
O Caliph of Allah, whom the eloquent orators guaranteed

أخليفة الله الذي ضمنت له

1. O Caliph of Allah, whom the eloquent orators guaranteed
To be truthful in his description, not exaggerating

١. أَخليفَةَ اللَّه الَّذي ضَمِنَت لهُ
تَصديقَ واصِفِه سراةُ المِنبَرِ

2. Neither Egypt with its towering palaces is the equal of his shade
Nor outstretched necks can reach his lofty palace

٢. لا المُستَطيلُ بِمصرَ ظلُّ قُصورِهِ
وَالمُستطالُ إِليهِ شقَّة صرصرِ

3. O light of the religion of Allah and son of its pillar
And abundant water, son of abundant water, son of abundant water

٣. يا نورَ دينِ اللَّهِ وَابنَ عِمادِهِ
والكوثَرَ ابنِ الكَوثَرِ اِبنِ الكَوثرِ

4. Turn the abodes of the gray-haired into yellow with the sharpness of your sword
For your steeds have refrained from the daughters of Al-Asfar

٤. صَفِّر بِحَدِّ السيفِ دارَ أَشائِبٍ
عَقلوا جيادَكَ عَن بناتِ الأصفَرِ

5. They erected the palace of hypocrisy and ignited
A fire that will engulf them tomorrow at the Gathering

٥. هُم شَيّدوا صَرْحَ النّفاقِ وَأَوقَدوا
ناراً تَحُشّ بِهم غَداً في المَحشَرِ

6. Its flames blazed with the sparks of its heat and its eruptions
Flared between As-Safa and Al-Marwah

٦. أَذكَوا بِجِلَّقَ حرّها وَاِستَشعَرَت
لَفَحاتُها بَينَ الصَّفا وَالمِشعَرِ

7. You routed them from behind as you sought help
Never be lenient with those who manifested disbelief and did not repent

٧. شَرَّدْتَهُم مِن خَلفِهِم مُستَنجِداً
ما ظاهَرَ الكُفَّار مَن لَم يَكفُرِ

8. Rather, split open the chest of the one who donned
The armor of misguidance upon the most hostile declaimer

٨. لا تَعْفُ بَل شقّ الهُدى نَفسَ الَّذي اِد
درَع الضَّلالَ على أَغرَّ مشهّرِ

9. Give him the collars that Ali gifted graciously
For he had sneered with the deceit of the Khaybarian

٩. قَلّدهُ ما أَهدى عليّ لِمَرحب
فَلَقَد تَهَكَّم في الخِداعِ الخَيْبَري

10. There is no dishonesty worse than one whose mother
Is an uncircumcised Christian convert

١٠. ما الغُشُّ مِمّن أُمُّهُ نَصرانةٌ
لم تَخْتَتِنْ كالغشّ من متنصّرِ

11. These resolves have ignited for us, never to wane
The ways of lords of old in their fortified abodes

١١. أَذْكَتْ لَنا هَذي العَزائِمُ لا خَبَتْ
ما غارَ مِن سُنَن المُلوكِ الغُبَّرِ

12. Lighting the opinions of the glorious honored one
And the awakening of the victorious supported one

١٢. إِثقابَ آراءِ المُعِزّ وَخَفقِ رايا
تِ العَزيزِ وَيَقظةِ المُسْتَنْصِرِ

13. Roll up your sleeves for necks have extended themselves to you
None can attain the goals save the roll upper of sleeves

