
He who the tribe's youth has enchanted gains naught

ما ضر من حدت النوى أجمالها

1. He who the tribe's youth has enchanted gains naught
If their mere phantom to you they granted

١. ما ضَرَّ مَن حَدَتِ النَوى أَجمالَها
لَو أَنَّها أَهدَت إِلَيكَ خَيالَها

2. With meeting you they were stingy while near
Would you still seek union after their leave?

٢. ضَنَّت عَلَيكَ بِوَصلِها في قُربِها
أَفَتَبتَغي بَعدَ النُزُوحِ وِصالَها

3. Tihamah's mountains descended so for them
My heart longs for Tihamah and its hills

٣. نَزَلَت جِبالَ تِهامَةٍ فَلِأَجلِها
يَهوى الفُؤَادُ تِهامَةً وَجِبالَها

4. The torrent's branches have wound and oh, would that
My tears' torrent could water their sandy trails

٤. وَتَدَيَّرَت مَنشَا السَيالِ فَلَيتَني
رَوَّيتُ مِن سَيلِ الدُموعِ سَيالَها

5. My friends, stop by the ruins as long as I
Can water the relics with my tears' pails

٥. يا صاحِبَيَّ قِفا عَليَّ بِقَدرِ ما
أَسقي بِواكِفِ عَبرَتي أَطلالَها

6. For long her meadows were graced when she drew
Her skirts, leaving musk in the sands of her trails

٦. فَلَطالَما مَلَأت سُعادُ عِراصَها
طيباً إِذا سَحَبَت بِهِ أَذيالَها

7. She walked on those prairies, making its sands
More precious than pearls are its grainy dales

٧. وَمَشَت عَلى تِلكَ الرُبوعِ فَصَيَّرَت
أَغلى مِنَ الدُرِّ الثَمينِ رِمالَها

8. You cut loose her reins so you were enraged but
You cut her reins only if hers you curtailed

٨. صَرَمَت حِبالَك فَاستَرَبتَ وَإِنَّما
صَرَمَت حِبالَكَ إِذا صَرَمتَ حِبالَها

9. With you the steeds galloped briskly, outfitted
In ornamented saddlebags, their tails hiked

٩. وَلَقَد سَرَت بِكَ وَالرِكابُ لَواغِبٌ
مِرقالَةٌ شَكَت الفَلا إِرقالَها

10. Startled like an ostrich, frenzied when they
Strayed in the gloaming and their tracks opaque

١٠. مَذعُورَةٌ ذُعرَ النَعامَةِ أُلهِبَت
لَما أَضَلَّت بِالعَشِيِّ رِئالَها

11. The north wind played with their loosened reins and ripped
Their decorated bridles in the dunes' vales

١١. لَعِبَت بِنُمرُقِها الشَمالُ وَمَزَّقَت
في البيدِ أَنيابُ العَضاهِ جِلالَها

12. As if their blades were tested on grinding stones
Men honed their courage against her knights' blades

١٢. وَكَأَنَّ مِشفَرَها عَلى مِعوالَةٍ
مَتَحَ الرِجالُ مِنَ القَليب سِجالَها

13. As if the hyena smeared its dripping jaws
On her forearms, flanks, and neck, leaving trails

١٣. وَكَأَنَّما لَطَخَ الدَبا بِلُعابِهِ
أَرفاغَها وَحِجالَها وَقِلالَها

14. A chestnut whose hide the whips made ruddy thus
Resembling a torrent the crests dyed when it hailed

١٤. صَهباءُ أَدمَتها السِياطُ فَأَشبَهَت
صَهباءَ سَيَّلَتِ الأَكُفُّ بُزالَها

15. She knelt before me like an adult she-camel in the night
And I swooned like someone lovesick because of her

١٥. بَرَكَت حِيالي كَالحَنِيَّةِ في الدُجى
وَهَجَدتُ مِثلَ المَشرَفيّ حِيالَها

16. Like the crescent moon alighting me in the darkness
Qays' lantern, in her entirety and her crescent pale

١٦. مِثلُ الهِلالِ مِنَ الوَجيفِ تَؤُمُّ بي
مِصباحَ قَيسٍ كُلِّها وَهِلالَها

17. A king attained, so he attained the farthest
Pinnacle of glory that none who attained it scaled

١٧. مَلِكٌ أَنالَ فَنالَ أَبعَدَ غايَةٍ
في المَجدِ لَم تَرَ مَن أَنالَ مَنالَها

18. He promised the deluge to humiliate their chests
To honor him, so it acquiesced and obeyed

١٨. وَعَدَ الذَوابِلَ أَن يُهينَ صُدورَها
لِتُعِزَّهُ فَوَفَت لَهُ وَوَفى لَها

19. Firmly empowered in clemency, if you weighed him
Against the lofty and towering, he'd tip the scales

١٩. مُتَمَكِّنٌ في الحِلمِ لَو وازَنتَهُ
بِالشامِخاتِ الباذِخاتِ أَمالَها

20. Our steeds went astray but a king removed our and their strays
A queen complained of her barrenness, so he granted her

