1. Your glory in the heights still grows
Why should toil trouble your strength's repose?
١. ما فَوقَ شَأوِكَ في العُلا مُزدادُ
فَعَلامَ يُقلِقُ عَزمَكَ الإِجهادُ
2. Ambitions pitched a tent upon the sky
So meteors are their ropes, pillars on high
٢. هِمَمٌ ضَربنَ عَلى السَّماءِ سَرادِقاً
فَالشُّهبُ أَطنابٌ لَها وَعِمادُ
3. You are the one whose enviers have proclaimed
Excellence is what even enviers have named
٣. أَنتَ الَّذي خَطَبَت لَهُ حُسّادُهُ
وَالفَضلُ ما اِعتَرَفَت بِهِ الحُسّادُ
4. Evidence stood up and the opponent surrendered gentle
Chains gave way and dew became the guide
٤. قامَ الدَّليلُ وَسَلَّمَ الخَصمُ اليَلَنْ
دَدُ وَاِنجلى لِلآثر الإِسنادُ
5. Your state has brought the countries into bloom and their spirit
Is the perfume of love, their bosom friends.
٥. زَهَرت لِدَولَتِكَ البِلادُ فَرَوحُها
أَرِجُ المَهَبِّ وَدَوْحُها مَيّادُ
6. The spring of justice brought to life its dead plains
So the moth is a star and the firebrand a yearned-for goal.
٦. أَحيا رَبيعُ العَدلِ مَيتَ رُبوعِها
فَالبُرنضُ نَجمٌ وَالهَشيمُ مُرادُ
7. Life, except in your shadow, is but death
And sleep, except in your protection, is weariness.
٧. فَالعَيشُ إِلّا في جَنابِكَ مِيتَةٌ
وَالنَّومُ إِلّا في حِماكَ سُهادُ
8. And if enemies sow hypocrisy and reap
Ruses, your resolve is a reaper of harvesters.
٨. وَإِذا العِدا زَرَعوا النِّفاقَ وَأَحصَدوا
كَيداً فَعَزمُكَ ناقِضٌ حَصَّادُ
9. With favors you are like above their backs
Jinn of power, as if they arecamels in a file.
٩. بِالمَقرباتِ كَأَنَّ فَوقَ مُتونِها
جنّ المَلا وَكَأنَّها أَطوادُ
10. You surpass, inspired by the pinnacle of perfections
So jewelry is a fetter and dew a leader.
١٠. تَدأى وَمِن وَحيِ الكماةِ صفورُها
فَالزَّحرُ قَيدٌ وَالنَّدى قَيّادُ
11. Clouds, when they trail their hems over a land
Sorrow is smooth and the hills are gently rounded.
١١. سُحبٌ إِذا سَحَبت بِأَرضٍ ذَيلَها
فَالحَزْنُ سَهلٌ وَالهِضابُ وِهادُ
12. It guides viewers in the darkness of its heavy shower
A full moon by your saddle, shining and driving away shadows.
١٢. يَهدي النَّواظِرَ في دُجُنَّةِ نَقعِها
بَدرٌ بِسَرجِكَ نيِّرٌ وَقّادُ
13. You have clothed the faith of Muhammed, its light,
With glory, lions above the sleepy lions.
١٣. أَلبَستَ دينَ مُحمَّدٍ يا نورَهُ
عِزَّاً لَهُ فَوقَ السّهادِ أُسادُ
14. You have continued to water it with springs of resolve
Until its wet branches soaked up the watering places.
١٤. مازِلتَ تَسمِكُهُ بِميَّادِ القَنا
حَتّى تَثَقّفَ عودُهُ المَيّادُ
15. No number remains since you determined to aid it
That would be feared or even considered.
١٥. لَم يَبقَ مُذْ أَرهفتَ عَزمكَ دونَهُ
عَددٌ يُراعُ بِهِ ولا اِستِعدادُ
16. Truly if pulpits could speak
The staffs would praise you beyond preachers.
١٦. إِنَّ المَنابِرَ لَو تُطيقُ تَكَلُّماً
حَمَدَتكَ عَن خُطَبائِها الأَعوادُ
17. If enemies have spared you for a respite
For them is the returning to the pasture of loss.
١٧. وَلَئِن حَمَتْ مِنكَ الأَعادي مهله
فَلَهُم إِلى المَرعى الوَبيِّ مَعادُ
18. And how often you have had in their lands
Scenes where their routed remnants lie as corpses.
١٨. وَلكَمْ لَكُمْ في أَرضهِم مِن مَشهَدٍ
قامَت بِهِ لِظُباكُمُ الأَشهادُ
19. Thrown down on the fringes of battle their skulls
Severed by a true sword and punishing blades.
١٩. مُلْقٍ بِأَطرافِ الفِرِنجَةِ كَلكَلاً
طرفاهُ ضَربٌ صَادِقٌ وَجِلادٌ
20. Arms that struck with them and with resolve
From the community of Ahmed blows that crush tyrants.
٢٠. حاموا فَلَمّا عايَنوا حَوضَ الرّدَى
حاموا بِرائِشِ كَيدِهم أَو كادوا
21. They took root in Aleppo and from its branches
Baghdad reaps the fruits of its security.
٢١. وَرجا البِرنس وَقَد تَبَرنَسَ ذِلَّةً
حَرماً بِحارِم وَالمصاد مصادُ
22. O you when the upheavals of your might storm
The fires of polytheism subside, now embers.
٢٢. ضَجَّت ثَعالِبُهُ فَأَخرَسَ جَرسَها
بيضٌ تَناسَب في الحديدِ حدادُ
23. Strange are the people who opposed you and opposed
A staff that evaded them as they desired it.
٢٣. وَسَواعِدٌ ضَرَبت بِهِنَّ وَبِالقَنا
مِن دون مِلَّةِ أَحمَد الأَسدادُ
24. And they saw the banner of victory flying above you
So their hearts in their breasts were stilled.
٢٤. يَركُزنَ في حَلَبٍ وَمِن أَفنانِها
تَجني فَواكِهَ أَمنِها بَغدادُ
25. How could one who denies that the torrent destroy the ruins
And its time the repeating assailant.
٢٥. يا مَن إِذا عَصَفَت زَعازِعُ بَأسِهِ
خَمَدت جَحيمُ الشّركِ فَهيَ رَمادُ
26. Or that the eclipse return the sun whose orb
Is fired by that flaming meteor.
٢٦. عَجَباً لِقَومٍ حاوَلوكَ وَحاوَلوا
عوداً فَواتاهَم إِلَيهِ مُرادُ
27. It avails not fathers what they established of
Glory unless the sons raise it high.
٢٧. وَرَأَوا لِواءَ النصرِ فَوقَكَ خافِقاً
فَأَقامَ مِنهُم في الضّلوعِ فُؤادُ
28. A king bound by both his hopes and his fears
And rarely do opposites come together.
٢٨. مِن مُنكِرٍ أَن يَنسِفَ السَّيْلُ الرُّبَى
وَأَبوهُ ذاكَ العارِضُ المَدّادُ
٢٩. أَو أَن يُعيدَ الشّمسَ كاسِفَة السّنا
نارٌ لها ذاك الشّهاب زنادُ
٣٠. لا يَنفَعُ الآباءَ ما سَمَكوا مِنَ ال
عَلْياءِ حَتّى ترْفَعَ الأولادُ
٣١. مَلكٌ يُقيِّدُ خَوفُهُ وَرَجاؤُهُ
ولَقَلَّما تَتَظافَرُ الأَضدادُ