1. For you all the good, have I forgotten our distant youth?
So time will repay you with estrangement like your estrangement, or with distance.
١. لَكِ الخَيرُ هَل أَنساك شَحطُ النَوى عَهدا
فَيُولِيكِ هَجراً مِثلَ هَجرِكِ أَو بُعدا
2. Or does love still remain, unchanging? We will increase for you,
Beyond what you were accustomed to, our affection and love.
٢. أَمِ الوُدُّ باقٍ لَم يَحُل فَنَزِيدَكُم
عَلى ما عَهِدتُم مِن مَوَدَّتِنا وُدّا
3. God has aimed at separating lovers through His name,
And tormented through separation the estrangement and distance.
٣. رَمى اللَهُ تَفرِيقَ الأَحِبَّةِ باسمِهِ
وَعَذَّبَ بِالبُعدِ القَطِيعَةَ وَالبُعدا
4. I love those whose love has been my affliction,
So how truthful was that impassioned love and how much it gave.
٤. أُحِبُّ اللَواتي حُبُّهُنَّ بَلِيَّتي
فَما أَصدَقَ الحُبَّ الشَهِيَّ وَما أَعدا
5. Its anguish is pleasurable as it passes me by,
Oh, would that I never had tasted agony or bliss.
٥. يَمُرُّ تَجَنِّيهِ وَيَحلُو عَذابُهُ
فَيا لَيتَنِي ما ذُقتُ صاباً وَلا شَهدا
6. Would that I were free of passion, never having been possessed,
By beauty, nor known happiness or love.
٦. وَيا لَيتَنِي خِلوٌ مِنَ الوَجدِ لَم أَهِم
بِجُملٍ وَلَم أَعرِفِ سُعاداً وَلا هِندا
7. Whims carried youth to old age,
Without fulfilling a religion or keeping a promise.
٧. عَفائِفُ أَوصَلنَ الشَبِيبَةَ بِالمُنى
إلى الشِيبِ لا دَيناً قَضَينَ وَلا وَعدا
8. Passion is satiated when its people are denied reunion,
And is sweetest when it is most unattainable.
٨. يُمَلُّ الهَوى ما جادَ بِالوَصلِ أَهلُهُ
وَيَحلُو إِذا ما كانَ مُمتَنِعاً جِدّا
9. I yearn for the past, though the days have carried it far,
Why am I not casting it away like the past?
٩. أَحِنُّ إِلى دَعدٍ وَقَد شَطَّتِ النَوى
بِدَعدٍ فَمَالِي لَستُ مُطَّرِحاً دَعدا
10. A soul's relationship that the passion of love enabled,
And a strange, unparalleled agony that I see no equal to.
١٠. عَلاقَةُ نَفسٍ مَكَّنَتها يَدُ الهَوى
وَوَجداً دَخيلا لا أَرى مِثلَهُ وَجدا
11. I love the generous youth who sought wealth,
But when he saw the face of wealth, he sought praise.
١١. أُحِبُّ الفَتى السَمحَ الَّذي طَلَبَ الغِنى
فلَّما رَأى وَجهَ الغِنى طَلَبَ الحَمدا
12. And I hate those whose souls do not seek praise,
Nor harbor true affection or love.
١٢. وَأَمقُتُ مَن لا تَطلُبُ الحَمدَ نَفسُهُ
وَلا يُضمِرُ الوُدَّ الصَحِيحَ وَلا وَدّا
13. Your friend who remains as long as fortunes abound,
But bites with his fangs in time of dire straits.
١٣. صَدِيقُكَ ما دامَ الرَخاءُ وَناهِشٌ
بِنابَيهِ في الخَطبِ المُلِمِّ إِذا اِشتَدّا
14. May God disfigure whoever shows affection to a villain,
Yet harbors in his gullet the opposite of what he has shown.
١٤. لَحى اللَه مَن يَبدِي لِخِلِّ مَوَدَّةً
وَيُضمِرُ في حَيزَومِهِ ضِدَّ ما أَبدَا
15. Leave the resentful man to heal through my absence,
For the absent one's absence is nothing but a gift bestowed.
١٥. دَعِ الرَجُلَ المُغتابَ يَشفى بِغِيبَتي
فَما غِيبَةُ المُغتابِ إِلّا ثَناً يُهدى
16. Would that God never grants me but nobility whenever
My envious enemies hope I'll be laid low.
