
In Damascus are men of peace

ودمشق في دمشق رجال سلم

1. In Damascus are men of peace
For the beautiful women of Damascus, some are women

١. وَدَمشَقَ في دِمَشقَ رِجالُ سِلمٍ
لِحُورِ نِسائِهم مِنهُم نِساءُ

2. It is paradise, healthy and sublime
Empty of blemish or defect

٢. هِيَ الفِرْدَوْسُ أَصبَحَ وهوَ عافٍ
مِنَ العالي وَمِن خالٍ خلاءُ

3. Gardens where gardens are known
With no opinion or satiation there

٣. جِنانٌ تَعرِفُ الجَنَّات فيها
وَلا رَأيٌ هُناكَ وَلا رواءُ

4. Its rugged parts are smooth and its far parts are near
And you can lead and ride

٤. لأَسمَح صَعبِها وَدَنَت قصاها
وَأَمكَنَك اِقتِيادٌ وَاِمتِطاءُ

5. What excellent gifts are the gifts of the Lord
Doubled by his grace refreshing the soul

٥. وَيا نِعْمَ العَطاء عَطاءُ رَبٍّ
تَوَسَّطَهُ فَأَنشَطَهُ عَطاءُ

6. Good omens in his name, so luck itself
Will keep faith with you

٦. تَفاءَلَ بِاِسمِهِ فَالفَألُ وَعْدٌ
يَكونُ عَلى ظُباكَ بِهِ الوَفاءُ

7. He is the reason its strength sparked
And his service polished it to clarity

٧. هوَ السَّببُ الَّذي شَزرت قُواهُ
وَهَذَّبَهُ بِخِدمَتِكَ الصّفاءُ

8. A sword - if you unsheathe it you unsheathe a blade
And if sheathed, still fire, pure flame

٨. وَسَيفٌ إِن تَشِمْهُ تَشِمْ حُسَاماً
وَإِنْ يُغْمَدْ فَنارٌ بَل ذكاءُ

9. Its gardens have granted you the happiness of a right choice
To stare down those who would deceive you, blessing you

٩. جَنَتْهُ لَكَ السّعادَةُ قَطْفَ رَأيٍ
لِنَقبِ الخادِعيكَ بِهِ هناءُ