1. Time is your abode, and this world your home,
After counting, there remains an envious delayer.
١. الدهرُ أنت ودارُك الدُّنيا ومَن
في العَدّ بعدُ مؤمِّل وحَسُودُ
2. The crises of fate are subservient to your hands,
Your days are your troops, mankind your servants.
٢. وأزمَّةُ الأقدار طَوْعُ يديك وال
أَيَّامُ جُنْدُك والأنامُ عبيدُ
3. You have conquered the earth and grasped the reins of eternity,
With hoary hair tied about your temples, so where are you headed?
٣. فُتَّ الوَرى وَعَقَدت ناصِيَةَ المَدى
بِمذمّر الشِّعرى فَأَينَ تريدُ
4. Such is your nature! Did Solomon's throne,
Cradled in David's lap, endure?
٤. تالٍ أَباكَ فَهل سليمانٌ يُرَى
في الدَّسْت مَهَّد مُلْكَه داودُ
5. You let shine and shut up the worshiper, and none can intercede for the doomed.
No ancestry or father helped you grow,
٥. جَلَّى وسُدْتَ مُصَلِّياً ولا يُرْفَعُ ال
مَعْدُومُ ما لَم يَشفَعِ المَوجودُ
6. Indeed, wisdom in a successor is eternity.
Your minarets loomed high over the horizon, and made motherless
٦. لم يُختَرَم جَدٌّ نَماكَ وَلا أبٌ
إِنّ النّباهَةَ في الخليفِ خلودُ
7. One who did not yield, so how can he rule?
You raged for Islam while it called for help,
٧. شَمَخت مَنارُكَ في اليَفاع وأمَّها
من لم يسُدْ فأَرَتْهُ كيف يسودُ
8. So peaks trembled and stars scattered.
You kindled the embers of its Salihs with a flashing blade
٨. وَهَبَبْتَ لِلإِسلامِ وَهوَ مُصوّح
فَاِهْتَزَّ أَهضابٌ وَرَقَّ نجودُ
9. Whose edge on its day cleaved the viscera.
They met them above al-Khatim with towering giants
٩. وَفَثأتَ جَمرَةَ صالميه بِصَيْلَمٍ
نَصَعَ الأجنَّةَ يومُهَا المشهودُ
10. Whose souls yearned to be ransomed with refrigeration.
And they hurled themselves into Golan by your rage
١٠. خَطَمَتهُمُ فَوقَ الخَطيمِ لَوافِحٌ
نَفسُ الأَرينِ لِوأرهِنَّ برودُ
11. Which whelped the eagle of misguidance and its whelp.
And a flaming meteor singed their bones,
١١. وَرُمُوا عَلى الجَوْلانِ مِنكَ بِجَولَةٍ
تَوئيدُها نَسرُ الضَلالِ وَئيدُ
12. You continue purifying its air, so you dwell in bounty.
You flogged the ghosts with the soulful spear, and above it
١٢. وَلَحَا عِظامَهمُ بعَرْقَة عارِقٌ
مازِلتَ تَمحضُ جَوّهُ فَتَجودُ
13. Crops the spears would reap at harvest time.
And over Azaz you toppled their lofty nests,
١٣. وَشَلَلت بِالرّوح السّروج وَفَوقها
زرعٌ تحصِّدُه الرِّماح حصيدُ
14. A captive king is one who disobeys his binder.
So with striking they struck you, and were struck down,
١٤. وَعَلى عَزاز عَنَوْا وَثَلّ عُروشَهُم
مَلكٌ مُقيّدُ مَن عَصاهُ مَقيدُ
15. The innards of the black lionesses are blackest.
They perished as perished Aad led astray by its she-camel,
١٥. وبِتَلِّ باشِرَ باشَروكَ فَعافَسوا
أُهبَ الأَساوِدِ حَشوُهُنَّ أسودُ
16. And rebelled like Thamud's calf-worshipping clan.
If they hurt, then you are righteous,
١٦. أَوْدَوا كَما أَوْدَى بعادٍ غَيُّها
وَعَقوا كَما اِستَغوى الفَصيلَ ثَمودُ
17. Or if betrayed, then you are judicious.
You scattered them, so at every steep descent
١٧. إِنْ آلَموا عَقراً فَإِنَّكَ صالحٌ
أَو آلَموا غَدراً فَإِنَّكَ هودُ
18. Lies a cheek rubbed bare by a reprimanding patron.
And you fettered them with shackles filling the expanse
