1. His determination is reinforced, extending its porticoes
Over the landmarks of religion, raising and founding them
١. مُظفَّرُ العَزمِ مَمدودُ الرّواقِ على
مَعالِمِ الدِّينِ يَرفيها وَيَبنيها
2. He returned churches into sanctuaries for guidance, so the
Fire of misguidance faded out, with its fuel buried underneath
٢. رَدَّ الكَنائِسَ كُنْساً لِلهُدَى فَخَبَت
نَارُ الضَّلالِ وَوارَتها أَثافيها
3. And he brought back knowledge, training experts from his state
Who refined and sifted, bustling in its filter houses
٣. وَأَورَدَ العِلمَ عَدّاً مِن إِيالَتَهِ
فَاِستَنَّ وَاِفتَنَّ عبّاً في صَوافيها
4. And he set traps for polytheism, so nothing avoided
Being caught in them, except what slipped away
٤. وَبَثَّ لِلشِركِ أَشراكاً فَما دَرَجَت
طَريدَة مِنهُ إِلّا اِستَوهَقَت فيها
5. O full moon, ever since you rose in the assembly, felicitously,
The flock’s raincloud, greening its pastures
٥. يا بَدْرُ مُذْ أَشرَقَتْ في الدَّسْتِ غُرَّتُهُ
غِيثَ الرَّعِيَّةُ وَاِخْضَلَّت مَراعيها
6. Ahmad set up the standard, with his praiseworthy qualities
Through which, fluttering whitely, it kept upright
٦. أَقامَ أَحمَدُ مِن مَحمودِها عَلَماً
بِهِ اِستَقامَ عَلى البَيضاءِ ساريها
7. Reviver of His law, after it crumbled down
And its meanings were garbled, after being so eloquent
٧. مُحيِي شَريعَتِهِ مِن بَعدِما اِنهَدَمَت
وَاِستَعجَمَت بَعدَ إِفصاحٍ مَعانيها
8. His endowments flourished in it, and his reverence
Until it settled into a balanced, regular pace
٨. شابَت مَواهِبَهَ فيها مَهابِتُهُ
حَتّى اِستَقَرَّت على سَمْتٍ سَواريها