
You tormented my eyes with wakefulness

عذبت طرفي بالسهر

1. You tormented my eyes with wakefulness
And confused my heart with thoughts

١. عَذَّبْتَ طَرْفيَ بالسَّهَرْ
وأَذَبْتَ قلبيَ بالفِكَرْ

2. And after your distance you mixed the purity of my affection with gloom
And gave my body sorrow

٢. ومزجْتَ صفْوَ مودَّتي
من بَعد بُعْدِكَ بالكَدَرْ

3. And lined my eyelids with wakefulness
You were unkind to youth what fault of his

٣. وَمَنَحت جُثماني الضَّنَى
وَكَحلْتَ جفَنْيَ بالسَّهَرْ

4. Is it that he saw your beautiful face
Oh my heart woe unto you, how much you err

٤. وجَفَوْتَ صَبّاً ما لَهُ
عن حُسْن وجهك مُصْطَبَرْ

5. Leave arrogance, how much you are tempted
Why do you pretend to be content

٥. يا قلبُ ويْحَكَ كم تُخا
دَع بالغُرُور وكم تُغَرْ

6. With gazelles, when you are tempted by does
A gazelle who surpasses if he frolics

٦. وإِلامَ تكْلَفُ بالأَغَن
نِ من الظباء وبالأَغَرّ

7. Or struts, with a glance of his eye
Eyes have left you, their leaving

٧. ريمٌ يُفَوّقُ إنْ رما
ك بِسَهمِ ناظره النَظَرْ

8. Is dangerous for him who is not cautious
They shot him but ignored his cries

٨. تَرَكَتْكَ أَعْيُن تَرْكُهَا
من بأسهنَّ على خَطَرْ

9. They wounded him with a wound not cured by threads or needles
Playing and toying with minds are the eyes of the young

٩. وَرَمَتْ فَأَصمَت عَن قِسي
يٍ لا يُناطُ بها وتَرْ

10. As if they are bracelets and for them anklets
They hide love and secretly rejoice

١٠. جَرَحَتْكَ جَرْحاً لا يُخَي
يَطُ بالخيوطِ ولا الإِبَرْ

11. And the secret of your love is exposed
Is there any respite for your love

١١. تَلْهُو وَتَلعَب بالعُقُو
ل عيونُ أبناء الخَفَرْ

12. That leads to it so it awaits
My soul is ransom for Shadhin

١٢. فكأنَّهُنَّ صَوالِجٌ
وكأنَّهُنَّ لها أُكَرْ

13. I am in danger for his love
A fawn that perplexes minds

١٣. تُخفي الهَوَى وتُسِرُّهُ
وخَفيُّ سِرِّكَ قَد ظَهَرْ

14. If he bends or struts
The doe of does, when he saw him, he excused him

١٤. أَفَهَلْ لِوَجْدكَ من مَدَى
يُفْضي إِلَيهِ فَينتظرْ

15. A moon that adorns the light of dawn
His forehead is darkened by night of hair

١٥. نفسي الفِدَاءُ لشادِنٍ
أَنا مِن هَواهُ على خطرْ

16. His cheek is reddened
So you see a trace on it

١٦. رَشَأٌ تحار له الخَواطر
إنْ تثنَّى أو خَطَرْ

17. He is like a crescent moon veiled
More beautiful than the full moon if it appeared

١٧. عذل العذول وما رآ
هُ فَحين عايَنَه عَذَرْ

18. Woe to him, how beautiful he is
In my ardent heart and how bitter

١٨. قمرٌ يَزين ضوءَ صب
ح جبينه ليلُ السَّعَرْ

19. After him my forbidden sleep
And the spring of my pleasures is barren

١٩. تُدْمي اللّواحظُ خَدَّه
فترى لها فيه أَثَرْ

20. I swear by Mash'ar and Safa
And the House and the stone

٢٠. هو كالهلال مُلَثَّماً
والبدْرِ حُسْناً إنْ سَفَرْ

21. And the one who strove and circumambulated there
The noble Sayyid son of the noble Sayyid Abu Mudhar

٢١. وَيْلاَهُ ما أحلاهُ في
قلبي الشَجِيّ وما أَمَرْ

22. Showed ingratitude and did not return
My slave I had gifted

٢٢. نومي المحرَّم بَعْدَهُ
وربيع لذّاتي صَفَرْ

23. So I resorted from him to the pure clan of Umayyah
The shining stars

٢٣. بالمشْعَرَيْن وبالصَّفا
والبيتِ أُقْسم والحَجَرْ

24. And I rejected loyalty to Haydar
And turned away from him to Umar

٢٤. وبمن سَعَى فيه وطا
ف ولَبَّى واِعْتَمَرْ

25. And I deny the narrator and refrain
In the appearance of the Awaited One

٢٥. لَئِنِ الشريف المُوسَوي
يُ ابن الشريف أبي مُضَرْ

26. And when they narrate news of the young man
I say the news is unconfirmed

٢٦. أبْدَى الجُحُودَ ولم يَرُد
دَ إليَّ مملوكي تَتَرْ

27. And I wore in it clothes
Faded and ragged

٢٧. والَيْتُ آل أُمَيَّةَ الط
طُهُر الميامينِ الغُرَرْ

28. And when the Companions are mentioned among people
I say the first is the Sheikh of Taym then his companion Umar

٢٨. وجَحَدْتُ بَيْعَةَ حَيْدَر
وَعَدَلْتُ عنه إلى عُمَرْ

29. A sword never drew on the family of the Prophet or was sharpened
Nor did the camel stop them from inheritance or deter

