
With Imād al-Dīn the pillar of religion became

بعماد الدين أضحت عروة الدين

1. With Imād al-Dīn the pillar of religion became
Bound with it the manifest conquest

١. بعماد الدّين أضْحَتْ عُرْوَةُ الد
دينِ مَعصوباً بها الفتحُ المبينْ

2. And with partner of the state it increased
A share from the frustration of the schemes of the dissenters

٢. وَاِستَزادت بِقَسيمِ الدَّولة ال
قسمُ مِن إدحاضِ كيدِ المارِقينْ

3. A king that kept awake the eye that its concern
Was always to scatter the worries of those asleep

٣. مَلكٌ أسْهَرَ عيناً لم تَزَلْ
هَمُّهَا تشريد هَمّ الرَّاقدين

4. It did not lack kohl of victory so it
Squeezed the hatred, the eyes of the envious

٤. لا خَلَتْ من كَحَل النّصرِ فقد
فقأت غَيظاً عُيون الحاسدين

5. Every day that passed of his days
Is a recurring feast for the Muslims

٥. كُلُّ يومٍ مَرَّ مِن أيّامِهِ
فَهوَ عيدٌ عائِد لِلمسلمينْ

6. If justice flowed in describing him
He would be the commander of the faithful

٦. لو جرى الإنصافُ في أوصافِهِ
كَانَ أَولاها أَمير المُؤمنينْ

7. Neither those who transmit nor what they have transcribed
Is like what the years have inscribed for him

٧. ما رَوى الرّاوُونَ بَل ما سَطّروا
مِثلَ ما خَطَّتْ لَه أَيدي السنينْ

8. When polytheism docked in its bosoms
With a hundred thousand it doubled in two hundred thousand

٨. إِذ أَناخَ الشِّرْكُ في أَكنافِهِ
بِمئي ألْفٍ ثَناها بمئينْ

9. An incident in which collapsed the dog of Rome from
A piece of separation to the cutting of the guy ropes

٩. وَقْعَةٌ طاحَت بِكَلبِ الرومِ من
قِطعَةِ البَيْن إلى قَطعِ الوَتينْ

10. If Egypt was protected then the clear proof is
That China is protected

١٠. إِن حَمت مِصرٌ فَقَد قام لها
واضحُ البرهان أنَّ الصِّينَ صِينْ

11. Time marched on it pressing
Not contaminated with the blame of the blamers

١١. دَرَج الدَّهْرُ عليها مُعْصِراً
لَم يُدنَّس بِمرام اللّائِمينْ

12. Even if it were only rubble
It would suffice to rebuke the doubt of the doubters

١٢. والرُّها لو لم تكن إِلّا الرُّها
لكَفَتْ حشْماً لشكّ المُمْتَرينْ

13. Constantine thought to conquer it
And passed away not gaining from it a handful of clay

١٣. هَمَّ قسطنطينُ أن يَفّرعها
وَمَضى لم يحوِ مِنها قسطَ طينْ

14. And how many kings have tried it
So the instant adorned their foreheads with a mark

١٤. ولَكَمْ من ملِكٍ حاولها
فتحلّى الحَيْنُ وسْماً في الجبينْ

15. It is the sister of the star except that it is
From it like the star in the view of the insightful

١٥. هيَ أُختُ النَّجْم إِلّا أنّها
منه كالنّجم لرأي المُبْصِرينْ

16. It was saved by a bold leader
With the handicap of humiliation, lions of the dens

١٦. مُنِيَتْ منه بلَيْثٍ قائدٍ
بِعرانِ الذّلّ آسادِ العَرينْ

17. It was visited by one roaring with the boldness of lions
Replacing the roaring of lions with the moaning

١٧. زَارها يَزأرُ في أُسْدِ وَغىً
تُبدِّلُ الأُسْدَ مِن الزّأْرِ الأَنين

18. They made the eggs white by striking, scattering
The brains in its plains, scattering of the potsherds

١٨. صَولَجوا البيضَ بِضَرب نثر ال
هَامَ في ساحاتِها نَثر الكرين

19. Oh, what an ambition of a portal that made
The openings of Syria laugh at the gloaters

١٩. يا لها هِمَّةُ ثغرٍ أضحكتْ
من بني القُلفِ ثغور الشّامتين

20. You cut off the head of Prince Baldwin humbling him
After residing the outskirts of Jerusalem

٢٠. بَرنَسْتَ رأسَ بُرنس ذِلَّةً
بَعدَما جاسَت حَوايا جُوْسِلين

21. And the lamps, since it ignited its lanterns
It scattered their group from it running

