
The sweetest love is what suspicions spice,

أحلى الهوى ما تحله التهم

1. The sweetest love is what suspicions spice,
Whether lovers talk of it or keep it nice,

١. أَحلى الهوى ما تُحِلُّهُ التُّهَمُ
باحَ بِهِ العاشقونَ أَو كَتمُوا

2. Love lures the enamored with its charm, so hark!
Excuses but conceal the wounds they mark,

٢. أَغْرَى المُحبّينَ بِالمَحبّةِ فال
عذْل كلامٌ أسماؤه كَلِمُ

3. And one estranged though slanderers declaimed,
They taught him I was guilty, yet they lied.

٣. ومُعْرِضٌ صرّح الوُشاةُ له
فعلَّمُوهُ قتْلي وما علموا

4. They sought to part us but we still held fast,
They gained no good thereby, we took no blast.

٤. سَعَوْا بنا لا سَعَتْ بهم قَدمٌ
فلا لنا أصلحوا ولا لَهُمُ

5. Our severance grieved them not, nor union pained,
Asunder thrust they us yet nothing gained.

٥. ضَرُّوا بِهِجرانِنا وما اِنتَفعوا
وصدّعوا شَمْلَنا وما اِلتأَموا

6. By God estranger tell what cause or sense,
Moves you except what liars dreamt or guessed?

٦. بِاللّهِ يا هاجِري بلا سببٍ
إِلّا لِقَالَ الوُشاةُ أو زَعَمُوا

7. By Him whose hand the tent of night made black
And split the morn upon the lances back

٧. بِحقِّ مَن زانَ بالدُّجى فَلَق الص
صُبْحِ على الرُّمح إنّه قَسَمُ

8. And to the waters said "Stand still" - while yet
His hand the fire to fierce extremes abet.

٨. وَقالَ لِلماءِ قِفْ بوَجْنَتِهِ
فَمَازج النّارِ وهيَ تَضْطرمُ

9. Did you say to the phantom "Visit me no more"
Or has your gentleness sufficed therefore?

٩. هل قلتَ للطَّيْفِ لا يعاوِدُني
بَعْدَكَ أم قد وَفَى لك الحُلُمُ

10. Or to the night "Be long" and long it was
Obedient, until the morn seemed dusky cause.

١٠. أَمْ قلتَ للَّيْلِ طُلْ فأفْرَط في الط
طَاعةِ حتى إصْبَاحهُ ظُلَمُ

11. My Lord, what I was charged with falsely said
For lies not truth move them your name to dread

١١. مَولايَ إنَّ الّذي قُذِفْتُ بِهِ
زُورٌ فَزُرْ لا يَرُعْكَ قولُهُمُ

12. I care not for their talk so you but know
That you're my judge, and clemency my plea.

١٢. عندي لهم مُقْلَةٌ يحجّبُهَا الد
دَمعُ وأُذنٌ شِعَارُهَا الصَّمَمُ

13. With me they find a patient ear and mute
Which tears besiege, to all their talk gone deaf.

١٣. إِنْ يَحسِدوني فلا أَلُومُهُم
مِثْلُكَ تَسْمُو لحُسْنِهِ الهِمَمُ

14. If they're jealous, why should I their blame renew?
One lofty as yourself they seldom view.

١٤. رأوكَ لي جنَّةً مُزَخْرَفَةً
ما وجدوا مثلَها ولا عَدِمُوا

15. You were to me a green oasis fair,
But to their jaundiced sight you are not there

١٥. فَاِخْتَلَقُوا وَاِفتروا فَلَيْتَهُم
حين رأوا ما رأيتُ فيك عَمُوا

16. So they did lie and fabricate, would they
Had been blind when I saw the light you display.

١٦. فَأينَ كانَ المُمَوِّهون وَقَد
وَحَّد قلبي هَوَاكَ قبْلَهُمُ

17. Where are those tricksters now, and long before
My heart enslaved me to your beauty's core?

١٧. لي حُرْمَة الصّابرِ الشكورِ وما
أحدثْتُ ديناً تُلْغَى له الحُرُمُ

18. Mine is the right to dignified patience, I
Have made no innovations heresy.

١٨. خَبّرَني شاهدٌ بِزُورهِم
وأنت خصْمي وحِلْمُكَ الحَكَمُ

19. My witness told me of their lies, while you
Are judge so judge, your wisdom tells you true.

١٩. يا قمراً أصْبَحَتْ محاسِنُهُ
تَنْهَبُ ألبابَنا وتقْتَسِمُ

20. You moon whom beauty's stolen subtlety
Our minds enthralls, commanding mastery,

٢٠. فيك مَعَانٍ لو أنّها جُمِعَتْ
في الشمس لَم يَغْشَ نُورَها الظُّلَمُ

21. Were all your virtues in one form combined
The sun beside your light would dimmed find.

٢١. تمشي فتُرْدِي القضيبَ من أَسَفٍ
وتكْسِفُ البدرَ حين تبتسمُ

22. You walk in beauty and you make the branches weep,
You smile and eclipse the moon fallen asleep.

٢٢. وتُخْجِلُ الرَّاحَ منك أربعةٌ
خَدٌّ وثَغْرٌ ومُقْلَةٌ وفَمُ

23. Blushing cheek, lips, eyelash, mouth also,
Shame the zephyr which comes breathing low.

٢٣. يا ربّ خُذْ لي مِنَ الوُشاةِ إذا
قامُوا وقُمْنا لَدَيْكَ نَحْتَكِمُ