1. You adorned the kingdoms with your minarets as long as you erected them,
And made Murhafah's lips whisper its secrets,
١. أسْنَى الممالك ما أطَلْت منارَها
وجعلتَ مُرْهَفَةَ الشِّفارِ دِسارَها
2. And you are more deserving to rule the country and its people,
Your justice has spread through its regions,
٢. وأحقُّ من مَلَكَ البلاد وأهلَها
رؤٌف تكنَّف عدلُه أقطارَها
3. From the year you carried the standards and protected them,
You have blessed us and increased love, so you have singled out our farm,
٣. من عام سام الخافِقَينِ وَحامها
مِنناً وَزاد هَوىً فَخصّ نِزارَها
4. You are born with chivalry, and even if
A Persian knight circles its walls,
٤. مُضَرِيَّةٌ طبعَت مَضارِبَهُ وَإِن
عَدَتهُ ذَروة فارسٍ أَسوارَها
5. You give comfort to the subjects while they are ignorant of their comfort,
You relieve their plight and they dislike their homes,
٥. آل الرّعيّة وهيَ تَجهَلُ آلها
وتعاف نُطْفَتَها وتكره دارَها
6. So you stabilized their beds and sprouted their saplings,
And eased their throats and secured their arms,
٦. فَأَقرَّ ضَجعَتَها وَأَنبتَ نيّها
وأساغ جُرْعتها وأثبت زارَها
7. A king whose father named it, so he presided over it,
And gave it refuge, so Suhail acted as its neighbor,
٧. ملكٌ أبوه سما لها فَسَمَا بها
وأجارها فعلت سُهيلاً جارَها
8. He paved the path for him, so he illuminated behind him,
And extended the banners of glory, so he shone upon it,
٨. نَهَجَ السَّبيلَ له فَأَوضَحَ خلفه
وَشَدا لهُ يمن العلا فَأَنارَها
9. O Mahmud, you spread the religion of Ahmad
After afflictions had touched its tidings,
٩. أنشرْتَ يا محمودُ ملّةَ أحمدٍ
من بعد ما شمل البِلَى أبشارَها
10. If justice of authority tilts its balance
Or softens, the sword will be its compeller,
١٠. إن جانأت عَدَلَ السِّنانُ قَوامَها
أو نَأنأتْ كان الحسام جبارَها
11. You have restrained the strongholds since they have become
These resolves, you captured them and imprisoned them,
١١. عقلت مَعَ العصمِ العَواصِم مُذ غَدَت
هذي العَزائِمُ أسرها وإسارَها
12. And you took upon yourself, plans you have hatched
To protect it, before it recovers its concealment,
١٢. وَتَكفَّلت لَكَ ضُمَّر أَنضَيتها
في صَونِها أَن تَستردّ ضِمارَها
13. You have exhausted its burdens, and repelled its contagion,
However much it deployed, you have clipped its wings,
١٣. كَلأت هَوامِلَها ورد مطارها
ما أريشته وَثقفت آطارَها
14. How often it pounced with its two claws vainly,
The lions overpowered it, so you cut its nails,
١٤. كَم حاوَلَت مِن كفتيها غرّةً
غلبَ الأسود فقلَّمت أَظفارَها
15. Where is its guardian, that if it traveled
To the sky, it would disrupt its orbit?