٢١. وسَرُوجُ مُذْ وَعَتْ أسراجَهُ
فَرَّقَتْ جُمّاعَها عنها عِضِين

22. Those are the locks Allah threw
From his passed will with the best of openers

٢٢. تِلكَ أقفالٌ رَماها اللَّه من
عَزمهِ الماضي بِخَيرِ الفاتِحين

23. From it Syria was lit with lightning and its pounding
Terrifying the fearful, frightening the secure

٢٣. شامَ منهُ الشّام بَرْقاً ودْقُهُ
مُؤمن الخَوفِ مُخيفَ الآمِنين

24. How many a church you swept that it intended
After the soul within the shade of the ships

٢٤. كم كنيسٍ كَنَسْتَ قد رامَها
منه بعد الرُّوحِ في ظلّ السَّفين

25. The terms from its terms became closer
So the cat succeeded the two cats

٢٥. دَنَتِ الآجالُ مِن آجالها
فأَحَلَّتْهَا القَطا بَعدَ القَطين

26. And a minaret its crosses shine
Between whites competing in brilliance

٢٦. ومنارٍ يجتلي صُلْبانهُ
بَينَ بِيضٍ تَتبارَى في البرين

27. The eggs beat it until it changed
The toll of the bell to the prayers of the ears

٢٧. قَرعَته البيضُ حتّى بَدّلت
قَرعةَ النّاقوسِ تَثويبَ الأذين

28. With the divisions it is divided for it the
Eras in an age of stillness or stillness

٢٨. بالقَسِيميّات مقسوماً لها الد
دَهر في عَلْكِ لُجينٍ أَو لجين

29. Ask Harran how much it boiled, it gave
Cold from the day it was returned forcibly

٢٩. سَلْ بها حَرّان كم حرّى سَقَتْ
بَرَداً مِن يَوم رُدَّت ماردين

30. Yesterday you crushed the army
Of Sumaysat with it, delighting the onlookers

٣٠. سَمَطْتَ أَمسَ سُمَيْسَاط بِها
نَظْمَ جَيشٍ مُبْهجٍ لِلنّاظرين

31. And tomorrow Kulkal will be thrown on Jerusalem for it
To study it the study of the two darrens (homes)

٣١. وَغَداً يُلْقَى على القدسِ لَها
كَلْكَلٌ يدرُسُهَا دَرْسَ الدّرين

32. An ambition that comes to evening and morning resolved
There is no fortress if it carved it with the pickax

٣٢. هِمَّةٌ تُمسي وتضْحى عَزمةً
لَيسَ حِصنٌ إِنْ نَحَتْهُ بحَصِين

33. Say to a people deluded by its respite
They will taste its flavor after a time

٣٣. قُلْ لقومٍ غَرَّهُم إمهالُهُ
سَتَذوقونَ شَذاهُ بَعدَ حين

34. It is death that will take whoever
Fled from it stingily to the heedless

٣٤. إِنّهُ المَوتُ الَّذي يدركُ مَن
فَرَّ منه مُشحاً للغافِلين

35. And it gives life to those who hold its handhold
It is a rope for whoever repents decisively

٣٥. وهو يُحْيي مُمْسكي عُرْوَته
إنّها حبلٌ لِمَنْ تابَ مَتين

36. Whoever obeys is saved and whoever disobeys you
Will be a lesson tomorrow for the others

٣٦. مَنْ يُطِعْ يَنْجُ وَمَن يَعْصِ يكن
من غداةٍ عبْرَةً للآخَرين

37. By you, O sun of glory, the soul was returned
To the two dead ones from world and religion

٣٧. بِكَ يا شَمسَ المعالي رُدَّتِ الر
روحُ في المَيْتَيْن من دُنيا وَدين

38. The grandfather swore that you will remain
To rule the land as a right hand not oath

٣٨. أَقسَم الجَدّ بِأَن تَبقى لِكَيْ
تَملِكَ الأَرضَ يَميناً لا يَمين

39. And the justice overflows in its regions
Forgetting the painful injustice of the unjust

٣٩. وتُفيضُ العَدلَ في أَقطارِها
مُنْسِياً مُؤْلِمَ عسفِ الجائرين

40. Your house will never cease, however it moves
A Kaaba surrounded by the circumambulators

٤٠. لا تَزَلْ دارُكَ كَيفَ اِنتَقَلتْ
كعبةً محفوفةً بالطّائفين

41. Every day its neck is adorned
With the prose of praise with the precious pearl

٤١. كُلُّ يَومٍ يَتَحلَّى جيدُهَا
مِن نَظيمِ المَدحِ بالدُّرَّ الثّمين

42. Whenever a prayer sincerely concludes in it
The tongues of creation say "Amen"

٤٢. كُلّما أَخلَصَ فيها دَعوَةً
لَكَ قالَت أَلْسُنُ الخَلْقِ آمين