٢٩. وأُكَذِّبُ الراوي وأَطْ
عَنُ في ظُهور المُنْتَظَرْ

30. And it granted them goodness and did not rip the scripture or slash
And I cry for the martyred Uthman

٣٠. وَإِذا رَوَوا خَبرَ الغَدي
رِ أَقول ما صَحَّ الخَبَرْ

31. The crying of city women
And I praise the beauty of his prayers

٣١. وَلَبِست فيهِ مِنَ المَلا
بِسِ ما اِضْمَحَلَّ وَما دَثَرْ

32. The wing of darkness that gathered
And I read from the pages of his scripture

٣٢. وَإِذا جَرى ذِكْرُ الصَّحا
بة بين قومٍ واشْتَهَرْ

33. Acquittal and The Groups
And I eulogized Talhah and Zubair

٣٣. قلتُ المُقَدَّمُ شيخُ تي
مٍ ثمَّ صاحبُهُ عُمَرْ

34. With every new poetry
And I visit their graves and deter

٣٤. ما سَلَّ قَطُّ ظُباً على
آلِ النّبيّ ولا شَهَرْ

35. Whoever mocks me or deters me
And I say their disobedient mother

٣٥. كلّا ولا صَدَّ البَتُو
لَ عَنِ التُّراث ولا زَجَرْ

36. Is one of the greatest sins
She rode a camel and traveled from her sons among groups

٣٦. وأثابَهَا الحُسْنَى وما
شَقَّ الكتابَ ولا بَقَرْ

37. She came to make peace between the army of the Muslims
So Abu Hasan came and pulled his sword amidst the fray

٣٧. وبَكَيْتُ عثمانَ الشَّهي
د بُكاءَ نسوان الحَضَرْ

38. And made his brothers taste misery
And hamstrung their mother's camel

٣٨. وشرحْتُ حُسْنَ صلاته
جُنْحَ الظَّلام المُعْتَكِرْ

39. It would not have hurt him to restrain
And pardon them when he could

٣٩. وَقَرأتُ مِن أَوراقِ مُصْ
حَفِهِ البراءَةَ والزُّمَرْ

40. And I say your Imam
Turned tail at Siffin and fled

٤٠. وَرَثَيت طَلْحَةَ والزُّبَيْ
رَ بكلّ شِعْرٍ مُبْتَكَرْ

41. And I say if Muawiya erred
Fate did not err

٤١. وَأَزورُ قَبرهما وأزْ
جُرُ مَن لحاني أو زَجَرْ

42. Muawiya did not betray nor did Amr plan
A hero by his character he fights

٤٢. وأقولُ أُمُّ المؤمني
نَ عُقُوقُهَا إحدى الكِبَرْ

43. Not by the blade of his sharp sword
And I harvested the ripe dates of partisans

٤٣. ركبَتْ على جَمَلٍ وسا
رت من بنيها في زُمَرْ

44. What becomes jam and ferments
And I say the sin of the dissenters

٤٤. وَأَتَت لِتُصْلح بينَ جَي
شِ المُسلمينَ على غَرَرْ

45. Upon Ali is forgiven
No avenger for their fighting

٤٥. فَأَتى أَبو حَسنٍ وسَل
لَ حُسَامَهُ وَسَطا وَكَرْ

46. In Nahrawan, not a trace
And al-Ash'ari by what he claims

٤٦. وأذاق إخْوَتَه الرَّدَى
وبَعيرَ أُمِّهم عَقَرْ

47. Their matter to him is as clear as poetry
He said erect a pulpit for me

٤٧. ما ضَرَّهُ لو كان كَف
فَ وعَفَّ عنهم إذ قدرْ

48. For I am innocent of danger
They did so, he said: I reject your master

٤٨. وَأَقولُ إِنّ إمامَكُم
ولَّى بصِفِّين وفَرّ

49. And he summarized and abridged
And I say Yazid did not drink wine or sin

٤٩. وَأَقولُ إِنْ أَخطا مُعا
وِيةٌ فما أخْطَا القَدَرْ

50. And he ordered his army to refrain
From the children of Fatima