٢٠. ضَلَّت رَكائِبُنا فَأَوضَحَ سُبلَها
مَلِكٌ أَزالَ ضَلالَنا وَضَلالَها

21. Fertility increasing her aridity and sterility
Burdens she carried for him, and whoever undertook thanking Him

٢١. وَشَكَت إِلَيهِ كَلالَها فَأَنالَها
نَيلاً يَزيدُ لَغوبَها وَكَلالَها

22. From us, his bounty multiplied the loads it entailed
You see kings as many when you enumerate them

٢٢. حَمَلَت لهُاهُ وَمَن تَحَمَّلَ شُكرَهُ
منّاً فَكَثَّرَ فَضلُهُ أَحمالَها

23. And you see the great when you count their bodyguards' trails
He threw generosity upon the shoulders of the glorious

٢٣. تَجِدُ المُلوكَ إِذا عَدَدتَ كَثيرَةً
وَترى الكَبيرَ إِذا عَدَدتَ ثِمالِها

24. While bounties cast unto him their Mantles and their veils
Of a folk who vie in loftiness and who

٢٤. أَلقى النِجادَ عَلى مَناكِبِ ماجِدٍ
أَلقَت إِلَيهِ المَكرُماتُ رِحالَها

25. See the reprehensible if they pardon its tales
And when oppression comes from fate, their steeds' backs

٢٥. مِنَ مَعشَرٍ يَتَغايَرونَ عَلى العُلى
وَيَرونَ أَنكَرَ مُنكَرٍ إِغفالَها

26. Bore its heaviest burdens, loads deemed frail
A people, when they unsheathe swords, you see

٢٦. وَإِذا تُلِمُّ مِنَ الزَمانِ مُلِمَّةٌ
حَمَلَت ظُهُورُ جِيادِهِم أَثقالَها

27. Their like and you see them the swords' equal
But their reputations are honed and their swords

٢٧. قَومٌ إِذا سَلّوا السُيوفَ رَأَيتَها
أَمثالَهُم وَرَأَيتَهُم أَمثالَها

28. They polish and tend, keeping sharp their fine blades
Their patience prevailed, and in the battle's day

٢٨. لَكِنَّهُم أَحسابُهُم مَصقُولَةٌ
وَسُيوفُهُم يَتَعاهَدونَ صِقالَها

29. Their forbearing kinsmen met their brash and their frail
A lion accustomed to kindness and accustomed

٢٩. رَجَحَت حُلومُهُمُ وَفي يَومِ الوَغى
تَلقاُهُمُ حُلَماؤُها جُهّالَها

30. To doing good since cubhood with its whelps and its tails
Their enemies did wrong and wronged in loftiness

٣٠. أُسدٌ تَعَوَّدَتِ الجَميلَ وَعَوَّدَت
فِعلَ الجَميلِ مِنَ الصِبا أَشبالَها

31. And they protected the Euphrates' banks from their trails
O you who brought relief from disgrace, a relief

٣١. غالَت أَعاديها وَغالَت في العُلى
وَحَمَت بِأَطرافِ القَنا أَغيالَها

32. That made all worlds like one family, with you they're veiled
Shoe your steeds in horseshoes, for they

٣٢. يا مَن أَراحَ مِنَ المَذمَّةِ راحَةً
أَضحى جَميعُ العالمينَ عِيالَها

