1. The imam fulfilled his word,
May God bless the imam and his progeny.
١. أَمّا الإِمامُ فَقَد وَفى بِمَقالِهِ
صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلى الإِمامِ وَآلِهِ
2. We took shelter by his side, so he spread his grace,
His generosity, pardon, and wealth upon us.
٢. لُذنا بِجانِبِهِ فَعَمَّ بِفَضلِهِ
وَبِبَذلِهِ وَبِعَفوِهِ وَبِمالِهِ
3. No being of finer nature exists than Ma'add,
Whose word and deed are praiseworthy.
٣. لا خَلقَ أَكرَمُ مِن مَعَدٍّ شِيمَةً
مَحمُودَةً في قَولِهِ وَفَعالِهِ
4. Seek the Commander of the Faithful, for you will not see,
Any distress while shaded by his protection.
٤. فاقصُد أَمِيرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَما تَرى
بُؤساً وَأَنتَ مُظَلَّلٌ بِظِلالِهِ
5. The imam surpassed the seas with his grace,
And the full moons with his beauty and perfection.
٥. زادَ الإِمامُ عَلى البُحورِ بِفَضلِهِ
وَعلى البُدورِ بِحُسنِهِ وَجَمالِهِ
6. He ascended the throne of the caliphate from the House of Guidance,
One who is not tainted by indecent thoughts.
٦. وَعَلا سَريرَ المُلكِ مِن آلِ الهُدى
مَن لا تَمُرُّ الفاحِشات بِبالِهِ
7. Victory and support are in his banners,
And noble traits are in his attire.
٧. النَصرُ وَالتَأيِيدُ في أَعلامِهِ
وَمَكارِمُ الأَخلاقِ في سِربالِهِ
8. Seeking God's help, his era was too confining
For one of his likeness, peer, or equal.
٨. مُستَنصِرٌ بِاللَهِ ضاقَ زَمانُهُ
عَن شِبهِهِ وَنَظيرِهِ وَمِثالِهِ