1. Why should I care for eloquent speech when chatter abounds without rhyme or reason revealed,
Laying bare what was once concealed in hearts kept hidden and suppressed.
١. مالي وَلِلفُصَحاءِ لا تَتَكَلَّمُ
كَثُرَ الجُمانُ فَمالُه لا يُنظَمُ
2. Where are those whose poets proclaimed with delusions of grandeur, boasting of false glory,
Claiming we were easy prey for their swords wherever they raided or lusted.
٢. قَد أَنطَقَتنا المُرهَفاتُ وَأَظهَرَت
ما كانَ يُخزَنُ في الصُدُورِ وَيُكتَمُ
3. Had they spoken true, their corpses would now litter the ground, torn by circling vultures,
Amid the ruins of Homs and misbegotten Aleppo, its waters bitter as tainted wellsprings.
٣. أَينَ الَّذينَ تَفَوَّهَت شُعَراؤُهُم
بِالمَينِ وَافتَخَرُوا بِما لَم يَعلَمُوا
4. May the Dezbiri never succeed in his misdeeds as his twisted path has now been made clear,
Does he take pride in slaughtering helpless lambs? Arrogant souls now humbled into fear.
٤. زَعَمُوا بِأَنا طَعمَةٌ لِسُيُوفِهِم
في كُلِّ أَرضٍ أَنجَدُوا أَو أَتهَمُوا
5. We did not meet them man to man in battle or their false courage would have been revealed,
And they would have known who was the bravest and noblest when swords clashed and fate was sealed.
٥. إِن يَصدُقُوا فَسُيُوفُ مَن تَرَكتُهُمُ
صَرعى تَهُزُّهُمُ النُسُورُ الحُوَّمُ
6. They died without unsheathing their blades as their swords drew no blood in vengeance,
Only gazing from afar as arrows pierced skulls and lances crushed bones to fragments.
٦. بِخَرابِ حِمصٍ وَالجِبابُ خَبِيثَةٌ
مِنهُم كَأَنَّ مِياهَهُنَّ العَندَمُ
7. No true man would boast of spectating death but only heroes who plunge into fate's reckonings,
Worlds apart between the Dezbiri and those who with wisdom counseled the noble Imam unfailing.
٧. لا يَنجَحَنَّ الدِزبِريُّ بِما جَرى
قِدِماً فَقَد وَضَحَ الطَريقُ الأَقوَمُ
8. One disobeys after bowing while the other rebels having gained glory and acclaim,
By my life the speaker spoke true in censuring them and I cannot fault his aim,
٨. هَل فَخرُهُ إِلّا بِمَوتِ سَمادِعٍ
أَنِفُوا وَقَد عَرَفُوا الرَدى أَن يُحجِمُوا
9. The deeds of honor breed honor while the acts of knaves breed only knaves,
You counted your days but the shame is yours not ours, bear that in mind always.
٩. لَم يَلقَهُم في مَعرَكٍ وَلَو التَقَوا
لَعَرَفت أَيُّهُمُ أَشَدُّ وَأَكرَمُ
10. The day you attacked clad in white, your horde was not worthy of food or drink
While our onslaught deprived you of hearth, home, swords, and all that you cherish.
١٠. ماتُوا بِغَيرِ حُسامِهِ وَحُسامُهُ
ما سالَ فَوقَ شِفارِهِ مِنهُم دَمُ
11. As to the border fortresses, we have kept them safe beyond the efforts of kings,
Without our scimitars, disaster would have struck, flooding in without slowing.
١١. بَل كانَ يَنظُرُ مِن بَعيدٍ وَالظُبى
تَفري الجَماجِمَ وَالقَنا يَتَحَطَّمُ
12. Savage waves would have washed over you as a roaring sea cannot be contained,
But we took on the heavy burden, holding back the surging tides that threatened to swallow all.
١٢. لا يَفخَرُ الرَجُلُ الَّذي نَظَرَ الوَغا
بَل يَفخَرُ البَطَلُ الَّذي يَتَقَحَّمُ
13. You know better what God has averted so do not pretend ignorance of our role,
Why must our lands be invaded each morn, bound again by enmity's chains.
١٣. شَتّانَ بَينَ الدِزبرِيِّ وَبَينَ مَن
نَصَحَ الإِمامَ نَصيحَةً لا تَسقَمُ
14. Do you not know that just beyond our bounds are horsemen with skin blackened by the sun
And gleaming swords, from constant vigilance along the secure border, grips hardened.
