1. I wander aimlessly in the stillness of lightning
So your heart returns with attachment
١. أَتَهِيمُ بِساكِنَةِ البُرقِ
فَيَعُودَ فُؤادُكَ ذا عَلَقِ
2. You are not the memory of an unfaithful woman
Who left you melting from passion
٢. ما أَنتَ وَذِكرُ خَدَلَّجَةٍ
تَرَكَتكَ تَذُوبُ مِنَ الحُرَقِ
3. She descended in the valleys of al-Asnamah
And wandered in the rugged paths of valleys
٣. نَزَلَت بِأَجارِعِ أَسنِمَةٍ
وَشَتَت بجَزِيزِ لِوى النَفقِ
4. And loyalty, when it looked
At an apparition with nothing left but a flicker
٤. وَتَقُولُ أُمانَةُ إِذ نَظَرَت
شَبَحاً ما فيهِ سِوى الرَمَقِ
5. Can I bear love and sigh with longing?
I responded, I sought but could not endure
٥. أَتُطِيقُ هَوىً وَتَرُوحُ نَوىً
فَأَجَبتُ طَلَبتُ فَلَم أُطِقِ
6. Before living with you, did your eyes shed tears?
And did you stay awake at night?
٦. أَأُمامَ بِعَيشِكِ هَل ذَرَفَت
عَيناكِ وَهَل أَرِقت أَرَقي
7. Never again will I taste your separation
For your parting taught me my distinction
٧. لا ذُقتُ فِراقَكِ ثانِيَةً
فَفِراقُكِ عَلَّمَنِي فَرَقي
8. I suppose your necklaces are like
My throat when it trembles from anxiety
٨. وَأَظُنُّ عُقُودَكِ مُشبِهَةً
في النَحرِ إِذا قَلِقَت قَلَقِي
9. Grant me to stand commanding
The freedom of your captive and go
٩. مُنّي بِوُقُوفِكِ آمِرَةً
بِطَلاقِ أَسِيرِكِ وَانطَلِقي
10. The cattle of Maha bleated
Gladdening your heart at first light
١٠. وَبِرامَةَ سِربُ مَها بَقَرٍ
تَيَّمنَ فُؤادَكَ بالحَدَقِ
11. They gave you a cup of passion and longing
And whispers, so you were drunk but did not awake
١١. وَسَقَينَكَ كَأسَ هَوىً وَنَوىً
وَجَوى فَسَكِرتَ وَلَم تُفِقِ
12. You trusted their affection
But they were unfaithful - would that you had not trusted
١٢. قَد كُنتَ وَثِقتَ بِودِّهِمِ
وَقَلَوكَ فَلَيتَكَ لَم تَثِقِ
13. I said to night's companions
"The she-camels are forbidden on the roads
١٣. وَرَفائِقِ لَيلٍ قُلتُ لَهُم
وَالبِيدُ مُحَرَّمَةُ الطُرُقِ
14. And the sheep are melting from the heat"
Flowing down with sweat
١٤. وَالعِيسُ تَكادُ تَذُوبُ إِذا
ذابَت فَتَسِيلُ مَعَ العَرَقِ
15. They crossed Salma then Dura then Aja
Then my Haziz, then Ramah then the lightning
١٥. قَطَعُو سَلمى فَذُرى أَجاءٍ
فَحَزيزَي رامَةَ فَالبُرقِ
16. They passed the sheep in a barren land
With torn saddlebags
١٦. فَامَرُّوا العِيسِ عَلى إِضَمٍ
فَسَحِيقِ الرُدهَةِ مُنخَرِقِ
17. They came to Aleppo where they wasted gold
And excused themselves, fleeing with silk
١٧. فَأَتَوا حَلَباً فَسَفَوا ذَهَباً
وَعَفَوا فَنَفَوا بِدَرِ الوَرِقِ
18. O light of the brilliant sun
Or the shining of the glow of dawn
١٨. يا صاحِ أَضوءُ سَنا قَمَرٍ
أَم سَاطِعُ ضَوءِ سَنا فَلَقِ
19. Or is it the face of my father al-Alwan
Guiding the one clad in darkness?