١٣. شَمِّر فَقَد مَدّت إِلَيكَ رِقابَها
لا يُدرِكُ الغايات غَير مشمِّرِ

14. Are you not the one whose justice filled the plain
And the doer of good drove away objectionable matters

١٤. أَوَلَسْتَ مَن مَلَأ البَسيطةَ عدلُهُ
واجْتَبَّ بالمعروفِ أَنفَ المُنكرِ

15. O affection of the righteous father and kindness of
The merciful mother to the youngest orphan

١٥. حَدَبُ الأبِ البَرِّ الكبيرِ ورأفَةُ ال
أُمّ الحَفِيّةِ باليتيمِ الأَصغرِ

16. O plateau of Islam, by whom is protected
Whoever believes and whoever turns away from it disbelieves

١٦. يا هَضْبَةَ الإسلامِ مَن يُعْصَم بها
يؤمن وَمَن يتولَّ عَنها يكفرِ

17. They made the Cross a canopy
Its pillars bore fruits of every kind

١٧. كانوا عَلى صَلبِ الصّليبِ سرادِقاً
أَنْبَتْ بُنَيَّته بِكُلِّ مذكّرِ

18. Their traces are impure, so protect the Sacred House
From their defilement and cleanse it

١٨. آثارُهُم نَجَسٌ أَذالَ المَسجِدَ ال
أقْصَى فصُنْ ما دنّسوهُ وطهّرِ

19. The Friend (Abraham) would be outraged, and the one from the clan of Hashim
With your Damascus iron sword and Yemeni waist wrapper

١٩. جارَ الخليلُ وَمَن بِغَزَّةِ هاشمٍ
بِلُهامِك المُتَدَمْشِق المُتمصِّرِ

20. With the slash of swords, the necks of Banu Uraima were severed
Deafening the hearings of Jayhoon and the sword of the Berbers

٢٠. بعَرَمْرَمٍ صَلَمَتْ وعاوِعُه عُرَى
أسماعَ جَيْحُون وسيف البربَرِ

21. He deludes the possession of the King of kings, loose of principles
Nay, (he is) the good fortune of the greatest of fortunes

٢١. يَفترُّ عَن ملكِ المُلوكِ مُنحّل الْ
أَنْواءِ بَل سَعدُ السُّعُودِ الأَكبرِ

22. About the criticizer of the horsemen, he is not belying
And the perfecter of benevolence, he is not corrupting

٢٢. عَن طاعِنِ الفُرسانِ غَير مكذّب
وَمُتمِّم الإِحسانِ غَير مكدّرِ

23. Full moon of the armies and the gatherings, the knight
Of lions in the forest of intricate darkness

٢٣. بَدرُ الجَحافِلِ وَالمَحافِلِ فارِسِ ال
آسادِ في غابِ الوَشيجِ الأَسمَرِ

24. A king whom people are equal in his traits
The few are excused and the inadequacy of the many is evident

٢٤. مَلكٌ تَساوى النّاسُ في أَوصافِهِ
عُذِرَ المُقِلُّ وبان عجز المُكْثِرِ

25. O King who calls, whose generosity
Resounds in all horizons, is there one in distress?

٢٥. يا أيُّها الملكُ المُنَادِي جُودُهُ
في سائِرِ الآفاقِ هل من مُعْسِرِ

26. Verily, eulogies have become chaste under your shadow
Expensive to those who appreciate and value

٢٦. إِنَّ القصائِدَ أَصبَحَتْ أَبكارُهَا
في ظلّ مُلْكِكَ غالياتِ الأمهرُ

27. If you have given life to the son of Hamdan by it
Then I am the one who smeared dust on the face of As-Sari

٢٧. إنْ كنتَ أحيَيْتَ ابنَ حمدانٍ لها
فَأَنا الَّذي غبرت في وَجهِ السّري

28. You are more generous than people who lauded
The name of the son of Aws and specified Al-Buhturi

٢٨. ولأَنْتَ أكرم من أُناسٍ نوّهوا
بِاِسمِ اِبنِ أَوسٍ واِستخصُّوا البُحْتُري

29. Necks have bowed to your state and will not cease
To gain spoils if you conquer or be victorious if you battle

٢٩. ذَلَّت لِدَولَتِك الرّقابُ ولا تزل
إِنْ تَغْزُ تغْنَم أو تقاتلْ تَظفرِ