١٤. هَذا يَعُقُّ وَقَد أَطاعَ وَذا عَصى
مِن بَعدِ أَن أَضحى يُعَزُّ وَيُكرَمُ
15. On the day of struggle the battlefield was narrow with little room to maneuver,
While your women were led off as captives, some cleaved by the slashing blades.
١٥. عَمرِي لَقَد صَدَقَ الَّذي هُوَ قائِلٌ
فِينا وَفيهِ مَقالَةً لا تُخرَمُ
16. The fateful events of the past year should have enlightened and taught a perceptive soul,
You did not descend on Homs or contemplate its fallen towers and crushed homes.
١٦. أَفعالُ مَن تَلِدُ الكِرامُ كَريمَةٌ
وَفَعالُ مَن تَلِدُ الأَعاجِمُ أَعجَمُ
17. The death surrounding it should have sufficed as a lesson had any understood its wisdom,
You rejoiced at Jaafar's death, yet still found the nerve to further offend,
١٧. عَدَّدتُمُ أَيّامَكُم وَعَلَيكُم
فيها النَقِيصَةُ لا عَلَينا فاعلَمُوا
18. A cautious man cannot elude fate's decree when destiny's time has come,
The eunuch attacked you in your beds like slumbering cattle in a pen,
١٨. يَومَ الأُبَيَّضِ كانَ جُلُّ نِهابَكُم
ما كانَ يُسقاهُ الرِجالُ وَيُطعَمُ
19. As if you were helpless prey ambushed by a hissing viper in striking venom,
The wise knew they would not survive and that you would show no mercy.
١٩. وَنِهابُنا مِنكُم مَعاقِلُ حَظّكُم
مِنها المُثَقَّف وَالحُسامُ المِخذَمُ
20. Gently, gently O hot-blooded youth made heedless by wine's intemperance,
The world is a milk-dew whose taste is sweetish though it leaves a bitter aftertaste.
٢٠. أَمّا العَواصِمُ وَالثُغورُ فَلَم تَزَل
تُحمى بِنا دُونَ المُلوكِ وَتُعصَمُ
21. It was the prey of kings who then spurned it, gaining nothing they had hoped to gain,
I have been granted victory and my righteous Caliph continues to maintain,
٢١. لَولا صَوارِمُنا لَكانَت تُبَّلٌ
دَهَمَتكُمُ بِأَشَدِّ خَطب يدهمُ
22. You are unworthy to stand equal with a slave, much less a king of greatest fame,
When your ransom is required, the ransom of a black crow will do the same.
٢٢. وَلَسَحَّ مِنها عارِضٌ يَطمُو بِهِ
مِمّا وَراءَ السَدِّ بَحرٌ خِضرِمُ
23. You aspired to ascend the peaks but climbed up masked with your sword as claim,
Sitting honored among kings, treated like a friend, waited upon and served.
٢٣. لَكِن تَجَشَّمنا العَظيمَ بِأَنفَسٍ
عَظُمَت فَسُدَّ بِها المُلِمُّ الأَعظَمُ
24. You gained no good, no benefit sought, unlike what was intended by the gracious Imam,
A lofty palace in the Mashrafiya with the sturdiest pillars not to fall into ruin.
٢٤. عَنكُم وَعَن أَهلِ البِلادِ وَأَنتُمُ
أَدرى بِما دَفَعَ الإِلهُ وَأعلَمُ
25. If you gain the unmatched glory none preceded or will follow,
Honored for all time and none can ever hope to disesteem.
٢٥. فَعَلامَ تُصبَحُ كُلَّ يَومٍ أَرضُنا
تُغزى وَتُصبِحُ بِالعَداوَةِ تُلزَمُ
26. It is greatly feared what the passage of years may bring or how fate will deem,
Your nature is like the clouds of mercy and your resolve like the sword's gleaming,
٢٦. أَفَما عَلِمتُم أَن دُونَ حَرِيمِنا
قُضُباً تُشامُ وَمُقرَباتٍ تُلجَمُ
27. Your will is hardened and through triumph you sustain whom you will or deprive at whim,
Remain forever verdant in vigor, divinely supported to give or withhold on a fateful whim.
