
Your swords are mighty, so Iraq is mighty,

عزت سيوفك فالعراق عراقها

1. Your swords are mighty, so Iraq is mighty,
And Syria, without its defenders, is Syria no more.

١. عَزَّت سُيوفُكَ فَالعِراقُ عِراقُها
وَالشّامُ غَير مُدافعاتٍ شامُها

2. If sheathed, ambitions unravel;
If drawn, sanctities are desecrated.

٢. إِنْ أُغمِدَت حَلَّ العَزائِمَ حَلُّها
أَو جُرِّدَت حَرَمَ الكرى إِحرامُها

3. Without you they wither, neither dawning nor darkening.
You stirred them awake, watchful through the night.

٣. شَخَبَت عِداكَ بِها فَلا إِشراقُها
بِمَفازَةٍ مِنها ولا إِعتامُها

4. You calmed them, and touched their dreams.
Like water, but in its drops

٤. سَرَبَت فَصَبَّحَها بِها يَقظانُهَا
هَدَأَت فَمَسَّتها بِها أَحلامُها

5. Fires that inflame souls and melt their scabbards.
They weighed lightly on your faith

٥. كَالماءِ إِلّا أَنَّ في رَشفاتِهِ
نَاراً حَشاشاتُ النّفوسِ ضِرامُها

6. On the day of battle, though burdensome on their carriers
Until they made Syria an uproarious Syria

٦. خَفَّت عَلى إِيمانِكُم أَوزانُهَا
يَومَ الوَغى وَاِستَثقَلَتها هامُهَا

7. Where their gannets cried and their zeal resounded.
And they plowed the coasts of the peninsula after

٧. حَتّى أَحَلْن الشّامَ شاماً صَرصَرَت
فيهِ جَنادِبُها وَصَدَّحَ هامُها

8. Its dales and stony grounds had overwhelmed them.
One half you created, and one half you left

٨. ورَحَضْنَ أَدْراجَ الجَزيرَةِ بَعدَما
غَمرَت بِها وَهداتُها وَإِكامُها

9. To the chances of fate however hard its days.
With trailing robes in the thickets the lion roars

٩. شَطراً أَبَرْت وَمِثلَهُ أَنْظَرتَهُ
وَقعَ الخُطوبِ تَكرُّها أَيّامُها

10. And the Tigris-Euphrates valley, alive, fasts.
You made it a vulnerable neck, though clamor

١٠. بِالخابِطاتِ الغابَ تَزْأرُ أُسدُهُ
وَالمُجفِلي الحَيِّ اللّقاحِ صِيامُها

11. Had hardened its voice against the slicing blades -
Which, whenever the livers cooled with them,

١١. أَورَدتَها أَجماتِ أَنطاكِيَّة
عَنقاً وَقَد شَبّب الصّدا إِجمامُها

12. Their rancor grew hotter and screams louder.
They left with honor binding their saddle-straps

١٢. تَلقى المَشافِرَ في مَراشِف كُلَّما
بَردَت بِها الأكبادُ زادَ هُيامُهَا

13. And settled calmly into their resting places,
While misguidance walked backwards uprooting

١٣. فَغَدَت وَقَد عَزَّ السّراح سِراحُها
وَتَوزَّعَت في كنسها آرامُها

14. Any ear inclined to the call to prayer.
And the intimate turned it into a pasture

١٤. وَمَشى الضّلالُ القَهقرى وَاِستَأصلَ ال
آذانَ مِن رَجعِ الأَذانِ صِلامُها

15. Of sweet waters where torment passed like clouds.
Wrathful for God's religion, he folded his wings

١٥. وَغَدا يُخَلِّلُها الخَليلُ سَواحِباً
عَذباً يُمرُّ لَها العَذابَ غَمامُها

16. Hostilely and bloodied its pages with his wounds.
Now his light restores its light

١٦. غَضَباً لِدينِ اللَّه خصّ جَناحَهُ
بَغياً وَأَدمى صَفحَتَيهِ لدامُها

17. And disperses the darkness of those sorrows.
Praised, praised highly when resolution weakens

١٧. فَالآنَ رَدّ النّورَ فيهِ نورُهُ
وَاِنجَابَ مِن تِلكَ الهناتِ ظَلامُها

18. And feet slip shaking the pillars.
Reliever of grave distress when mouths gape

١٨. مَحمودٌ المَحمودُ إِقراماً إِذا
خامَ الكُماةُ وَزلزلَت أَقدامُها

19. And hearts squeeze in agonies.

١٩. الفارِجُ الكُرَبَ العِظامَ تَضاجَمَت
أَشداقُهَا وَفَرى القُلوبَ ضِغامُها