33. Are too dignified to meet the iron of horse nails
You trained them to spare their chests and to spare

٣٣. أَنعِل جِيادَكَ بِالأَهِلَّةِ إِنَّها
لَتَجِلَّ أَن تَلقى الحَديدَ نِعالَها

34. From the strike of the blade their wrists, so they're hailed
In a predicament no glory can settle,

٣٤. عَوَّدتَها أَن لا تَصونَ صُدورَها
وَتَصونُ مِن وَقعِ القَنا أَكفالَها

35. The death-bound in it would be dazed and derailed
You grasped the heights until you were its right hand

٣٥. في مَأزِقٍ لا يَستَقِرُّ بِهِ الطُلى
لَو طالَعتَ فيهِ المَنونَ لَهالَها

36. And kings became princes, to its left hand they trailed
With the white swords I repelled a dynasty

٣٦. حُزتَ العُلى حَتّى غَدَوتَ يَمينَها
وَغَدا المُلوكُ بَنو المُلوكِ شِمالَها

37. Without you, time itself would have slipped and get failed
So you established the pillars of Divine Law after

٣٧. وَرَدَدتُ بِالبيضِ الصَوارِمِ دَولَةً
لَولاكَ ما كانَ الزَمانُ أَدالَها

38. Time leaned its shoulders bearing loads heavyweight
You relieved it of constraints while you never

٣٨. فَأَقمتَ أَركانَ الشَريعَةِ بَعدَما
كانَ الزَمانُ بِمَنكِبيهِ أَمالَها

39. Stopped revealing each distress and its secret veils
So too did your father reveal its woes

٣٩. وَحَمَلتَ عَنها النائِباتِ وَلَم تَزَل
كَشّافَ كُلِّ مُلِمَّةٍ حَمّالَها

40. And from its necks remove shackles that jailed
To God is the fate of comets, for they

٤٠. وَكَذاكَ كانَ أَبوكَ يَكشِفُ ضُرَّها
وَيَفُكَّ مِن أَعناقِها أَغلالَها

41. Did not inflict upon us all that they aimed
The charms were aggrieved for his demise exceeded

٤١. لِلّهِ عاقِبَةُ الشِهابِ فَإِنَّها
ما بَلَّغَت فينا العِدا آمالَها

42. What they bemoaned when his demise they bewailed
O you whose era was graced by his presence

٤٢. وَلَقَد تَأَلَّمَتِ المَكارِمُ وَاِغتَدى
إِبلالُهُ مِمّا شَكا إِبلالَها

43. May God never deprive palaces of his trails
I confined my eulogies for your ascent though I

٤٣. يا مَن تَجَمَّلَتِ العُصورُ بِوَجهِهِ
لا أَعدَمَ اللَهُ القُصورَ جَمالَها

44. Freed them to roam the countries unfettered, unveiled
Do not praise me in any ode's lines but

٤٤. إِنّي حَبَستُ عَلى عُلاكَ مَدائِحي
وَحَلَلتُ عَنها في البِلادِ عِقالَها

45. Praise your call, for your merit has prevailed
So my tongue spoke its merits, praising only you

٤٥. لا تَحمَدَني في مَقالِ قَصيدَةٍ
وَاحمَد نَداكَ فَإِنَّ فَضلَكَ قالَها