
Ruins of the hillock stirred you, the whirling sands,

أهاجتك أطلال الكثيب الدوارس

1. Ruins of the hillock stirred you, the whirling sands,
Or was it those light gazelles, the delicate does?

١. أَهاجَتكَ أَطلالُ الكَثيبِ الدَوارِسُ
فَهِجنَكَ أَم تِلكَ الظِباءُ الكَوانِس

2. Naught but the abodes incited this yearning -
Abodes of Salma in Al-'Aqiq’s desert whirls.

٢. وَما هاجَ هَذا الشَوقَ إِلّا مَنازِلٌ
لِسَلمى بِصَحراءِ العَقيقِ دَوارِسُ

3. They lie neglected these five years gone,
Three passed, plus this year, four makes the fifth.

٣. عَفَت مُنذُ أَعوامٍ تَقَضَّت ثَلاثَةٍ
وَرابِعُها الماضي وَذا العامُ خامِسُ

4. Naught remains of them but traces, as though
A horse had galloped his course round about them.

٤. وَلَم يَبقَ مِنها غَيرُ نُؤى كَأَنَّهُ
مَجالٌ أَدارَ الرَكضَ حَولَيهِ فارِسُ

5. Dishevelled locks like the plumage of an ostrich,
With slave-girls to adorn them, singing black-eyes.

٥. وَشُعثٍ كَهاماتِ القسوسِ رَواكِدٍ
لَها مِن مَياجينِ الإِماءِ نَواقِسُ

6. The bare interiors seem amidst their courtyards
Like the writ leaves the day they were seized.

٦. كَأَنَّ الأَثافي السُفعَ في عَرَصاتِها
حَمائِمُ وُرقٌ يَومَ قرٍّ شَوامِسُ

7. Sanctuaries kissed by lips though prostrations long -
Those sanctuaries - and nooks where lovers once met.

٧. أَواعِسُ يُوطيها الرِكابُ وَطالَما
تُقَبَّلُ بِالأَفواهِ تِلكَ الأَواعِسُ

8. Happy the days when in them was dalliance,
And our days amidst them, thronged with gentle girls.

٨. فَيا حَبَّذا فيهِنَّ عَصرٌ لَهَوتُهُ
وَأَيّامُنا فيها الهِجانُ الأَوانِسُ

9. At even the robes of love are new stitched,
And the mid-morn airs laden with ambergris scent.

٩. عَشِيَّةَ أَثوابُ الهَوى مُستَجِدَّةٌ
وَعَصرُ التَصابي مورِقُ العُودِ نابِسُ

10. Remembrance cannot snatch what is beyond reach
When the spying eyes have snatched it from your hand.

١٠. وَما ذِكرُكَ الشَيءَ الَّذي لَيسَ راجِعاً
إِذا اِختَلَسَتهُ مِن يَدَيكَ الخَوالِسُ

11. A wailing owl, whose outcry we learned through the nights,
Wings of darkness, the hush of feathers alighting.

١١. وَعيِسٌ حَراجيجٌ عَسَفنا بِها الفَلا
وَجُنحُ الدُجى وَحفُ الجَناحَينِ دامِسُ

12. When she blinked we knew not if 'neath us were
The trailing skirts of slumber or a demon's wings.

١٢. إِذا أَرقَلَت لَم يَدرِ مَن مَدَّ طَرفَهُ
أَعِقبانُ دُجنٍ تَحتَنا أَم عَرامِسُ

13. We reached, with her, the sea of noble descent,
Though from famine emaciated, skin and bones.

١٣. وَرَدنا بِها بَحرَ السَماحِ ابنَ صالِحٍ
وَهُنَّ مِنَ الإِيجافِ هِيمٌ خَوامِسُ

