1. A king never conquered a land,
Except that locking it made it more glorious,
ูก. ู
ููู ู
ุง ุฃูุฐูููู ุจูุงูููุชุญ ุฃุฑุถุงู
ููุทูู ุฅููุง ุฃุนุฒูููุง ุฅุบูุงูููู
2. And caprice in well-being is more agreeable to it,
As the white hair of time shows its brilliance.
ูข. ูุงูููููู ูู ุงูุฑููููุงุกู ุฃุฒูุฌูู ุฅูููุง
ุนุงุฑุถุงู ุดูุจ ุงูุฏููุฌูู ุฅุจุฑุงููู
3. It roared wildly toward him, so he endeared
It by removing the yoke from its neck.
ูฃ. ุฌูุฃุฑุชู ุฌูุฃุฑุฉู ุฅููููู ููุญูู
ุนุทูุงู ู
ู ุฅูุนูุงููุง ุฅูุนูุงููู
4. That was the first of the conquests, and from it
Damascus became his Damascus, and Iraq his Iraq.
ูค. ุชูููู ุจูููุฑู ุงููุชูุญู ููุงูุดูุงู
ู ู
ููู ูุงูุนุฑุงู ุจุนุฏู ุนุฑุงููู
5. Where were the kings before him, whose brightness
Could show us any liberation?
ูฅ. ุฃูููู ูุงูู ุงูู
ููููู ุนูู ููุฌูููุง ุงูุทูู
ูู ููุฑููุง ุฅุถุงุกุฉู ุฅุทููุงููู
6. A tradition set by his father with the dogs of Rome,
When their oppression overwhelmed him.
ูฆ. ุณููููุฉู ุณูููููุง ุฃูุจูู ุจููููุจู ุงูุฑ
ู ูู
ูุง ุฃุธููู ุฅุฑูุงููู
7. His heart pounding with distant hope,
Which failed him before reaching it.
ูง. ุฎุงูููุงู ูููุจููู ุฅููู ุฃู
ูู ุนุง
ุฌูููู ุฏูู ูููููู ุฅุฎูุงููู
8. The banner of the Qasimi divided the pastures,
And the best of those who belong to it is its Iraq.
ูจ. ููุณูู
ูุช ุฑุงูุฉ ุงูู
ูุงุถู ุงููุณูู
ูุงุช ูุงุจุชุฒู ู
ู ููููุงูู ุนุฑุงููู
9. And so are you, O son, nothing inherited from
His manners in you but what improves them.
ูฉ. ููุฐุง ุฃููุชู ูุง ุงุจูููู ู
ุง ุนุฏุง ู
ุฎูููู ููู ุฎูุตููุฉู ุฎูููุงููู
10. It is enough that the sea is the son of clouds
Whose downpour does not cease, nor its waves.
ูกู . ูููู ุงูุจุญุฑู ุฃููู ุงุจูู ุณุญุงุจู
ุง ููููู ุณูุญูููู ููุง ุฅุตูุนุงููู
11. None died whose gap you filled, O you
Whose zeal for the religion is like its armor.
ูกูก. ูู
ูุชู ู
ู ุณูุฏูุฏูุชู ุซูููู
ุชูู ูุง
ูู ุนูู ุงูุฏููู ูุธููู ุฅุดูุงููู
12. Awe that left no heart behind a riven
Chest whose schism it could heal.
ูกูข. ุฑููุจุฉู ููู
ุชุฏูุน ุนูู ุงูุฃุฑุถ ููุจุงู
ุฎูููู ุตุฏุฑู ููููุดูููู ุนูู ุดูุงููู
13. Whenever the mention of it rang in his hearing,
Hypocrisy would be muted among the hypocrites.
ูกูฃ. ูููููู
ุง ุทูููู ุฐูููุฑูููุง ู
ูู ูู ุงูุณ
ุนู ููู
ูู ูู ุงููููุงูููุงุก ูููุงููู
14. And a jihad to protect the realm of religion,
For which he spared no running or spending.
ูกูค. ููุฌููุงุฏู ุนูู ุญููุฒูุฉู ุงูุฏููู ูู
ูู ูู ุฑูููุถููู ููุง ุฅููุงููู
15. What feat have you attained, O light of Allah's
Religion, beyond the reach of kings?
ูกูฅ. ุฃููู ุดุฃูู ุฃุฏุฑูุชู ูุง ููุฑ ุฏููู ุงู
ูููู ุฃูุนูุง ุนููู ุงูู
ููููู ููุญุงููู
16. The envious spoke of inability toward a
King adorned with gifts his belt.
ูกูฆ. ููุทููู ุงูุญุงุณูุฏููู ุจูุงูุนูุฌุฒู ุนูู ู
ูู ู
ูุญููููู ุจูุงูููููููุฑุงุชู ููุทุงููู
17. Their sight obscured by the superior horses
Whose only race is to the heights.
ูกูง. ุบุถู ุฃุจุตุงุฑูู
ููุญุงูู ุฌููุงุฏู
ูููุณู ุฅูููุง ุฅููู ุงูู
ูุนุงูู ุณุจุงููู
18. Ask one who sees, how many did Buแนฃrฤ free
From the captives of death, its oppression?
ูกูจ. ุณููู ุจุตูุฑุงู ูู
ุฃุนูุชูููุชู ููู
ูู ุฃุณุงุฑู ุงูู
ููุชู ุงูุฒููุคุงู
19. How many knights in Arama were hardened,
Their crucifixion was too narrow for them.
ูกูฉ. ููู
ู ุนูู ุงูุนูุฑูููู
ูุฉ ุดุจุช
ุถุงูู ู
ูู ุนูู ุงูุตููููุจ ุฎูุงููู
20. And how many Hibahs whose two sisters
Stamped the captives with their heels.
ูขู . ูููููู
ูุจูุฉ ุจููุงุจ ูุฃูุฎูุชููู
ูุง ููุง ุตููุช ุงูุฃุณุงุฑู ุฑุจุงููู
21. Humility spread over the Basลซแนญa, but his
Compassion concealed it from him.
ูขูก. ุจูุณุทู ุงูุฐูููู ููููู ุจูุณุทูุฉู ุจุงุณู
ุทุง ูููููููู ุทููุงูู ุนูููู ุงูุฑุชููุงููู
22. He never pillaged a Yughrฤ well where
The braves quenched their thirst, lest it overflow.
ูขูข. ููู
ูุดููู ู
ูู ู
ุงุกู ููุบูุฑุงุกู ุฃู ูุฑ
ุฑู ุงูุฃุดุงุจุงุช ุฐุงุฏ ุนููุง ุงูุฐูุงููู
23. Within it was the lion of the lair protecting the
Cubs, angry at them like blazing fire.
ูขูฃ. ูุงู ูููุง ููููุซู ุงูุนูุฑููู ุญูู
ู ุงูุฃุดู
ุจุงูู ู
ูู ุบุถุจุงู ูุงูููุงุฑ ู
24. And the likeness of the Prophet at แธคunayn,
When his armor deflected their misfortunes.
ูขูค. ููุดุจูู ุงููุจููู ููู
ุฅูุฐ ุชููุงูู ุฃูุฏูุงุกูู
25. It is war, and its stallion does well in
Battle, if the valor of its lions persists.
ูขูฅ. ููููู ุงูุญูุฑุจู ููุญููููุง ููุญูุณููู ุงูููุฑ
ุฑูุฉ ุฅูู ุนุถู ุจุฃุณูุง ูุง ููุงููู