1. We do not give thanks to God for His blessings
With you, O greatest of creations in virtue
١. لا نُؤَدّي لِأَنْعُمِ اللَّهِ شُكْراً
بِكَ يا أَعظَمَ البَرِيَّةِ قَدرا
2. Ten full moons have passed since the departure of that one
Who made obligatory charity tenfold
٢. زَورُ عشرٍ وافى لإِقلاعِ ذا
جَعَلا المنَّةَ المُمنّاةَ عَشرا
3. Or has your guarantor assured that whenever
You will suffice the ages, age after age
٣. أَمَّ مَغْناكَ ضامِناً أَنَّ أَيّا
مَكَ تُغني الأَحقابَ عَصراً فَعَصرا
4. In a place for it are the fishes in the seas
And for them the celestial sphere is an orbit
٤. في مَحَلٍّ له السِّماكانِ سَمكٌ
وَجُدودٌ لَها المَجَرَّة مَجرى
5. O just, victorious one, the youth of time have not
Attained from your youth any victories
٥. أَيُّها العادِلُ المُظَفَّرُ لا قص
صَت شَبا الدَّهرِ مِن شباتِكَ ظُفرا
6. God has made whatever months have begun
To flow in your conquests with triumph
٦. جَعَلَ اللَّهُ ما اِستَهَلَّ مِنَ الأَشْ
هُر يَنْهَلُّ في مَغازيكَ نَصرا
7. Forever the flowers in the seasons will spread
Congratulations on your plains, a spreading
٧. أَبَداً يَنشرُ التَّهاني على سا
حاتِكَ الزّهر في المَواسِمِ نَشرا
8. You are the captor of kings, their souls and property
And to their captivity from you are captives
٨. أَنتَ أَسرى المُلوكِ نَفساً وَفلساً
وَإِلى أَسرِهِم مِنَ الطّيفِ أَسرى
9. A king who has drinks that are sipped continuously
And successive generosity that flows copiously
٩. مَلكٌ عِندَهُ المَشارِبُ تُسْتَمْ
رَى وَأَخلافُ الجودِ تَمرَى فَتفرَى
10. So God has for you from a fruitful seed
One virtuous whom He chooses and reaps reward
١٠. فَلَكَ اللَّهُ مِن مثمِّر بَذْرٍ
يَصطَفي صالِحاً وَيحصدُ أُجرا
11. Live for a kingdom you have grasped, in it
Above Chosroes, just, populous, and breaking
١١. عِشْ لِمُلْكٍ أَصبحتَ في الدَّسْتِ مِنهُ
فَوقَ كِسرى عَدلاً وَشَعباً وكسرا
12. You tear open gifts for Eid, a tearing
And engulf enemies in slaughter, a slaughtering
١٢. تفطِرُ الطّيّباتِ لِلفِطرِ فِطراً
وتعمُّ الأعداءَ في النَّحْر نَحْرا
13. Whoever dresses you, buys the souls of those adorned
And your existence from him is lengthier life
١٣. يَقتَني مَن كَساكَ أَنفَسَ مَلبو
سٍ وَيفنيكَ مِنهُ أَطولَ عُمرا
14. You dictate and we compose whatever the war
Scatters of your endeavors, a scattering
١٤. أَنتَ تُملي وَنَحنُ نَنظمُ ما تَنْ
ثُرهُ الغُرُّ مِن مَساعيكَ نَثرا
15. God has diverted from you the evil eye of time
Through you after affliction it became a moral
١٥. صَرَفَ اللَّهُ عَنكَ عَينَ زَمانٍ
بِكَ صارَت بَعدَ الإِصابَةِ عَبْرى
16. And the conquests succeeded for you until
You filled the horizons with prohibition and order
١٦. وَتَوالَت لَكَ الفُتوحُ إِلى أَنْ
تَملأَ الخافِقَينِ نَهْياً وَأَمرا
17. Whenever you donned fine garments
And wore them, you would replace them with others
١٧. كُلَّما أَنهَجتَ مَلابِس نُعمى
وَتَملَّيْتَهُنَّ جَدَّدتَ أُخرى