
The attributes of Your glory, their meanings are sublime

صفات مجدك لفظ جل معناه

1. The attributes of Your glory, their meanings are sublime
None can take back what Allah has given You

١. صِفاتُ مجدِك لفظٌ جلّ معناه
فَلا اِستَردّ الّذي أعِطاكهُ اللّهُ

2. O You who stand firm with Allah's sword in hand
And at the heights of Allah's enemies You slash

٢. يا صَارِماً بِيَمينِ اللَّه قائمُهُ
وَفي أَعالي أَعادي اللَّهِ حَدَّاهُ

3. You have become, above the kings of earth, singular
With no peer, for the angels are Your likeness

٣. أَصبحْتَ دونَ ملوكِ الأرض منفرداً
بلا شبيهٍ إذِ الأملاكُ أشباهُ

4. For You, one who aspired to hear of You, foolishly
And failed to hear fully of You and Your feats

٤. فَداكَ مَن حاوَلَتْ مسْعَاكَ هِمَّتُهُ
جَهلاً وقَصَّر عَن مَسعاكَ مسعاهُ

5. Say to the enemies: die frustrated by it
For Allah has disappointed you, and Allah gave it to Him

٥. قُل لِلأَعادي أَلا موتوا بهِ كَمَداً
فَاللَّهُ خيَّبَكُم واللَّهُ أَعطاهُ

6. A King who sleeps with integrity occupying His thoughts
Devoutly, whose eyes stay wakeful for good

٦. مَلِكٌ تَنامُ عَنِ الفَحشاءِ هِمَّتُهُ
تُقىً وتَسهرُ للمعروف عيناهُ

7. He continues to persevere as days serve Him
In what tries Him and brings closer what He desires

٧. مازال يَسْمُكُ والأيّامُ تخدمُهُ
فيما اِبتَلاهُ وتُدْني ما توخّاهُ

8. Until His feelings have risen above lowliness
In worth, and His shoes have surpassed stars in rank

٨. حتى تَعالَتْ عن الشِّعْرَى مشاعرهُ
قدْراً وجاوزتِ الجوزاءَ نَعلاهُ

9. The people have conveyed accounts of great men who passed
Yet what we have seen - how far from what they told!

٩. وقد روى النّاسُ أخبارَ الكرام مَضَوْا
وأين مِمّا رَوَوْهُ ما رأيناهُ

10. Where are the successors to a conquest unlocked for him
Shaded - the horizons of the world - by its wings?

١٠. أَينَ الخَلائف عن فتحٍ أُتيح له
مظلَّلٌ أُفُقَ الدنيا جناحاهُ

11. Upon pulpits - from its news - a heady scent
Cut with pure musk's fragrance, its drafts blow

١١. على المنابر من أنبائه أَرَجٌ
مقطوبةٌ بفتيق المِسْك ريّاهُ

12. A conquest that restored to Islam its splendor
Its smile shone anew and its glance fluttered

١٢. فَتْحٌ أَعادَ على الإِسلامِ بَهجتَهُ
فافْتَرَّ مِبْسَمُهُ واهتزّ عِطْفاهُ

13. It guides, with Mu'tasim holding firm to Allah, his onslaughts
Its narratives superseded the past and made it forgotten

١٣. يهدي بِمُعتصمٍ بِاللَّهِ فَتكَتُهُ
حديثُهَا نَسَخَ الماضي وأنساهُ

14. Surely, glory lies in Amorium, likewise
He who sought it - his campaign not like his campaign

١٤. إِنَّ الرُّهَا في عَمُّوريَّةٍ وكذا
مَن رامَهَا ليس مَغْزَاهُ كمغزاهُ

15. Sister of stars in might - none who craved
Of kings, standing against it, attained their want

١٥. أُختُ الكواكِبِ عِزّاً ما بَغى أَحَدٌ
مِنَ المُلوكِ لَها وَقماً فواتاهُ

16. Until you marched on it with resolve sharpened
By a view whose abode is the star's apex

١٦. حَتّى دَلِفْتَ لَها بِالعَزْمِ يَشحَذُهُ
رأيٌ ببيت فُوَيْقَ النّجم مسراهُ

17. Girding yourself while the sons of Islam were busy
From sowing seeds for them fruits to reap later

١٧. مُشمِّراً وبَنو الإِسلامِ في شُغُل
عن بدء غرسٍ لهم أثمارُ عُقْباهُ

18. O reviver of justice, when its pillars stood
And enricher of bounty, when its spring was clogged

١٨. يا مُحْييَ العدلِ إذ قامت نَوَادِبُهُ
وعامرَ الجود لمّا محّ مَغْناهُ

19. O gift of Allah - through it, more good is sought
For the grateful, and its essence is filtered

١٩. يا نِعمَةَ اللَّه يستصْفى المَزيد بها
لِلشاكرينَ وَيستقنى صفاياهُ

20. He made you stay, for the religion and world - guarding both
The One who crowned you with this crown except He

٢٠. أبقاك للدّين والدّنيا تَحُوطُهُما
مَن لمْ يُتَوِّجْك هذا التَّاجَ إلّا هُو