١٥. أنَّى وحامي سَرحِها مَن لَو سَمَت
لِلفلكِ بَسْطَته أَحال مدارَها
16. In each of your victories, there is a chapter
For the religion, its contents illuminate its leaves,
١٦. في كُلِّ يَومٍ مِن فُتوحِك سورةٌ
للدّين يحمل سِفْرُه أسفارَها
17. And eulogies, the pulpits are too short, if
Orators strew them, their chains are insufficient,
١٧. وَمُطيلةٌ قِصَر المنابِرِ إِنْ غَدا ال
خُطَباءُ تَنثُرُ فَوقَها تقصارَها
18. Ambitions the kings shy away from,
With the blood of the fallen, and they did not follow its path,
١٨. هِمَمٌ تَحجَّلت المُلوك وَراءَها
بِدَمِ العِثارِ وما اِقتفَت آثارَها
19. And resolves the lions shy away from,
Lest they sense its dens, and hear its howls,
١٩. وَعزائمٌ تَستَوئزُ الآسادَ عن
نَهشِ الفَرائسِ إِن أَحسَّ أُوارها
20. The balcony of glory is forever dwarfed
By the exalted no matter how much its shortness is extended,
٢٠. أَبداً تقصر طولَ مشرفَةِ الذُرا
بِالمَشرفيَّةِ أَو تُطيلُ قصارها
21. An Abyssinian bared its teeth, so you subdued it,
Like a camel brought down by stab wounds in its sides,
٢١. فَغَرَتْ أَفامِيةٌ فماً فَهَتَمْتَهُ
كَبَوَار أَجناها الأَران بَوارَها
22. You have burdened your opinion above its opinion,
So you have lowered its banners from its glories,
٢٢. أَرهَقتَ رائَكَ فَوقَ رائك تَحتَها
فَحَططتَ مِن شعفاتها أَعفارها
23. You have taken your revenge on the rebels, and you were, O
Chosen one of Ahmad's nation, its chosen one,
٢٣. أَدركت ثَأرَك في البُغَاةِ وَكُنتَ يا
مُختارَ أُمّةِ أَحمدٍ مُختارَها
24. Bare of time's changes, you restored its markings,
The one who alters, so it recovered its honour,
٢٤. عارِيّة الزّمنِ المُغير سَما لها
مِنك المعيّر فَاِستَردَّ معارَها
25. The misguided snarled, so you shackled its supporters,
The era of misguidance, and you captured its eras,
٢٥. زَأَرَ الهِزَبْرُ فَقيّدت عاناتها
عَصرَ الضلالِ وَأَسلَمت أَعيارها
26. Your stars shone above it, and sometimes
Its stars stayed up conversing in secrets,
٢٦. ضاءَت نُجومكَ فَوقَها وَلَربُّما
باتَتَ تنافِثها النجوم سرارَها
27. It spent the night rising with Suhail, and woke up
As poets who excel the stallions in their prime,
٢٧. أمْسَتْ مع الشِّعْرَى العبور وأصبحت
شُعراء تَستقلي الفُحول شوارَها
28. And how often you have struck the like of it with your fists,
Forever, and collared the planets with its bracelets,
٢٨. وَلَكَم قَرعت بِمقرباتِكَ مِثلَها
تلعاً وقلّدت الكُماة عذارَها
29. Until when its Sura embraced you, its dawn shone,
With honor, and your brilliance adorned its wrist,
٢٩. حتَّى إِذا اِشتَملَتك أَشرَقَ سورها
عِزّاً وَحلاها سَناكَ سِوارَها
30. The cross has fallen, though its tunes were high,
And its prayers repeated its refrain,
٣٠. خَرَّ الصّليبُ وَقَد عَلَت نَغَماتُها
وَاِستَوبَلَت صَلواتُه تِكْرارَها
31. When Antioch heard the stamp of your steeds,
The dignity flowed, and it uncovered its secrets,
٣١. لَمّا وَعاها سَمْعُ أَنطاكية
سَرَتِ الوقار وَكَشفَت أَستارَها
32. So today it dislikes its protector,
And has come to dislike its neighbor,
٣٢. فَاليَومَ أَضْحَت تَستَذمّ مُجيرَها
مِن جَورِهِ وَغَدت تذمّ جوارَها
33. It knows it will taste the drink of its sister,
If it visits the armpits of the coats, and frequents it,
٣٣. عَلِمَت بأَن سَتَذوقُ جرعَةَ أُختِها
إِن زَرَّ أَطواقَ القباءِ وزارَها
34. Whenever the stirrups clamor in a town,
It casts off its garments before the clamor,
٣٤. ماضٍ إذا قرع الرّكابَ لبلدةٍ
ألْقَتْ له قبل القراع إزارَها
35. And when its swords flash, they bow to the mighty,
Prostrating like a wall, without resistance,
٣٥. وإذا مَجَانِقُه رَكَعنَ لِصعبة ال
ملقاةِ أَسْجَدَ كالجديرِ جدارَها
36. You have filled the country with gifts and reverence,
Until its signs stole its free men,
٣٦. ملَأ البِلادَ مَواهباً ومَهابةً
حتّى اِستَرقّت آيُهُ أحرارَها
37. You give life to its pillar of peace for its aid,
Forever, and you let loose its mountain goats,
٣٧. يُذكي العيونَ إِذا أَقامَ لعونها
أَبَداً وَيُفضي بِالظّبا أَبكارها
38. Did you not restore its ruined moisture and give it life,
And aspire to the precedence of purpose, so you helped it?