٥٠. هَذا وَلَم يَغدُر مُعا
وِيَة ولا عَمرو مَكَرْ

51. And he has with the Sacred House a hand that atones what is sinful
And Shimr did not kill Al-Husayn

٥١. بَطلٌ بسَوْأتِه يُقا
تِلُ لا بصارمِهِ الذَّكَرْ

52. Nor did the son of Sa'd betray
And I shaved in the sacred months

٥٢. وَجَنيتُ مِن رُطَبِ النَّوا
صِبِ ما تتمَّر واِخْتَمَرْ

53. However much hair grew long
And I intended to fast its daytime

٥٣. وأقول ذَنْبُ الخارجي
ن على عليٍّ مُغْتَفَرْ

54. And other days too
And I wore in it the finest clothes

٥٤. لا ثائِرٌ لقتالهم
في النَّهْرَوان ولا أثرْ

55. Stored for the seasons
And I stayed up at night cooking stew

٥٥. والأَشْعَرِيُّ بما يؤو
لُ إِلَيهِ أمرُهُما شَعَرْ

56. From dinner to dawn
And I went out kohl lined

٥٦. قالَ اِنصبوا لي مِنْبَراً
فأنا البريءُ من الخَطَرْ

57. Whoever I met of people I rebuked
And I stood in the middle of the road

٥٧. فَعَلا وقالَ خَلَعت صا
حبَكُم وأوجَزَ واخْتَصَرْ

58. I rebuked whoever passed
And I ate carrots with fish meat

٥٨. وَأَقول إِنّ يزيدَ ما
شَرِبَ الخمورَ ولا فَجَرْ

59. And made it the best food, fruits and vegetables
And I washed my feet in view

٥٩. وَلِجَيشِه بالكَفِّ عن
أَبناءِ فاطمة أَمَرْ

60. And wiped my socks when traveling
Amen, I say loudly in prayer

٦٠. وَلَهُ مَعَ البيت الحرا
م يدٌ تُكَفِّرُ ما غَبَرْ

61. Like those before me who said it loudly
And I voice the murmuring of graves

٦١. والشَّمِرُ ما قتل الحُسَيْ
نَ ولا ابنُ سَعْدٍ ما غَدَرْ

62. For every grave that is dug
And if a man sought evidence

٦٢. وَحَلَقْتُ في عَشرِ المُحَر
رَمِ ما اسْتَطَال من الشَّعَرْ

63. And rejected my words and persisted
Or said I do not accept

٦٣. ونَوَيْتُ صَومَ نَهارِهِ
وصيامَ أيّامٍ أُخَرْ

64. I said he has disbelieved
And I silenced him and deterred him

٦٤. وَلَبِست فيهِ أَجَلَّ ثَو
بٍ لِلمَواسم يُدَّخَرْ

65. And my word deters sufficiently
And I supported the misguidance of Sham

٦٥. وَسَهِرتُ في طَبخِ الحبو
ب من العِشاء إلى السَّحَرْ

66. Over the widespread misguidance
And I obeyed them and maligned

٦٦. وغَدَوْتُ مُكَحَّلاً أصا
فح مَن لقيتُ من البَشَرْ

67. Reported tradition and traces
And I settled with worthless people

٦٧. ووقفتُ في وسط الطَّري
قِ أَقُصُّ شاربَ من عَبَرْ

68. And imitated them though they were boorish
Boorish you see in their forbearance

٦٨. وأكلتُ جرجيرَ البُقُو
لِ بِلَحمِ جرّي البَحرْ

69. The frivolity of the dark when it startles
And their passion is like their passion

٦٩. وَجَعلتُها خَيرَ المآ
كِلِ وَالفواكِهِ والخُضَرْ

70. And mixture of their foul water
Their scholar is ignorant

٧٠. وَغَسلتُ رِجلي حاضِراً
وَمَسحتُ خُفِّيَ في السَّفَرْ

71. And the brother of religion is contemptible
And their lightweight is burdensome

٧١. آمين أجْهَرُ في الصَّلا
ةِ كَمَن بِها قبلي جَهَرْ

