1. He endured estrangement and when he was excessive, he was forgiving.
So he overlooked the reproach, then he visited being gentle.
١. أَلِفَ الصُّدُودَ وَحينَ أَسرَفَ أَسعَفا
فَاِزْوَرَّ عَتْباً ثمَّ زارَ تَعَطُّفا
2. He wore the darkness on a night of which he was the full moon.
And the full moon is the most well-known when it is obscured.
٢. لَبِسَ الدُّجَى في لَيلَةٍ هوَ بَدرُها
وَالبَدْرُ أَشهَرُ ما يَكونُ إِذا اِختَفى
3. The crescent appeared while still veiled.
Until when it unveiled its wrap, it became impartial.
٣. طَلَع الهِلالُ وَقَد بَدا مُتَلَثّماً
حَتّى إِذا حَسَرَ اللِّثامَ تَنصَّفا
4. Oh you whose glance afflicts me, why did you create me for myself
A disease, so why were you not healing for me from it?
٤. يا طَرْفَهُ ما لي أَراكَ خلَقت لي
داءً فَهَلّا كنت لي مِنه شفا
5. The thinness of his waist is the way of his eye.
It takes lives in killing and is taken.
٥. واهي مَناط الخَصْرِ سُنَّةُ عَيْنِهِ
تقْتَصُّ في قتل النُّفُوس وتُقْتَفَى
6. It appears so you read in the parchment of his cheek
From the labor of the pens of saltiness, letters.
٦. يَبدو فَتَقرأُ في صَحيفَةِ خَدِّهِ
من مَشْقِ أقلامِ المَلاحةِ أحرُفا
7. One with a mole etched by the dot of his mole
And the growth of his cheek, so it imagined a book.
٧. ذو وَجْنَةٍ نُقِشَتْ بنُقْطَة خالِهِ
ونباتِ عارِضِه فَخيلَتْ مُصْحَفَا