٣٨. أَوما إِلى رمم النَدى فَأَعاشَها
وَهَمى لِسابِقَةِ المنى فَأَزارَها
39. Prophetic is your resemblance of openings, as though
Its supporters returned to reinforce it,
٣٩. نَبَويُّ تَشبيهِ الفُتوحِ كَأَنَّما
أنصارُه رجعت له أنصارَها
40. You revived its Salman, for the edifice of its peace,
And killed its Umar beneath its construction,
٤٠. أَحيا لِصَرحِ سَلامها سَلمانها
وَأَماتَ تحتَ عَمَارَها عُمَّارَها
41. If he marched, his approaching army marched,
Quaking, splitting open the plateaus,
٤١. إِنْ سارَ سارَ وقَد تَقَدّمَ جَيشَه
رجفٌ يقصّع في اللّها دعارَها
42. Or he camped, out of love for the ruins, with reverence,
Plundering the bedouins of their dwellings,
٤٢. أَو حلَّ حَلَّ حبا القرومِ بِهيبةٍ
سَلَب البدور بدارها أبدارَها
43. And when the kings compete for the heights of glory,
He nurtures himself with a soul that branches its best,
٤٣. وَإِذا المُلوكُ تَنافَسوا دَرج العُلا
أَربى بِنَفس أَفرعته خيارها
44. And forbids evil when it swells,
And admonishes it when it rebels against its compeller,
٤٤. ونُهىً إِذا هيضَت تدلّ بِخيرها
وسُطىً تُذلّ إذا عنت جبارها
45. The gifts are presented to Mahmud like his name,
Even if applied to them, it would choose it,
٤٥. تُهْدَى لمحمود السَّجايا كاِسمِهِ
لو لزّ فاعلةً بها لأَبَارَها
46. The Doer of actions composes among the darkness,
Between the stars, the envious their trademarks,
٤٦. الفاعِلُ الفعلاتِ يَنظِمُ في الدجى
بَينَ النجومِ حسودها أَسمارها
47. A diligent one who has diligently worked, and the precedents behind him
Are necks, so he ruffled their groomed forelocks,
٤٧. ساعٍ سَعى وَالسابقات وَراءَهُ
عَنَقاً فَعَصفَرَ منتماه عثارَها
48. Like the buzzard, when it descends screeching,
The frogs fall silent, and their burrows are deserted,
٤٨. كَالمضرَجِيِّ إِذا يُصَرْصِرُ آيِباً
خرس البغاث وَهاجَرت أَوكارَها
49. The light of religion was recognized for its light and events,
That overwhelm when eyes paint themselves with it,
٤٩. عَرَفَت لِنورِ الدينِ نور وقائعٍ
يُغشَى إِذا اِكتَحَلَت بِهِ أَبصارها
50. Well known, it roared, though the
Destinies attempted it in vain, unable to pierce its dust,
٥٠. مَشهورة سَعَطت وَقَد حاولتها ال
أقدار عجزاً أنْ تشقّ غُبَارَها
51. To God is your face, and the faces are as though
The dignities of Hit have descended upon them in their dignity,
٥١. للّهِ وَجهُكَ وَالوجوهُ كأنّما
حطّت بها أوقار هِيت وقارَها
52. And the whites shy away in the chests, amazed,
As the lips paint themselves with kohl,
٥٢. وَالبيضُ تَخنسُ في الصُّدور صدروها
هبراً وتكتحل الشُّفور شفارها
53. And the horses stomp under the canopies of the spears,
Pulling the tent pegs, disturbing their wells,
٥٣. وَالخَيلُ تدلج تَحتَ أَرْشية القَنا
جَذب المَواتِحِ غاوَرت آبارَها
54. So you remained, gathering the conquests as brides,
Adorning your chest with the plateau and its chest,
٥٤. فَبَقيتَ تَستَجلي الفتوحَ عَرائِساً
متملّياً صَدرَ العلا وصدارها
55. In a state above its banner for victory,
Talons glistening in the mud, sketching its lines,
٥٥. في دَولَةٍ لِلنصرِ فَوقَ لِوائها
زبر تنمِّقُ في الطّلَى أسطارَها
56. For religion is a sanctuary you have raised with it,
And a garden you have guaranteed with your hand its pillars,
٥٦. فالدّينُ مَوْماةٌ رفعت بها الصُّوَى
وحديقةٌ ضَمِنَتْ يداكَ إيارَها