١٨. وَزَّعتَهم فَبِكُلِّ مهبطِ تَلْعَةٍ
خَدٌّ بِهِ مِن وازعٍ أُخْدُودُ
19. Dispersed, though the gallantry of their spears is intact.
Its traces are praiseworthy, and its traces
١٩. وَعَصَبتَهم بِعَصائِبٍ مِلء المَلا
شَتَّى وَإِنْ خلَّ البَسالَة عودُ
20. Witnessed, its motto praiseworthy.
It wore your name in hardship like a garment
٢٠. آثارُها مَحمودَةٌ وَآثارها
مشهودةٌ وشعارها محمودُ
21. New in time though it wears out.
The short-lived were given long lives by inspiration
٢١. لَبِسَتْ مِنَ اِسْمِكَ في الكَريهَةِ مَلبِساً
يَبْلَى جديدُ الدَّهْرِ وهو جديدُ
22. That rivals the heights of its aspirations.
Bereft of purpose since they were shaken,
٢٢. وَقَصيرَةُ الآجالِ طَوَّلَ باعها
بَوْحٌ يُسامي هامَها وقدودُ
23. Guidance was lost and pure faith contaminated.
You unfurled them by the law of Ahmad
٢٣. مطرورةُ الأسلاب مُذْ هَزَّعتها
تَاهَ الهُدى وَتَبخْتَرَ التّوحيدُ
24. With what his lightning and clouds have reaped.
And how much of its prose you have scattered in a stance
٢٤. أَشْرَعْتَها فَعَلى شَريعَةِ أَحمَدٍ
مِمّا جَنَتهُ بَوارِقٌ وَعُقودُ
25. Where the heated warbling of his ally warbles!
Clearing its darkness and undoing what
٢٥. وَلَكَم نَثَرتَ نَظيمَها في مَوقِفٍ
تَغريدُ صالي حَرّهِ التَغريدُ
26. His binding pact has knotted.
In a swoop, its ceiling crowded the sky
٢٦. يَجلو سَناكَ ظَلامَهُ وَيحُلّ ما
عَقَدت قَناهُ لِواؤك المَعقودُ
27. And the earth quaked beneath it and swayed.
You pitched its camp, so its pegs were the Very Remote,
٢٧. في هَبوَةٍ زَحَمَ السَماءَ رواقُها
وَالأَرضُ تَرجُف تَحتَه وتَميدُ
28. While you are its pillar.
Every day of your conquests a herald proclaims
٢٨. ضَرَبتْ مُخَيَّمَها فَكانَ كُمَاتُها
أَوتادَهُ القُصوى وَأَنت عَمودُ
29. The rhymed song and a bird chirps.
Bestowing the nectar of his cup on Anah,
٢٩. في كُلِّ يَومٍ مِن فُتوحِكَ صادِحٌ
هزجُ الغناءِ وَطائرٌ غِرِّيدُ
30. And sweetening the cream his abundance curdled.
The slash of your sword is a prison for the Abyssinians,
٣٠. تُهدي لِعانَةَ كَأسَه فِرغانة
وَتسيغُ زبدة ما شَداهُ زبيدُ
31. And the flow of your moisture is soil for the ground.
Let not this imitator lack a community
٣١. فَغِرارُ سَيفِكَ لِلأَحابِش محبسٌ
ومُثارُ نَقعِكَ لِلصّعيدِ صَعيدُ
32. To which leadership of its flock is entrusted.
Rosy wine and spacious theaters,
٣٢. لا تَعْدَمَنْ هَذا المقلّدُ أُمَّةً
مُلقى إِليهِ لِرَعْيِها الإِقليدُ
33. Provisions extended and shaded shadows stretched.
Life is fine, its features illuminated,
٣٣. الوِرْدُ قرٌّ والمسارحُ رَحْبَةٌ
والرّفْدُ مَدٌّ والظّلالُ مَديدُ
34. Trees lush, roots anchored.
The kingdom has porticoes stretched to the horizon, vistas lit,
٣٤. وَالعَيشُ أَبلَجُ مُشرِقُ القَسَمَات وال
أَشجارُ غُرٌّ وَالأَصائلُ غيدُ
35. Wish fulfillment radiates its glimmer.
In a state whose spring scatter broadcast
٣٥. وَالمُلْكُ مَمدودُ الرّواقِ مُنوّرَ ال
آفاقِ وَضّاءُ المُنى مَحسودُ
36. Serenity, and the frozen bloom.
Praiseworthy in effect, worthy of praise
٣٦. في دَولَةٍ مُذْ هَبَّ نَشرُ رَبيعِها
نُشِر الرّفاتُ وَأَثمَرَ الجُلْمُودُ
37. Are all its seasons, each a celebration.
٣٧. مَحمودَةُ الآثارِ مَحمودِيَّةٌ
كلُّ المَواسِمِ عِندَها تَعْييدُ