
I reproached him, so he was aloof,

عاتبته فاستطالا

1. I reproached him, so he was aloof,
And turned away from me disdainfully.

١. عاتَبْتُهُ فاسْتَطالا
وصَدَّ عنّي دلالا

2. Thus is he who is exalted in beauty -
He becomes arrogant in his perfection.

٢. وهكذا مَن تعالَى
في حُسْنِه يتغالَى

3. My Master, my patience is melting away;
How much can reproaches melt?

٣. مولايَ قد ذُبْتُ صبراً
وكم تُذيب مطالا

4. Your habit was never
Like a firm pillar.

٤. ما كان عهدُك إِلّا
مثل السُّلُوِّ مُحَالا

5. Rather, it was false colour,
Sleeping, though seeming awake.

٥. بَلْ كان زُورَ خضابٍ
نَما وفي الحالِ حَالا

6. You have stolen the core of my heart
And moulded it into fantasy.

٦. سَلَبْت حبَّة قلبي
وصُغْتُهَا لك خالا

7. So leanness has clothed me
As beauty once clothed you.

٧. فقد كَسَتْني نحولاً
كما كَسَتْكَ جمالا

8. O perfect of face but blemished by injustice,
Why have you rejected perfection?

٨. يا كاملاً وَجهُهُ عل
لَمَ البدور الكمالا

9. O fairest of men in face,
Show kindness to the worst in state!

٩. يا أَحسنَ النّاس وجهاً
صِلْ أَسْوأ النّاسِ حالا

10. Your beauty is far above
Rejecting the plea of the beseecher.

١٠. حاشا جَمالكَ مِن أَن
يَستَقبِحَ الإِجمالا

11. I have gained nothing from you by asking,
Though asking has wearied me.

١١. لَم أَحظَ مِنكَ بِسُؤلٍ
وَقَد فَنيت سُؤالا

12. Have you learned nothing
But the word "no" from speech?

١٢. أَما تعلَّمْتَ شَيئاً
مِنَ الكلام سِوَى لا