٢٧. وَفَوارِساً سُودَ الجُلُودِ لِطُولِ ما
يَصدا عَلَيها السابِريُّ المُحكَمُ
٢٨. بِأَكُفِّهِم بِيضٌ تَطِنُّ شِفارُها
حَتّى كَأَنَّ شِفارَها تَتَكَلَّمُ
٢٩. يَومَ المَشاهِدِ وَالقَنا مُتَضايِقٌ
ما بَينَهُ وَالرِيحُ خُرقٌ تَنسِمُ
٣٠. وَحُماتُكُم أَسرى تُقادُ وَمِنهُمُ
شَرقٌ بِما شَرِقَ السِنانُ اللَهذَمُ
٣١. قَد كانَ في العامِ المُقُدَّمِ عِبرَةٌ
لَكمُ وَعلِمٌ لِامرِئٍ يَتَعَلَّمُ
٣٢. لَم تَنزِلُوا حِمصاً وَلَم تَتَأَمَّلُوا
قِمَماً تُداسُ بِها وَدُوراً تُهدَمُ
٣٣. وَعَظَتكُم تِلكَ المَصارِعُ حَولَها
لَو أَنَّ مَن سَمِعَ المَواعِظَ يَفهَمُ
٣٤. وَعَلى كَفَر طابَ بِمَصرَعِ جَعفَرٍ
حِرتُم فَكَيفَ جَسَرتُمُ أَن تُقدِمُوا
٣٥. لا يَنفَعُ الرَجُلَ الَّذي هُوَ حازِمٌ
يَوماً إِذا نَزَلَ القَضاءُ المُبرَمُ
٣٦. هَجَم الخَصِيُّ بِكُم عَرِينَ ضَراغِمٍ
خَطَرُ الهُجُومِ عَلى الَّذي يَتَهَجَّمُ
٣٧. وَكَأَنَّما كُنتُم وَكانَ فَرِيسَةً
فَرَّت فَأَدرَكَها الهِزَبرُ الضَيغَمُ
٣٨. مَرَةٌ مُخَدَّرَةً تَسِيرُ وَحَولَها
لَجِبٌ يَسُدُّ الخافِقَينِ عَرَمرَمُ
٣٩. حَكَمَت عُقُولُ ذَوي العُقولِ بِأَنَّهُم
لا يَسلَمُونَ وَأَنَّها لا تَسلَمُ
٤٠. يا رِفقُ رِفقاً رُبَّ فَحلٍ غَرَّةُ
ذا المَشرَبُ الأَهنى وَهَذا المَطعَمُ
٤١. حَلَبٌ هِيَ الدُنيا تُحَبُّ وَطَعمُها
طَعمانِ حُلوٌ في المَذاقِ وَعَلقَمُ
٤٢. قَد رامَها صَيدُ المُلوكِ وَعاوَدُوا
عَنها وَما غَنِمُوا وَلَكِن غُنِّموا
٤٣. شُرِيت بِنَصرٍ وَالحُلا حِلِ صالِحٍ
فِيمَن يُباعُ لِسائِمٍ يَتَسَوَّمُ
٤٤. ما أَنتَ أَهلاً أَن تَكونَ لِسَنبَرٍ
كُفؤاً وَلا مَلِكُ الزُنُوجِ الأَعظُمُ
٤٥. لَكِن إِذا حَضَرَ الفِداءُ فَإِنَّما
تُفدى بِما يُفدى الغَرابُ الأَسحَمُ
٤٦. رُمتَ الصُعُودَ فَقَد صَعِدتَ مُعَمَّماً
بالسَيفِ أَحسَنَ عِمَّةٍ تَتَعَمَّمُ
٤٧. وَجَلَستَ ما بَينَ المُلوكِ مُكَرَّماً
تُرعى كَما يُرعى الصَديقُ وَتُخدَمُ
٤٨. وَثَوَيتَ لا خَيراً حَويتَ وَلا نَوى
ما قَد نَوَيتَ لَنا الإِمامُ الأَكرَمُ
٤٩. يابانياً بِالمَشرَفِيَّةِ وَالقَنا
بَيتاً مِنَ العَلياءِ لا يَتَهَدَّمُ
٥٠. إِن فُزتَ بِالشرَفِ الَّذي لا آخِرٌ
في الدَهرِ فازَ بِهِ وَلا مُتَقَدِّمُ
٥١. فَلِأَجلِ أَنَّكَ ما حَيِيتَ وَإِنَّما
يُخشى عَلَيكَ مَدى الزَمانِ وَيُحكَمُ
٥٢. خُلُقاً كَأَندِيَةِ الغَمامِ وَهِمَّةً
مِثلَ الحُسامِ وَعَزمَةً لا تَكهَمُ
٥٣. لا زِلتَ مُخضَرَّ الجَنابِ مُؤَيّداً
بِالنَصرِ ترزُقُ مَن تَشاءُ وَتَحرِمُ