَذكارُ
أَسَفاً وَعاوَدَ نَفسَهُ اِستِعبارُ

2. I have no excuse anymore before the virgins
Since some gray hairs appeared on my head as a sign of old age

٢. لا عُذرَ لي عِندَ العَذارى بَعدَما
شابَت بِرَأسِي لِمَّةٌ وَعِذارُ

3. Gravity in a young man's ear is more pleasing to him
Than their talk that gray hair brings dignity

٣. وَالوَقرُ في أُذُنِ الفَتى أَشهى لَهُ
مِن قَولِهِم إِنَّ المَشيبَ وَقارُ

4. By God, the days of youth, if they were not
Like fruitless trees, would be fruitless

٤. لِلّهِ أَيّامُ الصِبا لَو لَم تَكُن
شَجَراتِ غَيٍّ ما لَهُنَّ ثِمارُ

5. None of them seemed short to me
And so are the days of happiness, fleeting

٥. ما كانَ أَقصَرَهُنَّ عِندي مُدَّةً
وَكَذاكَ أَيّامُ السُرورِ قِصارُ

6. With every singing girl it is as if her tambourine
Is honey sucked from bitter aloe wood

٦. مَعَ كُلُّ غانِيَةٍ كَأَنَّ رُضابَها
عَسَلٌ مِنَ الأَشَرِ العِذابِ مُشارُ

7. Her white neck is like a string of stars
Her wrists adorned with crescent moon bracelets

٧. بَيضاءُ صِيغَ مِنَ النُجُومِ لِنَحرِها
عِقدٌ وَمِن قَصَفِ الهِلالِ سِوارُ

8. She betrayed the pact of love, and whoever
A deceitful pond flows over, it will deceive in the morning

٨. غَدَرت بِميثاقِ الوِدادِ وَكُلُّ مَن
تَهفُو عَلَيهِ غَديرَةٌ غَدّارُ

9. Singers have no need of a wrinkled old man
Destitution has befallen him and poverty

٩. إِنَّ الغَواني في غِنىً عَن مُرمِلٍ
نَزَلَ القَتِيرُ عَلَيهِ وَالإِقتارُ

10. As for youth, it does not return, but sometimes
Good fortune returns and prosperity is restored

١٠. أَمّا الشَبابُ فَما يَعُودُ وَرُبَّما
عادَ المُعِزُّ فَعاوَدَ الإِيسارُ

11. A king, when the clouds of his generosity rain down
The rains cannot be contained in his lands

١١. مَلِكٌ إِذا مَطَرَت سَحائِبُ جُودِهِ
لَم تُنتَجَع لِبِلادِهِ الأَمطارُ

12. Hearts shrink in fear of his might
And eyes avert when he appears

١٢. تَجِبُ القُلوبُ مَخافَةً مِن بَأسِهِ
وَتُغَضُّ عَنهُ إِذا بَدا الأَبصارُ

13. Time succeeds through mention of him, and poetry
And poets are adorned by discourse of him

١٣. نَجَحَ الزَمانُ بِذِكرِهِ وَتَجَمَّلَت
بِحَديثِهِ الشُعَراءُ وَالأَشعارُ

14. Ask him for peace and beware of the palms of his hands
Lest you drown, for they are seas when he is calm

١٤. سَلهُ وَحاذِر مِن أَنامِلِ كَفِّهِ
غَرَقاً فَهُنَّ إِذا طَمَينَ بِحارُ

15. His dew, if it touched hot stones
Would melt them with the softness of his fingers

١٥. تَندى فَلَو لَمَسَت حِجارَةَ حَرَّةٍ
لانَت بِلِينِ بَنانِهِ الأَحجارُ

16. As if each limb has a balance
From his palm, or a flowing spring

١٦. وَكَأَنَّما في كُلِّ عُضوٍ مُزنَةٌ
مِن كَفِّهِ أَو دِيمَةُ مِدرارُ

17. By God, what excellent companions they have become
It is as if their traits themselves are richest

١٧. لِلّهِ أَيُّ سَراةِ قَومِ أَصبَحُوا
وَكَأَنَّما أَوصافُهُم أَسمارُ

18. They have attained glory through good repute
But fall short of achieving the causes of disgrace

١٨. طالُوا بِحُسنِ الذِكرِ إِلّا أَنَهُم
عَن نَيلِ أَسبابِ القَبيحِ قِصارُ

19. Every admirable deed makes it harder
For its critic to disparage it

١٩. مِن كُلِّ مَحمُودِ الفَعالِ يَزِيدُهُ
عُسراً عَلى لُوّامِهِ الإِعسارُ

20. He has done many good acts, so that one man
Contains both scarcity and abundance

٢٠. قَد أَكثَرَ الفِعلَ الجَميلَ فَواحِدٌ
في نَفسِهِ الإِقلالُ وَالإِكثارُ

21. I associated with them, so I drowned in their benevolence
As the flood carries off a straw

٢١. صاحَبتُهُم فَغَرِقتُ في إِحسانِهِم
غَرَقَ القَذاةِ دَحا بِها التَيّارُ

22. And I recognized them, so I recognized that I
Cannot disavow either them or their kindness

٢٢. وَعَرَفتُهُم فَعَرفتُ أَنّي مِنهُمُ
لا بِي وَلا بِجَميلِهِم إِنكارُ

23. O king, whose resolves
Accomplish what destiny does not

٢٣. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي عَزَماتُهُ
يَفعَلنَ مالا تَفعَلُ الأَقدارُ

24. By God, your treatment of your cousin
Bears signs of good fortune for him

٢٤. لِلّهِ فِعلُكَ في ابنِ عَمِّكَ إِنَّهُ
فِعلٌ عَلَيهِ مِنَ السُعُودِ أَمارُ

25. You have come to live in a familiar abode
So the resident prospers and the neighbor thrives

٢٥. أَصبَحتُما في بَلدَةٍ مَأَنُوسَةٍ
فازَ المُقِيمُ بِها وَعَزَّ الجارُ

26. Why do we not increase in strength over enemies
When we have your right hand and left?

٢٦. لِمَ لا نَزِيدُ عَلى الأَعادي قُوَّةً
وَلَنا يَمينٌ مِنكُمُ وَيَسارُ

27. If we sought help, we would find from both of you
A burden the likes of which burdens cannot bear

٢٧. لَو نابَنا خَطبٌ لَقِينا مِنكُما
وَزَراً تَحَطُّ بِقُربِهِ الأَوزارُ

28. May you both live long, for favors
As long as there is gloomy night and shining day

٢٨. عُمِّرتُما لِلمَكرُماتِ وَدُمتُما
ما دامَ لَيلٌ مُظلِمٌ وَنَهارُ