1. O sun, no eclipse or gloominess,
And no lights lacked your light.
١. يا شَمسُ لا كَسْفٌ ولا تكدارُ
ولا خَلَتْ من نُورِك الأنوارُ
2. The full moon is incomplete, and you are perfect,
For you are the brilliance, and for it the concealment.
٢. البَدرُ مَنقوصٌ وأَنتَ كاملٌ
لَكَ السَّرايا وَلَهُ السِّرارُ
3. Your shining is a remedy for Islam from its ailments,
A cure, while for its enemies is perdition.
٣. بُرؤُكَ لِلإِسلامِ مِن أَدوائِهِ
بُرْءٌ وفي أعدائِهِ بَوارُ
4. You are nothing but a sword whose rust
Was removed from its blade by the cleaver.
٤. ما أَنتَ إِلّا السّيف صَدَّ صدأً
عَن مَتنِهِ مَضْرِبُهُ البَتّارُ
5. If harm could be borne away from a breath,
The sights would have borne it away before you.
٥. لَو كانَ مَحمولاً أَذىً عَن مَنفَسٍ
لَحَملتهُ دونَكَ الأَبصارُ
6. If a land ransomed a sky, the countries
Would ransom you with their kings.
٦. وَلَو فَدَتْ أَرضٌ سَماءً ساقَتِ ال
مُلوكَ في فِدائِكَ الأَمصارُ
7. You are their rescue when they are stricken with drought,
And their best when the virtuous are mentioned.
٧. أَنتَ غياثُ مَحْلِهِمْ إِنْ أَجدَبوا
وَخَيرهُم إِنْ ذُكِر الخيارُ
8. And in the bed of kingship is a king
To God among his elite ones are secrets.
٨. وَفي سَريرِ المُلْكِ مِنها ملكٌ
للَّهِ في سَرّائِهِ أَسرارُ
9. The best of the kings of earth in ancestry and father,
If the wrists of glorious carpenter are moved.
٩. خَيرُ مُلوكِ الأَرضِ جَدّاً وأَباً
إنْ هَزَّ عِطْفَيْ ماجدٍ نِجارُ
10. He extended over the religion a porch of a state,
Its poles were disputed by the sleepless.
١٠. مَدَّ عَلى الدّينِ رواقَ دَولَةٍ
تَنازَعَت أَسْمَارَها السُّمَّارُ
11. It rose up a building and settled in his hand,
Thus it is over the wall and the bracelet.
١١. عَلَت بِناءً وحَلَت في يَدِهِ
فَهيَ عَلى السّورِ وَالسّوارُ
12. Commendable is the time of his kingdom,
So the living in it should be content.
١٢. مَحمودٌ المحمودُ عَصرُ مُلْكِهِ
فَلِلْحَيَا مِن مُزْنِهِ اِعتِصارُ
13. O light of a religion whose horizons were darkened,
Had not these traces shone.
١٣. يا نورَ دينٍ أُظلِمَت آفاقُهُ
لَوْ لَمْ تَبلّج هَذِهِ الآثارُ
14. To God belong your days, whatever
Passes by them cannot be traced even by musk.
١٤. للَّهِ أَيّامك ما تَخطّهُ
بِالمِسكِ مِن إِسفارِها الأسفارُ
15. You submitted to Islam and pasture its flock,
When its shepherds went astray.
١٥. سَلِمْتَ لِلإِسلامِ تَرعى سَرحَهُ
إِذا وَنَى رُعاتُهُ وَجاروا
16. You complained, so the world is discontent for its inhabitants,
While next to it is settlement.
١٦. شَكوتَ فَالدُّنيا عَلى سُكّانِها
قرارةٌ جانَبها القرارُ
17. The earth almost died out of sorrow,
If not for a recovery that brought it back to life.
١٧. كادَت تَموتُ الأَرضُ مِن إِشفاقِها
لَولا شِفاءٌ رَدَّها تمارُ
18. The Turks visited you from a lineage whose dress
Is envied by the Arabian leopard.
١٨. زَرَّتْ عَلَيكَ التُّرْكُ جَيْب نَسبٍ
يَحسُدها بِزِيِّهِ نِزارُ
19. Your wishes never lacked bestowing it
A gift of favor which it may choose.
١٩. لا عَدِمَتْ مِنكَ الأَماني رَبَّها
مُعْطىً من الإِقبالِ ما يَختارُ
20. Time did not permit us that you remain for us,
So every wound that touched us is severity.
٢٠. ما سَمَحَ الدّهرُ بِأَنْ تَبقى لَنا
فَكُلُّ جَرْحٍ مَسَّنا جبارُ