١٦. أَبا اللَهُ لِي إِلّا الكَرامَةَ كُلَّما
رَجا حاسِدِي أَن أَنزِلَ المَنزَلَ الوَهدا
17. As long as this one, whose blissful face I behold, lives for me,
I will never lack in fortune or happiness.
١٧. وَما عاشَ لي هَذا الَّذي أَنا ناظِرٌ
إِلى وَجهِهِ المَسعُودِ لَم أَعدَمِ السَعدا
18. Oh Lord, one day for the virtuous Hamidi
I saw - through him - the bounty of my father given freely.
١٨. وَيا رُبَّ يَومٍ لِلحُمَيديِّ صالِحٍ
رَأَيتُ بِهِ نُعمى أَبى صالِحٍ تُسدى
19. One morning, I saw glory being built, its pavilions
Erected for him, and the heights stretch out their necks.
١٩. غَداةَ رَأَيتَ العِزّ تُبنى قِبابُهُ
لَهُ وَالعُلى تَمتَدُّ أَعناقُها مَدّا
20. And an exalted nobleman seeking livelihood anxiously,
Whether to the hardship of living or venturing out in the morn.
٢٠. وَأَطلَسَ مِدلاجٍ إلى الرِزقِ ساغِبٍ
يُراحُ إِلى ضَنكِ المَعِيشَةِ أَو يُغدى
21. He has aged, only increasing in ignorance,
Rags, unable to cease being a beggar wandering all day.
٢١. أَسَنَّ وَما يَزدادُ إِلّا جَهالَةً
وَخُرقاً وَلا يَنفَكُّ مُستَرِقاً وَغدا
22. Turning aside from the army, yet heading toward its flank,
Never a leader of men, nor having aimed for glory.
٢٢. غَدا مُعرِضاً لِلجَيشٍ يَقصُدُ جَنبَهُ
وَما كانَ أَمّاً لِلرِجالِ وَلا قَصدا
23. So when he saw the horses of death galloping
Toward him, he crawled away like snakes and crawled on.
٢٣. فَلَمّا رَأى خَيلَ المَنايا مُغِذَّةً
إِلَيهِ تَمَطّى كَالشَراكَينِ وَامتَدّا
24. But when he strove for survival, and his soul
Was certain of good, reassured and guided aright.
٢٤. فَحِينَ تَحَرّى لِلنَجاةِ وَأَيقَنَت
لَهُ نَفسُهُ بِالخَيرِ وَاستَأنَسَت رُشدا
25. The glance of a man glanced his way - had it glanced
Toward a mountain, it would have crumbled in fright.
٢٥. سَما نَحوَهُ طَرفُ امرِئٍ لَو سَما بِهِ
إِلى جَبَلٍ لَانهَدَّ مِن خَوفِهِ هَدّا
26. Upon the back of a sturdy steed, swimming
On four extended forelegs, its neck upright.
٢٦. عَلى ظَهرِ مَدمُوجِ المَرافِقِ سابِحٍ
عَلى أَربَعِ مُلدٍ تَطُولُ القَنا المُلدا
27. He was accustomed to being mounted for every lofty goal,
And determined success would always butt through.
٢٧. تَعَوَّدَ أَن يُرمى بِهِ كُلَّ مَطلَبٍ
قَصِيٍّ وَيَكتَدُّ النَجاحُ بِهِ كَدّا
28. So he hired him out to Samarra - had he extended his reigns
Charging the barricade, it would have penetrated the dam.
٢٨. فَأَوجَرَهُ سَمراءَ لَو مَدَّ باعَهُ
بِها طاعِناً لِلسُدِّ أَنفَذَتِ السُدّا
29. Yet he fell sideways to the ground, while his soul
Rejoiced at his vanquisher's rancor and hatred.
٢٩. فَخَرَّ مُكِبّاً لِلجِرانِ وَنَفسُهُ
تُسِرُّ لِمُردِيهِ الضَغِينَةَ وَالحِقدا
30. So I said to him: "O wolf, fear no harm,
For your vanquisher has felled the rose-colored lion before you."