14. They came back sated, drinking beneath our steps,
Thirst of wastes and barrens and mirage-haunted vales.

١٤. فَعُدنَ رِواءً تَرتَوي تَحتَ وَطئِنا
عِطاشُ الفَيافي وَالقِفارُ الأَمالِسُ

15. A prince who wearied the panegyrist's verse -
For our reed-pens failed, and the paper sheets.

١٥. فَتىً أَعجَزَ المُدّاحَ نَظمُ صِفاتِهِ
فَقَد فَنِيَت أَقلامُنا وَالقَراطِسُ

16. Choice soul, who encompassed the noble ideals
Of childhood, and manhood - peerless in both worlds.

١٦. نفِيسٌ حَوى العَلياءَ طِفلاً وَيافِعاً
فَلَيسَ لَهُ في العالَمينَ مُنافِسُ

17. His hands pour forth bounty, as if his fingers
Were clouds raining relief, in perpetual charity.

١٧. تَفيضُ يَداهُ بِالعَطاءِ كَأَنَّما
أَنامِلُ كَفَّيهِ غُيوثٌ رَواجِسُ

18. The palm of his hand is refreshed by his kindness
And everything it touches comes to life and greens.

١٨. وَتَندى مِنَ الإِحسانِ راحَةُ كَفِّهِ
فَيَخضَرُّ مِنها كُلُّ ما هُوَ لامِسُ

19. If it touched withered wood, that wood would leaf
Though it were greying ashes and dead timber.

١٩. فَلَو لامَسَ الذَاوي مِنَ العُودِ كَفُّهُ
لَأَورَقَ مِنها وَهوَ أَغبَرُ يابِسُ

20. A generous man whose fame's aroma is hospitality,
And the atmosphere around me scents from his praise.

٢٠. كَريمٌ يَفوحُ الطَيبُ مِن طيبِ ذِكرِهِ
فَتَعبَقُ عَنّي مِن ثَناهُ المَجالسُ

21. Easy of manner, refined, excellent, hospitable,
When the times greet us reproachfully and frown.

٢١. طَليقُ المُحَيّا بِالسَماحَةِ وَالنَدى
عَلَينا وَوَجهُ الدَهرِ بالبُخلِ عابِسُ

22. If he glimpsed a foe, he veiled his eyes,
As the sleepy veil their eyes when slumber calls.

٢٢. إِذا ما بَدا أَغضى مُعاديهِ طَرفَهُ
كَما غَضَّ مِن أَجفانِ عَينَيهِ ناعِسُ

23. The protector of the state, his justice a refuge,
For those the roving fortunes had wronged.

٢٣. وَإِنَّ مُعِزَّ الدَولَةِ القَيلَ عِصمَةٌ
لِمَن نَهَسَتهُ النائِباتُ النَواهِسُ

24. When some hoard kindness from men, no guardian
Stays their hands, not a soul of the House of Mirdas.

٢٤. إِذا حَبَسَ الإِحسانَ في الناسِ مَعشَرٌ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ مِن آلِ مِرداسِ حابِسُ

25. As if they were steeds atop plaited saddlebags
And lions over saddle-cloths, fangs bared.

٢٥. كَأَنَّهُمُ فَوقَ الدُسوتِ أَهِلَّةٌ
وَفَوقَ سُروجُ الخَيلِ أُسدٌ عَوابِسُ

26. When the knights unleash for battle, how excellent
Knights they are, and skilled, accomplished horsemen.

٢٦. إِذا شَنَّتِ الفُرسانُ لِلحَربِ غارَةً
فَإِنَّهُمُ فيها لَنِعمَ الفَوارِسُ

27. Due to their accord, against their enemy
They have wreaked such war and such harmony.

٢٧. وَجَرُّوا عَلى أَعدائِهِم بِائتِلافِهِم
مِنَ الحَربِ وَالإِتلافِ ما جَرَّ داحِسُ

28. They guard each other - no doubt in them -
When doubts are dispelled by well-informed minds.

٢٨. حَمى بَعضُهُم بَعضاً وَلا شَكَّ فيهِمِ
إِذا الشَكُّ رَدَّتهُ الظُنونُ اللَوابِسُ

29. So the distinguished, in their endeavours, will lack
No fair fortune, no share of accomplishment.

٢٩. فَلا يَفقِدُ العَلياءَ فيما يَرومُهُ
وَلا يَعدَمُ التَوفيقَ فيما يُمارِسُ

30. God has clothed no man, despite his frame,
In pride like yours, sublimely adorned.

٣٠. فَما أَلبَسَ اللَهُ أَمرأً فَوقَ جِسمِهِ
مِنَ الفَخرِ إِلّا دونَ ما أَنتَ لابِسُ