1. Your endeavor remains guided by wisdom
And the length of your life populated by eternity
١. لا زالَ سَعيُكَ مَقروناً بِهِ الرَشَدُ
وَطُولُ عُمرِكَ مَعموراً بِهِ الأَبَدُ
2. O ocean of generosity, when its waves surge
Every other ocean pales in bounty
٢. يا بَحرَ جُودٍ إِذا جادَت غَوارِبُهُ
فَكُلُّ بَحرٍ سِواهُ في النَدى ثَمَدُ
3. How many noble traits your hand has planted
That no other creature could have planted
٣. كَم مِن يَدلَكَ عِندَ المَجدِ قَد غَرَسَت
مَكارِماً ما لِمَخلوقٍ بِهِنَّ يَدُ
4. People come to you in droves and you send them off
From a pristine spring when they arrive
٤. يَنتابُكَ الناسُ أَفواجاً فَتُصدِرُهُم
عَن مَورِدٍ غَيرِ مَذمومٍ إِذا وَرَدُوا
5. And people begin their day attributing
Distant praise to you the further they go
٥. وَيُصبحُ القَومُ يَهدِي مِن حَدِيثِهمُ
إِلَيكَ حَمداً بَعيداً كُلَّما بَعُدُوا
6. They came to you for help and attained what they sought
While you gained from them what they praised and lauded
٦. أَمُّوا نَداكَ ففازُوا بِالَّذي طَلَبوا
وَفُزتَ مِنهُم بِما أَثنَوا وَما حَمَدوا
7. Every diligent man who praises you
For the benevolence you have shown is diligent
٧. مِن كُلِّ مُجتَهدٍ يُثني وَأَنتَ لَهُ
فيما بَذَلتَ مِنَ الإِحسانِ مُجتَهِدُ
8. The desert blessed you and was first
To undertake this fine deed, so very generous
٨. مَنَّت عَلَيكَ بِهِ البَيداءُ وَاِبتَدَأَت
فِعلاً جَميلاً إِلَيهِ العِرمِسُ الأُجُدُ
9. And children you rescued in desolate places
Whose rescue by them was most outstanding
٩. وَفِتيَةٍ أنجَدَت في المُقفِراتِ بِهِم
عَرامِسٌ طالَ مِن إِنجادِها النُجُدُ
10. Traveling wearied their eyes so that they closed
And for long their vision was clouded by mucus
١٠. أَسرَت يُغَمِّضُ طُولُ السَيرِ أَعيُنها
وَطالَما كَفَّ عَن أَبصارِها الرَمَدُ
11. They endured whips alongside beloved kin
Like the blows of whips on an affectionate cheek
١١. تَلقى السِياطَ بِأَقرابٍ مُلَحَّبَةٍ
مِثلَ السِياطِ مِنَ الوَخدِ الَّذي تَخِدُ
12. The unknown desert where no tent pegs were hammered
By strangers and no poles were pegged
١٢. مَجهولَةُ البِيدِ لَم يُمدَد بِها طُنُبٌ
مِنَ الغَريبِ وَلَم يُضرَب بِها وَتِدُ
13. As if its dunes, when you observe them
Are roaring seas with foaming foam above
١٣. كَأَنَّما الآلُ فيها حينَ تَنظُرُهُ
يَمٌّ وَمَوّارُها مِن فَوقِهِ زَبَدُ
14. They lost their way so a king guided them in the darkness
His forehead shining like the blazing sun
١٤. ضَلُّوا بِها فَهَداهُم في الدُجى مَلِكٌ
جَبِينُهُ مِثلَ نُورِ الشَمسِ يَتَّقِدُ
15. Most noble, no archers can hit their target
Unless overwhelmed by the benevolence of those they sought
١٥. أَغَرُّ لا يَقصِدُ القُصّادُ نائِلَهُ
إِلّا وَيَغمرُهُم مَعرُوفُ مَن قَصَدُوا
16. Of the family of Mirdas, the best of people, whether they leave
Or stay or are absent or attend
١٦. مِن آل مِرداسَ خَيرِ الناسِ إِن رَحَلَوا
وَإِن أَقامُوا وَإِن غابُوا وَإِن شَهِدُوا
17. They meet praise and grace, their repute is known
For their truthfulness whether they promise or make a vow
١٧. تَلقى النَدى وَالرَدى فيهم فَقَد عُرِفُوا
بِالصِدقِ إِن أَوعدُ وَاشَرّاً وَإِن وَعَدُوا
18. The scent of meadows in their nostrils is a nose
That spurns disgrace and their necks bear prey
١٨. شُمُّ العَرانينِ في آنافِهِم أَنَفٌ
عَنِ القَبيحِ وَفي أَعناقِهم صَيَدُ
19. If you meet them you meet people who, when asked,
Give freely of what they can afford
١٩. إِن تَلقَهُم تَلقَ مِنهُم في مَجالِسِهِم
قَوماً إِذا سُئِلُوا جادُوا بِما وَجَدُوا
20. They attained heaven and climbed down from their souls
For the noble, when they descend, have climbed up
٢٠. نالُوا السَماءَ وَحَطّوا مِن نُفوسِهِم
إِنَّ الكِرامَ إِذا اِنحَطُّوا فَقَد صَعَدُوا
21. Envied, even if the extent of their worth
Was not known to exceed all people of worth
٢١. مُحَسَّدُونَ وَلَو لَم يَعلُ قَدرُهُم
عَن قَدرِ كُلِّ جَليلِ القَدرِ ما حُسِدُوا
22. Al-Muizz built Ghyta'a for them, lofty
In honor - none before had built it
٢٢. بَنى المُعِزُّ لَهُم غَيطاءَ مُشرِفَةً
في العِزِّ لَم يَبنِها مِن قَبلِهِ أَحَدُ
23. O mainstay of the state, the hero who has accomplished
Deeds the valorous cannot accomplish
٢٣. يا عُدَّةَ الدَولَةِ القِرمُ الَّذي فَعَلَت
أَفعالَهُ الغُرُّ مالا تَفعَلُ العُدَدُ
24. You were rewarded by a parent for blessings
You acquired, and the son reaps their harvest
٢٤. جُزِيتَ مِن والِدٍ خَيراً عَلى نِعَمٍ
حَصَّلتَها فَتَلَقّى دَرَّها الوَلَدُ
25. Loyally enjoying what you gained for him
For the cub eats from the prey the lion hunts
٢٥. وافى لِيَنعَمَ فيما قَد كَسِبتَ لَهُ
وَالشِبلُ يَأكُلُ مِمّا يَفرِسُ الأَسَدُ
26. So make peace with him and with a border through which he
Fends off the enemy, biting as one
٢٦. فَاسلَم لَهُ وَلِثَغرٍ بِتَّ تَكَلأُهُ
مِنَ العَدُوِّ كَلاكَ الواحِدُ الأَحَدُ
27. You cannot be without him - no hearing, sight,
Throne, palace or city
٢٧. وَلا خَلا مِنكَ لا سَمعٌ ولا بَصَرٌ
وَلا سَريرٌ وَلا قَصرٌ وَلا بَلَدُ