
O king who cast chains upon polytheism,

أيا ملكا ألقى على الشرك كلكلا

1. O king who cast chains upon polytheism,
Who made the Muslim women mourn their dead,

١. أيا مِلكاً ألقى على الشِّرْك كلكلاً
أَناخَ عَلى أماتِه كِلكَلَ الثَّكلِ

2. You have combined with the opening of gates
Plunder and captivity and killing,

٢. جَمَعْتَ إلى فتح الرُّها سدّ بابهِ
بِجَمعكَ بينَ النَّهْب والأسر والقتْلِ

3. It is the opening I forget all other openings,
And it concluded the chronicles and transmissions,

٣. هُو الفَتح أَنسى كُلَّ فَتحٍ حَديثُهُ
وَتَوَّجَ مَسطورَ الروايَةِ والنَّقْلِ

4. With it you have erased the engravings of rings after it,
You were rewarded with the reward of truthfulness from the seal of messengers,

٤. فَضَضْتَ بِهِ نَقشَ الخَواتِمِ بَعدَه
جُزِيتَ جزاء الصّدق عن خاتَم الرُّسْلِ

5. You devoted yourself to Islam without its kings,
You destroy the causes of humiliation and abandonment,

٥. تَجرَّدتَ للإِسلامِ دونَ ملوكِهِ
تُبَتِّكُ أسباب المَذَلَّةِ والخَذْلِ

6. The brother of war, the bowls nurtured him when weaned,
The gallantry of the young man mixes with the wisdom of the old,

٦. أَخو الحَربِ غذَّتْهُ القراع مفطَّماً
يَشوبُ بِإِقدامِ الفتى حنكَةَ الكهلِ

7. And no day for the dog of Rome except the brother of the one,
With whom you removed what the armies had of valor,

٧. وما يومُ كلبِ الرُّومِ إلّا أخو الّذي
أَزحتَ بهِ ما في الجَناجنِ مِن نبلِ

8. He came to you with the like of Rome a multitude and he,
Exceeds by much the abundant sands,

٨. أَتاكَ بِمِثلِ الرّومِ حَشداً وإنّهُ
لَيَفْضُلُ أضعافاً كثيراً عن الرملِ

9. So you fought him in the name of God then with determination,
That melts the hearts of lovers with what consoles,

٩. فَقاتَلتَهُ بِاللَّه ثمَّ بِعَزمةٍ
تصُكُّ قلوبَ العاشقين بما تسلي

10. He imagined that Syria was a pasture and he did not know,
That you are more decisive in traveling and encampment,

١٠. تَوهَّمَ أنَّ الشامَ مَرعىً وما دَرَى
بِأَنّكَ أَمضى مِنهُ في الشزرِ وَالسجلِ

11. So he fled while the best of the victors, his blood,
When the spoils of money and family are denied him,

١١. فَطارَ وَخَيرُ المَغْنَمَيْنِ ذِمَاؤُه
إذا ردَّ عنه مغنمُ المال والأهلِ