1. We stopped, and how long did we stop, grieving for the beloved!
A boiling, stinging grief from the core of my inner self.
١. وَقَفنافَكَم هاجَ الوُقوفُ عَلى المَغنى
غَليلاً دَخيلاً مِن لُبَينى وَمِن لُبنى
2. We persevered for twenty pilgrimages,
Yet we did not gain patience since we began persevering.
٢. وَعُجنا عَلَيهِ مُنذُ عِشرينَ حِجَّةً
تَقَضَّت فَما عُجنا عَلى الحِلمِ مُذ عُجنا
3. The four abodes are gone and destroyed, and our love
For your family does not fade or vanish.
٣. أَرَبعَ التَصابي قَد فَنِيتَ وَحُبُّنا
لِأَهلِكَ لا يَبلى فِناكَ وَلا يَفنى
4. It is as if you face what we faced of passion
And you grieve for the loss of the passionate like we grieve.
٤. كَأَنكَ تَلقى ما لَقِينا مِنَ الهَوى
وَتَضنى لِفَقدِ الظاعِنينَ كَما نَضنى
5. We asked you, if you told us, where did they set out to?
Did they head for the furthest sanctuary or the nearest hill?
٥. سَأَلناكَ لَو أَخبَرتَنا أَينَ يَمَّمُوا
أَوَعسَ الحِمى الأَقصى أَمِ الأَوعَسَ الأَدنى
6. Or when grief intensified, did the living set out
With provisions, and so they scattered from its fingertips?
٦. أَمِ الحَيُّ لَمّا أَكدَتِ المُزنُ يَمَّمُوا
ثِمالاً فَشامُوا مِن أَنامِلِهِ المُزنا
7. They took refuge in a safe quarter, protected from dew,
And turned to one who grants cities, not bodies.
٧. لَقَد نَجَعُوا رَبعاً حَصيناً مِنَ النَدى
وَصارُوا إِلى مَن يَمنَحُ المُدنَ لا البُدنا
8. A noble youth who exhausted the swords in battle
With strikes, and exhausted the firm lances with stabs.
٨. فَتى كَرَمٍ أَفنى الصَوارِمَ في الوَغى
ضِراباً وَأَفنى بِالطِعانِ القَنا اللُدنا
9. He points you with each of his hands to bounty,
Making your left hand fortunate, and your right hand blessed.
٩. يَدُلَّكَ مِن كِلتا يَدَيهِ عَلى الغِنى
فَيُسركَ لِليُسرى وَيُمنُكَ لِليُمنى
10. He is the sea, except we do not see for it
Beyond the honored ships of his wealth, vessels.
١٠. هُوَ البَحرُ إِلّا أَنّنا لا نَرى لَهُ
سِوى مُوقَراتِ العِيسِ مِن مالِهِ سُفنا
11. I composed for the best of creation a praise poem and found it
Good, so I gifted the good to the best.
١١. نَظَمتُ لِأَسنى الخَلقِ مَدحاً وَجَدتُهُ
سَنِيّاً فَأَهدَيتُ السَنِيَّ إِلى الأَسنى
12. O Abu Salih, if I was good in speech,
Then you have rewarded me for it with the best.
١٢. أَبا صالِحٍ إِن كُنتُ في القَولِ مُحسِناً
فَإِنَّكَ قَد جازَيتَني عَنهُ بِالحُسنى
13. You wronged me with generosity until you left me
Generous, so I expend my earnings before I vanish.
١٣. وَأَعدَيتَني بِالجُودِ حَتّى تَرَكتَني
أَجُودُ فَأُفِني مَكسَبي قَبلَ أَن أَفنى
14. I busied myself, my son, praising you, but you refused me.
So the one I praise and the one who is praised are you.
١٤. تَشاغَلتُ أَبني فيكَ مَدحاً وَأَبتَني
فَفيكَ الَّذي أَبني وَمِنكَ الَّذي يُبنى
15. When we are generous or breathe in blessings,
It is from you and from what you were generous with.
١٥. إِذا نَحنُ جُدنا أَو نَفَحنا بِنِعمَةٍ
فَمِنكَ وَمِمّا جُدتَ ذاكَ الَّذي جُدنا
16. And if the foremost people thank you for their provision,
Then it is you who is intended by the thanks they gave.
١٦. وَإِن شُكِرَ القَومُ الأُلى مِنكَ رِزقُهُم
فَإِنَّكَ بِالشُكرِ الَّذي شُكِروا تُعنى
17. When a man attributes bounty over the bounty of others,
Then the granter of it is most deserving of the praise given.
١٧. إِذا المَرءُ أَولى الفَضلَ مِن فَضلِ غَيرِهِ
فَمُوليهِ أَولى بِالثَناء الَّذي يُثنى