٣٠. فَقُلتُ لَهُ يا ذِئبُ لا تَخشَ سُبَة
فَمُردِيكَ أَردى قَبلَكَ الأَسَدَ الوَردا
31. "It is but a carcass whose shame is little
When the master subdues the one who subdued lions."
٣١. وَما هِيَ إِلّا مِيتَةٌ قَلَّ عارُها
إِذا أَرغَمَ السِيدانَ مَن أَرغَمَ الأُسدا
32. The best thing you saw was a sea bordering
Another sea - we praised one and the other returned praise.
٣٢. وَأَحسَنُ ما عايَنتَ بَحراً مُجاوِراً
لِبَحرٍ حَمَدنا وَردَ هَذا وَذا وِردا
33. Please, tell me truthfully - by God - which was the sea?
Or the palm of my father Salih's hand that was more plentiful?
٣٣. أَلا نَبِّنِي ناشَدتُكَ اللَهَ صادِقاً
أذا البَحرُ أَم كَفّا أَبِي صالحٍ أَندى
34. The abundant clouds pour beautifully to the land,
But they did not pour to it as he poured.
٣٤. لَقَد أُسدَتِ السُحبُ الغِزارُ إِلى الثَرى
جَمِيلاً وَما أَسدَت إِلَيها كَما أَسدى
35. The best of all creation walked upon it,
Sweetening it until its soil turned to musk.
٣٥. مَشى فَوقَها خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ كُلِّها
فَطَيَّبَها حَتّى غَدا تُربُها نَدّا
36. And he sheltered the elite youth who sheltered
The glorious virtues of the one he sheltered.
٣٦. وَخَيَّمَ بِالحاوِي فَتىً باتَ حاوِياً
مَناقِب غُرّا مَن حَواها حَوى المَجدا
37. When the light gifts a breeze from its gentle wind,
Then from his honor the breeze he gifted blows.
٣٧. إِذا النَورُ أَهدى نَفحَةً مِن نَسِيمِهِ
فَمِن عِرضِهِ أَهدى النَسِيمُ الَّذي أَهدى
38. Contemplate the rivulets as if they are
Adorned with bracelets, adorned with pearls.
٣٨. تَأَمَّل بِعَينَيكَ الفِجاجَ كَأَنَّها
مُكَلَّلَةٌ وَشياً مُجَلَّلَةٌ بُردا
39. Their flowing has enriched us over musk whenever
It undulates, and its meadows make us forget roses.
٣٩. غِنِينا بِرَيّاها عَنِ المِسكِ كُلَّما
تَهادى وَأَنسَتنا شَقائِقُها الوَردا
40. Gardens graceful as the prince's nature,
The earth's lips moistened by its freshness and coolness.
٤٠. رِياضٌ كَأَخلاقِ الأَمِيرِ أَنِيقَةٌ
تَمُجُّ شِفاهُ الأَرضِ مِن رِيقِها بَردا
41. As if singing nightingales were set free in its land,
So every singing girl cast down her necklace upon it.
٤١. كَأَنَّ الحِسانَ الغِيدَ جُزنَ بِأَرضِها
فَأَلقَت عَلَيها كُلُّ غانِيَةٍ عِقدا
42. O my father Salih, my soul is your ransom from harm,
Though little can ransom, and great is the one ransomed.
٤٢. أَبا صالِحٍ رُوحي فِداكَ مِن الرَدى
وَإِن قَلَّ ما يُفدِي وَجَلَّ الَّذي يُفدى
43. Enjoy your world which you have filled
With such security, it has become a protected sanctuary.
٤٣. تَمَتَّع بِدُنياكَ الَّتي قَد مَلأتَها
مِنَ الأَمنِ حَتّى أَصبَحَت حَرَماً مَهدا
44. Beyond this praise, I composed this response
To gleam, peerless in brilliance, under the dew.
٤٤. وَدُونَكَ هَذا المَدحَ فَرداً نَظَمتُهُ
لِأَبلَجَ أَمسى واحِداً في النَدى فَردا
45. It has taken on the radiance of this plain's splendor,
Adorning itself with your beauty, no less and no more.
٤٥. زَها زَهو هَذا السَفحِ بِالنَورِ فَاِكتَسى
بِوَجهِكَ حُسناً لا قَليلاً وَلا ثَمدا