1. Your whiteness did not flash in its clouds
Except the rain of religion smiled for it
١. ما بَرِقَت بيضُكَ في غَمامِها
إِلّا وَغَيْث الدّينِ لاِبتِسامِها
2. Very much praised, the praised one, earnestly and truly
He spread the skin of earth with the rule of its generality
٢. مَحمودٌ المَحمودُ جَدّاً وجِدّاً
أَرخَصَ جِلدَ الأَرضِ حكمَ عامِها
3. A king who removed Rome from its crosses
His defence and attack made its idols collapse
٣. مَلْكٌ أَزالَ الرُّومَ عَن صُلبانِها
دِفاعُهُ وكبَّ مِن أَصنامِها
4. He roamed yesterday over the Golan
The Oryxes yellowed from his ostriches
٤. جالَ عَلى الجَوْلانِ أَمس جَولةً
صَفَّرَتِ الأُدحيَّ مِن نَعامِها
5. And he made it drink the bitterness of his bitterness
And a sharp brave from his determination set forth
٥. وَالجَوْنُ قَد جَرَّعَها أُجونُهُ
وفَلَّ مشحوذاً مِنِ اِعتِزامِها
6. The youth tightened the knots for him
Fuel for the fire of stoked Qaht grains in its midst
٦. وَشَدَّ في القدِّ لَهُ مَليكُها
قَود عَتودِ القَوْطِ في شبامِها
7. And in the commotion, a cloud came to him
They became rainless, dried in its collision
٧. وَفي الرُّها صابَت لهُ سَحابَةٌ
صَاروا جُفَاء خَفَّ في اِلتِطامِها
8. And storms blew to him in blowing
Thunder roared from its roaring
٨. وَهبَّ في هابٍ لَهُ عَواصِفٌ
تَجَهّمتها الْهِفَّ مِن جَهامِها
9. And blasphemy babbles incoherently on its forehead
The kiss of gazelles, refused over its markings
٩. وَكَفْرُ لاثا لاثَ في جَبينِها
لَثمُ ظُباً أَبَت على أَشامِها
10. And incidents under which prosody is dismissed
The stringing of Pleiades in the expanse of its sphere
١٠. وَقائِعٌ يَرفَضُّ تَحتَ وَقعِها
نَظمُ الثُّرَيَّا في فضا مصامِها
11. So the moment of whiteness when he counts it
A whip of torment poured in its days
١١. فَساعَة البيضِ إِذا عدَّدها
سَوط عَذابٍ صبَّ في أيّامها
12. And how strange are the ties of polytheism
Reasonability did not tie over its dreams
١٢. وَا عَجباً لعُصبِ الشّركِ الّتي
لَم يَعصِب الرُّشدُ عَلى أَحلامِها
13. The wisdom of its moderation in its madness
In the deficiency of what I reaped from its project
١٣. حِكمَةَ اِستِواءها في غيّها
في نَقصِ ما أحصدَ مِن إِبرامِها
14. The banners and opinion are victorious when
War walks stumbling in its bridle
١٤. مُظفَّر الرّاياتِ والرّأيِ إذا ال
حَربُ مَشت تَعثُر في خِطامِها
15. With him the ambitions reached the height of sublimity
Either they are the stars or the forelocks of resolve
١٥. عَدَت بِهِ حَدَّ العَلاءِ هِمَمٌ
هُنّ النجومُ أَو نَواصي هامِها
16. The life bowed to him beyond its coffin
Excuse me, it did not twist on its bridle
١٦. جَلَت لَهُ الدُّنيا عَلى زَبرجِها
عَفواً فَلم تلوِ على خطامِها
17. It saw him and he is the lion whose nails are bloodied
More conclusive in the problematic than its rulers
١٧. رَأتهُ وهوَ اللَّيْثُ يدمي ظفرُهُ
أَنفذ في المشكِلِ مِن حُكّامِها
18. And crowned him glory in a position
The Belt of Orion girded itself in its system
١٨. فَتَوّجَتهُ العزّ في مَرتَبَةٍ
تَمنطّقَ الجَوزاء في نِظامِها
19. Wrathful to Islam, he is not angered by the
Surrendering to compulsion from its Islam
١٩. غَضبان لِلإِسلام لا يُغيظُهُ اِسْ
تِسلامُها لِلقسّر مِن إِسلامِها
20. He walked in the footsteps of a father obeyed by the
Horizons and watched carefully for its plunder
٢٠. خَطَّ عَلى مِثل أَبٍ طاعَت لَهُ الْ
آفاقُ وَاِستَشرَفَ لاِغتِشامِها
21. The world moves on to his preference
Iraq versus Syria vying for his attention
٢١. تَصرِفُ الدّنيا عَلى إِيثارِهِ
عِراقَها مُستردفاً بِشامِها
22. If there were none except the granted wish then he missed the wish
And seated the winner from its pillars
٢٢. لَو لَم يَكُن دونَ مِنى فاتَ المُنى
وَأَقعدَ الفائِزَ مِن قوّامها
23. The water of Mecca quenched many places
The live-long day falls short of weaning itself from it
٢٣. وامْتَك ماءَ مَكّةَ رَواضعٌ
يَقصُرُ باعُ الدّهرِ عَن فِطامِها
24. And he became like the burning ember, and his
Noblest family deserted from its position
٢٤. وَصارَ كَالجَمرِ الجمار وَخَلا
مِن أَهلِهِ الأَشرَفُ مِن مَقامِها
25. And through it you continue to rise in a protected place
From the painful wounds or wrappings
٢٥. وَدونَها لازِلتَ تَرقى في حِمىً
مِن مُؤلِمِ الأَرواءِ أَو لِمامِها
26. You dress the House of God in the raiment of Yemen
Which reads your signs from its flags
٢٦. تُلْبِسُ بَيتَ اللَّهِ وَشيَ يَمَنٍ
يَقَرأ آياتكَ مِن أَعلامِها
27. Indeed religion is a mill you geared
And a resolute man empowered over its reins
٢٧. فَإِنّما الدّينُ رَحىً قَطّبتَها
وَبازِل مُكِّنتَ مِن زِمامِها
28. Hopes led us to you like the Kaaba
The night bowed in verse to its surrender
٢٨. أَمَّت بِنا الآمالُ مِنكَ كَعبَةً
سِلم اللّيالي آيَةُ اِستِسلامِها
29. And you ennobled us with the honor of grace
We ask Allah for nothing but its permanence
٢٩. وَأَرشفَتنا بكَ ثَغرَ نِعمَةٍ
لا نَسأَلُ اللَّه سِوى دَوامِها