1. O dweller of the abode where loved ones lived
Once a friend, though now left desolate
١. يا مَنزِلَ الأَحبابِ كُنتَ أَنِيساً
وَأَراكَ بَعدَ الظاعِنينَ دَرِيسا
2. If they have left and made you lonesome
In my heart they've found a familiar place to dwell
٢. إِن فارَقُوكَ وَأَوحَشُوكَ فَإِنَّهُم
نَزَلُوا بِقَلبي مَنزِلاً مَأنُوسا
3. A drink for a singing girl has made me drunk with her love
In your ruins, from passion I’m tipsily singing
٣. سَقياً لِغانِيَةٍ سَقاني حُبُّها
في دِمنَتَيكَ مِنَ الغَرامِ كُئُوسا
4. The bracelets' tinkling bells, which rang out for me
When we parted, left me restless and sleepless
٤. رَيّا السِوارَينِ اللَواتي هِجنَ لِي
بِفِراقِهِنَّ صَبابَةً ورَسِيسا
5. Radiantly fair were they, when adorned and ready
When traveling their veils made them shy and modest
٥. بِيضٌ يَكُنَّ إِذا اِنتَقَبنَ أَهِلَّةً
وَإِذا سَفَرنَ النُقبَ كُنَّ شُمُوسا
6. They captivated us when their beauty appeared
Turning from us, they stole away our souls
٦. أَنهبنَنا لَمّا بَرَزنَ مَحاسِناً
وَصَدَدنَ عَنّا فَانتَهَبنَ نُفُوسا
7. And on the day of parting, with a glance they shot me
Subduing all my passion and leaving me imprisoned
٧. وَرَمَينَنِي يَومَ الحَبِيسِ بِنَظرَةٍ
كَبَتَت عَلى شَغَفِي بِهِنَّ حَبِيسا
8. Wounding my heart with separation and intention
A wound only cured by reunion's medicine
٨. وَجَرَحنَ قَلبِي بِالقطِيعَةِ وَالنَوى
جُرحاً يُداوى بِالوِصالِ وَيُوسى
9. Of all the gentle beauties they made
The sweetness of life into hardship and sorrow
٩. مِن كُلِّ ناعِمَةِ التَرائِبِ صَيَّرَت
طِيبَ الحَياةِ شَقاً عَلَيَّ وَبُوسا
10. Were it not for the son of Saleh, for whom
I had, though before inauspicious, great joy
١٠. لَولا ابنُ صالِحٍ الَّذي كَثُرَت لَهُ
عِندِي سُعُودٌ كُنَّ قَبلُ نُحُوسا
11. He gave generously and added to me from his bounty
Honor, making me in his eyes an intimate friend
١١. أَعطى الجَزِيلَ وَزادَني مِن فَضلِهِ
شَرَفاً وَصَيَّرَني لَدَيهِ جَلِيسا
12. O King who built the lofty pillars
And gathered the ancient and precious pottery
١٢. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي شادَ العُلى
وَحَوى الفَخارَ السالِفَ القُدمُوسا
13. You were blessed on the day exalted
When the Nobilities were wedded as your bride
١٣. هُنِّيتَ بِاليَومِ الَّذي قَد عُرِّسَت
فِيهِ المَعالي إِذ زُفِفتَ عَرُوسا
14. She's like Solomon's Queen, for she
Resembled, in her arrival, the Queen of Sheba
١٤. أَشبِه سُلَيمانَ النَبِيَّ فَإِنَّها
قَد أَشبَهَت بِقُدُومِها بِلقِيسا
15. A precious King, and she a precious Queen
So the precious has ruled over the precious
١٥. مَلِكٌ نَفِيسٌ القَدرِ وَهيَ نَفِيسَةٌ
مِنهُم فَقَد مَلَكَ النَفيسُ نَفيسا
16. Blessed in all you possess, may you ever
Throughout life, remain supported and protected
١٦. وَمُبارَكٌ فِيما مَلَكتَ وَلا تَزَل
طُولَ الحَياة مُؤَيَّداً مَحرُوسا
And when you don the times, remain immortal
١٧. وَإِذا لَبِستَ الدَهرَ فَابقَ مُخَلَّدا
حَتّى يُبِيدَ اللابِسُ المَلبُوسا