72. And their burdensome one is enlightened
And I speak like their words

٧٢. وأسنُّ تسْنيمَ القُبو
رِ لِكلُّ قبرٍ يُحْتَفَرْ

73. Openly it has spread
My bellows are broken

٧٣. وإِذا اِمرُؤٌ طَلَبَ الدّلِي
لَ وَردَّ قَولي واِستَمرّ

74. And my skillet in it deficient
And their nature is like their mountains

٧٤. أَو قالَ لي أَنا لا أُسْ
لِمُ قُلتُ هذا قَد كَفَرْ

75. Created and kindled from stone
What the warbling realizes the trilling of bulbuls at dawn

٧٥. وكَفَفْتُهُ وزجَرْتُهُ
وكفى بقولي مُزْدَجَرْ

76. And I say on a day whose insight and vision embarrass it
And the pages are unfurled

٧٦. وأَعَنْتُ ضُلّالَ الشّآ
مِ عَلى الضَّلالِ المُشتهرْ

77. And the fire brands sparks
This noble one misguided me

٧٧. وأَطَعْتُهُم وطعنتُ في ال
خبر المُعَنْعَنِ والأَثَرْ

78. After guidance and insight
I have in the world no misguided one

٧٨. وَسَكَنْتُ جِلَّقَ واقْتَدَيْ
تُ بِهِم وَإِن كانوا بَقَرْ

79. Except the noble Sayyid Abu Mudhar
So it will be said take the hand of the noble one

٧٩. بَقرٌ ترى بِحَليمِهم
طَيش الظَّليم إذا نَفَرْ

80. For he is settled just like hellfire
A blazing flame that does not

٨٠. وَهَواؤُهم كَهَوائِهم
وَخليطِ مائِهم القَذرْ

81. Leave upon him and does not spare
So fear Allah for the evil of your deeds

٨١. وَعَليمُهم مُسْتَجْهل
وأخو الدّيانة مُحْتَقَرْ

82. And beware of all precaution
And Allah forgives the evildoer

٨٢. وَخَفيفُهُم مُستَثقل
وثقيلهم فيه العِبَرْ

83. If he disavows and makes excuses
Except one who rejects the successor

٨٣. وَأَقولُ مِثلَ مقالهم
بالفاشريّة قد فَشَرْ

84. And his loyalty, and one who disbelieves
And to you bedouin refined

٨٤. مَصطيحَتي مَكسورَةٌ
وَفَطيرَتي فيها قِصَرْ

85. Refined by its refining the civilized
Syrian, were it not Syrian

٨٥. وطِباعُهُم كجبالهم
جُبِلت وقُدَّتْ من حَجَرْ

86. The most eloquent would falter
And he realized and knew I am

٨٦. ما يُدرِك التَشبيبُ تغ
ريدَ البلابل في السَّحَرْ

87. A sea and my words pearls
A poem like beads

٨٧. وَأَقول في يومٍ تَحا
رُ لَهُ البَصيرةُ وَالبَصَرْ

88. Swaying in ink
I dyed it so it became

٨٨. والصُّحُفُ يُنْشَرُ طَيُّهَا
والنّارُ ترمي بالشَّرَرْ

89. Like a garden's blossoms from early rain
And to the noble one I sent it

٨٩. هذا الشّريفُ أَضَلَّنِي
بَعدَ الهداية والنَّظَرْ

90. When he read it he was stunned
He returned the boy and did not persist

٩٠. ما لي مُضِلٌّ في الوَرى
إِلّا الشريف أَبو مُضَرْ

91. In ingratitude nor insist
And he rewarded me and I thanked him

٩١. فَيُقالُ خُذ بِيَد الشري
ف فَمُسْتَقَرٌّ كما سَقَرْ

92. He said you were patient indeed
And I attained wishes from him

٩٢. لَوَّاحةٌ تَسْطُو فما
تُبْقي عليه ولا تَذَرْ

93. Patience rewards with triumph in the end

٩٣. فَاِخْشَ الإِلهَ بِسوءِ فِع
لك واحْذَرَنْ كلَّ الحَذَرْ