
The abodes of solitude aroused my passion though it was not my intent

هاج الوقوف برسم المنزل الخالي

1. The abodes of solitude aroused my passion though it was not my intent
Had it not been for the alluring glance of the gazelles, I'd not have yearned

١. هاجَ الوُقوفُ بَرَسمِ المَنزِلِ الخالي
صَبابَةً لَم تَكُن مِنِّي عَلى بالِ

2. For a beautiful one from among the graceful herd
Had you wanted safety from her, you'd be saved by every alluring, large-eyed one

٢. لَولا ظِباءُ رِماحٍ لَم أَمُت شَغَفاً
بِظَبيَةٍ مِن ظِباءِ السِربِ مِعطالِ

3. A smooth-walking, daughter of noble gait and glance
Riding a blond she-camel, her rider appearing enfeebled

٣. لَو شِئتَ نَجَّتكَ مِنها كُلُّ ناجِيَةٍ
مِرقالَةٍ بِنتِ سامي الطَرفِ مِرقالِ

4. She traverses great distances as if tightly twisted
Like the bitter plant intricately intertwined

٤. صَهباءَ مالَ مِنَ التَأَويبِ راكِبُها
مِثلَ المُعَلَّلِ مِن صَهباءَ جِريالِ

5. Towards a young man of the Shaddad, his ambition
Coupled with the radiance of the following planet

٥. تَطوي البَعيدَ وَيَطويها فَقَد جُدِلَت
جَدلَ المَريرَةِ مِن حَطٍّ وَتَرحالِ

6. Blessed of face, his smile's charm is not hidden
Like a polished sword, burnished and gleaming

٦. إِلى فَتىً مِن بَني الشَدادِ هِمَّتُهُ
مَقرُونَةٌ بِشُعاعِ الكَوكَبِ التالي

7. He meets the honored and all the people
Yet scorns the lowly by the towering lofty one

٧. مُبارَكُ الوَجهِ لا يَخفى تَهَلُّلُهُ
مِثلُ الحُسامِ جَلاهُ الصَيقَلُ الجالي

8. I was not wealthy, yet his friendship made me
Through his palms' generosity, a man of status and means

٨. تَلقى المُعِزَّ وَتَلقى الناسَ كُلَّهُمُ
فَتَزدَري الوَهدَ عِندَ الباذِخِ العالي

9. And he continued to bestow on me from his comfort's pasture
Generosity upon generosity and favor upon favor

٩. صَحِبتُهُ غَيرَ ذِي مالٍ فَصَيَّرَني
مِن جُودِ كَفَّيهِ ذا جاهٍ وَذا مالِ

10. A disposition from a generous tent, his stance
Composed of bounty, not stingy or withholding

١٠. وَباتَ يُردِفُ لي مِن سَيبِ راحَتِهِ
جُوداً بِجُودٍ وَإِفضالاً بِإِفضالِ

11. Warriors in battle, though if you attempt their superiority in peace
You find them to be nothing less than warriors

١١. سَجِيَّةٌ مِن كَريمِ الخِيمِ مَنصِبُهُ
مُرَكَّبٌ في كِرامٍ غَيرِ بُخّالِ

12. I set forth my steps, and their clouds did not cease
To rain my wishes until my aspirations were fulfilled

١٢. أَبطالُ حَربٍ وَإِن حاوَلتَ فَضلَهُمُ
في السِلمِ أَلفَيتَ مِنهُم غَيرَ اِبطالِ

13. So may God protect them from what I fear
Truly the Overseer is the perfect Eternal Preserver

١٣. أَمحَلتُ قِدماً فَما زالَت غَمائِمُهُم
تَجُودُ مَغنايَ حَتّى زالَ إِمحالي