1. Alas! Who can protect whom you decide to take
Where are they from your irresistible decrees?
١. هَيهاتَ يِعصِمُ مَن أَرَدتَ حِذارُ
أَنّى وَمن أَوهاقِكَ الأقدارُ
2. You set upon him the excuse of Giselin
Neither drawn out nor passed through
٢. طَلَعَت عَلَيكَ بِجُوسِلين ذَريعَةٌ
لا سَحلَ أَنشاها وَلا إِمرارُ
3. And happiness you kept denying him
So it healed, and it was the constant wound gushing
٣. وَسَعادةً ما زِلتَ تُمْرَى خَلفَها
فَيَشِفُ وهوَ النّاتِقُ المِدْرارُ
4. She showed you what loyalty brings in return
And showed him how the traitor prospers
٤. فَأَرَتْكَ ما يَجني الوفيَّ وفاؤُه
وَأَرته كَيفَ يُحيَّن الغدّارُ
5. A bitter tree on fertile ground growing
Thus the righteousness in it was nullified
٥. عُودٌ أَمَرّ على أَبارك طَلْعُهُ
فَأُحيلَ ذاكَ البرّ وهوَ بَوارُ
6. While you enjoyed, he persisted in his rebellion
And Allah destroys what the unbelievers build
٦. ما زِلتَ تَنعَمُ وَهوَ يكفُر عاتِياً
وَاللَّه يَهدِمُ ما بنى الكفَّارُ
7. Until He allowed for his people what he brought upon
Thamud from the hamstringing of the she-camel
٧. حَتّى أَتاحَ لِقَومِهِ ما جَرّهُ
لِثَمُود مِن عقرِ الفَصيل قدارُ
8. Taken captive, he became in the grip of captors
Whose claws continually tear his flesh
٨. أَسرى فَأَصبَحَ في بَراثِنِ آسِرٍ
ما زالَ يُدْمي ظُفْرهُ الأَظفارُ
9. Sublime like the sun's horn, his light kindling
While sights lower before his abode
٩. سامٍ كَقَرنِ الشمسِ يَقبِسُ نورُهُ
وتُغضّ دونَ مَحلِّه الأَبصارُ
10. Bestowing generosity from countries and what they contain
For the ocean contains oceans within
١٠. يَهَبُ التِلادَ مِنَ البِلادِ وَما حَوَت
إِنَّ السّماحَة لِلبِحارِ بِحارُ
11. Wakeful, fearing Allah in his solitude
Neither extravagant nor arrogant nor overbearing
١١. يَقظانُ يَخشى اللَّه في خَلَواتِهِ
لا مُترفٌ لاهٍ ولا جبّارُ
12. He set up the watcher for consequences, observing
Through it the innocent are cleared
١٢. نَصَبَ المُراقِب لِلعَواقِبِ ناظراً
فيها كَذلِك تُربَأ الأَبرارُ
13. Not like those who rushed their pleasures
Then were bankrupted, and it was a loss
١٣. لا كَالّذينَ تَعَجَّلوا حَسواتُها
وَتَفلسوها بَعدُ وَهيَ خَسارُ
14. They were diminished, and the scrolls of their sins swelled
With the worst that memories mention
١٤. دَرَجوا وَأدرجَ في مَلفِّ رُفاتِهِم
سَوأَى تُساءُ لِذِكرِها الآثارُ
15. While the person is wrapped up, spreading his fold
Of what the virtuous conscience unfolds
١٥. وَالمَرءُ مَن يُطْوَى فيَنشرُ طَيّهُ
ما أَودَعَتهُ صُدورها الأَخيارُ
16. Say to the indolent sleeping in their comfort
Not every gift of the past is a storm
١٦. قُل لِلأُلَى ناموا على نَأماتِهِ
ما كُلُّ هبّةِ بارحٍ إِعصارُ
17. Do not feel secure from Allah's grasp, for He who rages
To Allah belong the secrets of His throne
١٧. لا تَأمَنوا في اللَّه بَطشَةَ ثائِرٍ
للَّهِ مِلء سَريرِهِ أَسرارُ
18. Pure, though the minerals are made turbid
Equitable, though the kings' judges are unjust
١٨. صافٍ إِذا كَدَرَ المَعادنُ عادِلٌ
إِنْ حافَ حُكّامُ المُلوكِ وَجاروا
19. Exalted is his father to him, and built in its plains
From what he constructed, minarets
١٩. أَعْلَى أَبوهُ لَهُ النِّجاد وَشيدَ في
صَهَواتِها مِمّا اِبتَناهُ مَنارُ
20. Praiseworthy is the praiseworthy in deeds when
Strung on the neck of night as pearls
٢٠. مَحمودٌ المَحمودُ آثاراً إِذا
نَظمَت على جيدِ الدُّجَى الأَسمارُ
21. To him days bowed down small
As the cities bowed to him in his shade
٢١. دانَت لَهُ الأيّامُ صاغِرَةً كَما
دانَت لَهُ في ظِلّهِ الأَمصارُ
22. Aspirations that ennoble you every day a rank
Going beyond what is beneath the moon
٢٢. هِمَمٌ تُحِلَّكَ كلَّ يومٍ رتبةً
تَسري فَيُصبح دونَما الأَقمارُ
23. And ambitions for glory when they took aim
For them in the eternal dome is rest
٢٣. وَمَطامِح في العِزِّ إِذ هِيَ صوّبت
فَلَهُنَّ في الفَلَك الأثيرِ قرارُ