١٩. أَم وَجهُ أَبِي العُلوانِ بَدا
لِهِدايَةِ مُدَّرِعِ الغَسَقِ
20. A king whose gaze falls on none
Except that he sniffs the horizon
٢٠. مَلِكٌ ما شافَ بِناظِرِهِ
إِلّا وَأَنافَ عَلى الأُفُقِ
21. Fierce, harsh, clever and sly
No one took refuge in him but was wretched
٢١. شَرِسٌ مَرِسٌ فَطِنٌ نَدِسٌ
ما لاذَ بِهِ أَحَدٌ فَشَقي
22. He flows so our ships sway
In the fragrant breeze of his spirit
٢٢. يَسرِي فَيَدُلُّ رَكائِبَنا
بِنَسِيمِ تَأَرُّجِهِ العَبِقِ
23. I imagined, so I smelled the scent of his hand
And drowned in the torrent of his rain
٢٣. أَمحَلتُ فَشِمتُ نَدى يَدِهِ
فَغَرِقتُ بِوابِلِهِ الغَدِقِ
24. He erased my non-existence and mixed my blood
With his love, so it remained for us and stayed
٢٤. وَمَحا عَدَمِي فَمَزَجتُ دَمِي
بِهَواهُ فَدامَ لَنا وَبَقي
25. My soul is diminished for the sake of a few
Who held onto their beauty - the last of my vigor
٢٥. رُوحِي وَتَقِلُّ فِدا نَفَرٍ
مَسَكُوا بِجَمِيلِهِمُ رَمَقِي
26. They dispelled my non-existence and bought my wisdom
So my words flowed and flourished and grew
٢٦. طَرَدُوا عَدَمِي وَشَروا حِكَمِي
فَغَلا كَلِمِي وَزَها وَرَقِي
27. I accompanied them high and low
Until my honor was like tatters
٢٧. وَصَحِبتُهُمُ يَفَعاً وَإِلى
أَن صارَ عِذارِي كَاليَقَقِ
28. So I accompanied a people - no one
Sought friendship with them but met
٢٨. فَصَحِبتُ مَعاشِرَ ما أَحَدٌ
طَلَبَ الشَروى لَهُمُ فَلَقِي
29. By God they are - so they are a people
Who parted with efforts that did not prosper
٢٩. لِلّهِ هُمُ فَهُمُ نَفَرٌ
راقُوا بِمَساعٍ لَم تَرُقِ
30. And we are the people - from us are withheld
The sides of roses - they were not tasted
٣٠. وَلَنحنُ القَومُ بِنا مُنِعَت
جَنَباتُ الوِردِ فَلَم تُذَقِ
31. And ours are the heroes when they descend
They declaim with covers up to the neck
٣١. وَلَنا الأَبطالُ إِذا نَزَلُوا
اِشتَمَلُوا الماذِيَّ إِلى النُطُقِ
32. And the tall spears with trimmed tips
And the short sharp swords
٣٢. وَطِوالُ الصُمِّ مُقَقَّفَةٌ
وَخِفافُ القاطِعَةِ الذُلُقِ
33. And the horses biting their bridles
Almost softening from the beating
٣٣. وَجِيادُ الخَيلِ مُعاوِدَةٌ
وَبَناتُ الدَوِّ مَعَ العَنقِ
34. And the claws scraping their faces
Changing their nature
٣٤. تَذَرُ الأَوعالَ لَدى الأَجبا
لِ مِنَ الزَلزالِ عَلى فَرَقِ
35. Leaving the meadows at the mountains
Trembling from the earthquake at the ridge
٣٥. يا فارِسَنا المِقدامَ وَقَل
بُ الذِمرِ يَطِيرُ مِنَ الشَفَقِ
36. Oh our daring knight the courageous heart
Flies from the reddening horizon
٣٦. وَالخَيلُ تَعضُّ شَكائِمَها
فَتَكادُ تَلِينُ مِنَ الخَفَقِ
37. And the horses chomp their bits
Almost melting from the pounding
٣٧. وَالنَقعُ يُبَرقِعُ أَوجُهَها
فَتَعُودُ مُبَدَّلَةَ الخُلُقِ
38. And the sand grooms their faces
Returning them altered in form
٣٨. حَسَدُوكَ لِأَنَّكَ رُقتَهُمُ
وَلِأَيِّ أُناسٍ لَم تَرُقِ
39. They envied you because you surpassed them
And for what people did you not excel?
٣٩. وَبَأَيِّ عُلىً وَبِأَيِّ نُهىً
وَبِأَيِّ سَخاءٍ لَم تَفُقِ
40. With what glory, what restraint
And what generosity were you not endowed?
٤٠. كَرَماً كَالبَحرِ لِمُغتَرِفٍ
وَثَناً كَالمِسكِ لِمُنتَشِقِ
41. Generous like the sea to one who draws from it
And praise like musk to one who inhales it
٤١. فَسَلِمتَ فَكَم لَكَ مِن مِنَنٍ
طَوَّقتَ بِها أَبَداً عُنُقِي
42. So you are safe - how much do I owe you
Graces that forever adorn my neck
٤٢. وَإِلَيكَ مُحَبَّرَةً نُسِقَت
فَأَتَتكَ مُهَذَبَةَ النَسَقِ
43. And to you were led well-trained
Coming to you refined in gait
٤٣. غَرّاءَ تَتِيهُ بِبَهجَتِها
وَبِرائِعِ مَنظَرِها الأَنِقِ
44. A lively brown mare wandering in her splendor
And the beauty of her graceful sight
٤٤. طَيَّبتُ بِذِكرِكَ مُهرَقَها
فَكَأَنَّ العَنبَرَ في اللِيَقِ
45. I scented her mention with your scent
As if amber were in her coat
٤٥. لاقَت بِعُلاكَ وَقِيلَ لَها
لِيقي بِسِواهُ فَلَم تَلِق
46. She met with your superiority and was told
"Find contentment in none but him" so she found no contentment
٤٦. خُلِقَت لِمَسَرَّةِ مُصطَبِحٍ
غَرِقٍ بِنَداكَ وَمُغتَبِقِ
47. She was created for the joy of one smiling
Drowning in your closeness and embrace
٤٧. تَبِعَ الشُعَراءُ بِها أَثَري
فَخَفِيتُ وَما عَرَفُوا طُرُقي