
If you had wished, you would have shortened my blame and my rebuke

لو شئت أقصرت من لومي ومن عذلي

1. If you had wished, you would have shortened my blame and my rebuke
For fate has divided its days against me

١. لَو شِئتِ أَقصَرتِ مِن لَومي وَمِن عَذَلي
فَالدَهرُ قَسَّمَ يَومَيهِ عَلَيَّ وَلي

2. Do not think I turn my eyes away out of despair
For sadness is for the cheek, not for the man

٢. لا تَحسَبِيني أَغُضُّ الطَرفَ مِن جَزَعٍ
فَالحُزنُ لِلخَودِ لَيسَ الحُزنُ لِلرَّجُلِ

3. How many tribulations have unveiled me
Yet I did not care for the doubt of the momentous event

٣. كَم قَد عَرَتني مِنَ الأَيّامِ نائِبَةٌ
فَما اكتَرَثتُ لِرَيبِ الحادِثِ الجَلَلِ

4. We are a people, when times get tough on us
We become tougher than lions in our dens

٤. إِنّا لَقَومٌ إِذا اِشتَدَّ الزَمانُ بِنا
كُنّا أَشَدَّ أَنابيباً مِن الأَسَلِ

5. We are cried upon, and do not cry for anyone
For we are harder in our hearts than camels

٥. يُبكى عَلَينا وَلا نَبكي عَلى أَحَدٍ
لَنَحنُ أَغلَظُ أَكباداً مِنَ الإِبِلِ

6. Of a people, calamities whirl around them
Yet they do not heed the wind's gust on the mountain

٦. مِن مَعشَرٍ تَعصِفُ الأَهوالُ حَولَهُمُ
فَما يُراعُونَ عَصفَ الريحِ بِالجَبَلِ

7. The best of all people are the family of Mirdas, and the purest of them
Of shortcomings, and the most righteous of slipups

٧. خَيرُ الوَرى آلُ مِرداسٍ وَأَطهَرُهُم
مِنَ العُيوبِ وَأَبراهُم مِنَ الزَلَلِ

8. If you meet them, you smell from them in their sittings
The smell of youths, pounding on peaks

٨. إِن تَلقَهُم تَلقَ مِنهُم في مَجالِسِهِم
شُمَّ العَرانين ضَرّابينَ لِلقُلَلِ

9. White of face, when their faces shine
In the darkness of night, they illuminate the darkness of the lost child

٩. بِيضُ الوُجُوهِ إِذا لاحَت وَجُهوهُهُمُ
في حِندِسِ اللَيلِ جَلَّوا ظُلمَةَ الطَفَلِ

10. They are not disturbed by tribulations from their time
Nor do they stay up at night fretting

١٠. لا يَقلَقُونَ لِخَطبٍ مِن زَمانِهُم
ولا يَبيتُونَ سُهّاداً مِنَ الوَجَلِ

11. You do not see them when the fire of tribulation is kindled
Deaf when the caller calls from adversity

١١. وَلا تَراهُم وَنارُ الخَطبِ مُوقَدَةٌ
صُمّاً إِذا ما دَعى الداعي مِنَ الفَشَلِ

12. My soul is ransom for them, a people, if weighed
Would lean over people, like a smooth pearl on a thread

١٢. رُوحي فِدىً لَهُمُ قَوماً إِذا وُزِنُوا
مالوا عَلى الناسِ مَيلَ الحَلي بِالعَطَلِ

13. O most generous of people, of Arabs and non-Arabs
And bravest of people, armed and unarmed

١٣. يا أَكرَمَ الناسِ مِن عُربٍ وَمِن عَجَمٍ
وَأَشجَعَ الناسِ مِن حافٍ وَمُنتَعِلٍ

14. You are the cloud that storms without fatigue
You are the stallion that gives without stinginess

١٤. أَنتَ الغَمامُ الَّذي يَهمي بِلا ضَجَرٍ
أَنتَ الجَوادُ الَّذي يُعطي بِلا بُخُلِ

15. You are the one who never brought horses charging
Except shaking the people of plains and mountains

١٥. أَنتَ الَّذي ما جَلَبتَ الخَيلَ ساهِمَةً
إِلّا وَزَلزَلتَ أَهلَ السَهلِ وَالجَبَلِ

16. If it were possible to spare you of pain
We would have spared you in the pupils and eyelashes

١٦. لَو كانَ يُمكِنُ أَن نَخباكَ مِن أَلَمٍ
يُخشى خَبَيناكَ في الأَحداقِ وَالمُقَلِ

17. The protected are ransomed by men whose goodness is little
Just as the growth of water is little in barren land

١٧. يَفدي المُعِزَّ رِجالٌ قَلَّ خَيرُهُمُ
كَما يَقِلُّ نَباتُ الماءِ في الوَشَلِ

18. If only the kings had compensation for what passed you
Yet they do not equal the value of compensation

١٨. لَيتَ المُلوكَ لَهُ مِمّا عَرا بَدلٌ
وَإِن هُمُ لَم يُساوُوا قِيمَةَ البَدَلِ