1. From the great afflictions is the death of the great man
Would that I had died before the death of the leader
١. مِن عَظيمِ البَلاءِ مَوتُ العَظيمِ
لَيتَنِي مِتُّ قَبلَ مَوتِ الزَعيمِ
2. O my eyelids, pour blood or be scorched
My cheek is furrowed with tears like molten lead
٢. يا جُفُوني سُحّي دَماً أَو فُحُمّي
صَحنَ خَدِي بِعَبرَةٍ كَالحَميمِ
3. After the loss of a generous king
No era has destroyed one so generous
٣. بَعدَ خِرقٍ مِنَ المُلوكِ كَرِيمٍ
ما زَمانٌ أَودى بِهِ بِكَرِيمِ
4. Ja'fari of noble origin, the essence of glory and pride at its core
O Abu Kamil, though it grieves me that your abode is now the soil after comfort
٤. جَعَفرِيُّ النِصابِ مِن صَفوَةِ الصَف
وَةِ وَالفَخرِ في الصَميمِ الصَميمِ
5. Or that palaces are empty of you and your bright, handsome face
And the death of nobility, the trait of the fertile land and the habit of the miserable age
٥. يا أَبا كامِلٍ بِرَغمِي أَن تُش
قِيكَ سُكنى التُرابِ بَعدَ النَعِيمِ
6. The wine-makers have wept in sorrow for him
And the daughters of vine bewailed his loss
٦. أَو تَبِيتُ القُصُورُ خالِيَةً مِن
كَ وَمِن وَجهِكَ الوَضِيءِ الوَسيمِ
7. She complains of the absence of the leader to God
So her complaint reaches the Compassionate, Merciful
٧. وَانقِراضُ الكِرامِ مِن شِيَمِ الدَه
رِ وَمِن عادَةِ الزَمانِ اللَئِيمِ
٨. قَد بَكَت حَسرَةً عَلَيهِ المَذاكِي
وَشَكَت فَقَدَهُ بَناتُ الرَسِيمِ
٩. تَشتَكِي غَيبَةَ الزَعِيمِ إِلى اللَ
هِ فَتُشكى إِلى رَؤُوفٍ رَحِيمِ