
The darkness of misguidance grew dense, and its paths lay barren,

أقوى الضلال وأقفرت عرصاته

1. The darkness of misguidance grew dense, and its paths lay barren,
While guidance rose high, and its traits shone bright.

١. أَقْوَى الضَّلالُ وأقْفَرَتْ عَرَصَاتُهُ
وعَلا الهدى وتبلَّجَتْ قسماتُهُ

2. The religion of the Praiseworthy Muhammad revived
After his tears had flowed with blood.

٢. واِنْتَاشَ دينَ محمَّدٍ محمودُهُ
من بعد ما عُلَّتْ دماً عَبَراتُهُ

3. It restored to Islam the prime of its youth,
And its firmness, through its own firmness.

٣. رَدَّتْ على الإسلام عصرَ شبابِهِ
وَثباته مِن دونِهِ وثباتُهُ

4. It laid down its foundations and lengthened its pillars,
Building its walls higher and higher.

٤. أَرسَى قَواعِدَهُ وَمَدَّ عِمادَه
صُعُداً وشيَّد سورَه سوراتُهُ

5. And it returned the face of truth bright and gleaming
Through its improvements, prayers, and connections.

٥. وَأَعادَ وَجهَ الحَقِّ أَبيضَ ناصِعاً
إصْلاتُهُ وصِلاتُه وَصَلاتُهُ

6. When his party grew complacent and his supporters lagged
And their steps slowed down,

٦. لَمّا تَواكَلَ حِزبُهُ وَتَخاذَلت
أَنصارُهُ وَتَقاصَرَت خطواتُهُ

7. The fire of a resolute will was lit for the light of religion,
And its darkness yielded before it.

٧. رَفَعت لِنورِ الدّينِ نارَ عزيمَةٍ
رَجَعَت لَها عَن طَبعِها ظُلُماتُهُ

8. A king whose pastimes are wine cups and musical tones,
And whose joy is in the lines of poetry.

٨. مَلكٌ مَجالسُ لهوه شدَّاتُه
ومشُوقُهُ بين الصُّفوف شذاتُهُ

9. He is enticed by the gurgling of drinking and the clinking of goblets
More than by the piercing of the foe with blood.

٩. يُغْرَى بِحَثحثةِ اليَراعِ بَنانُهُ
إِنْ لذّ حَثحَثةَ الكُؤوسِ لِداتُهُ

10. His mornings are the wine of dissolution and his evenings
Make souls melt and passions boil.

١٠. ويروقُهُ ثَغْرُ العداء قانٍ دَما
لا الثّغْر يَعبِق في لَماهُ لثاتُهُ

11. A conquest whose pride filled the sky
And whose sweetness dripped on its branches.

١١. فصَبُوحُهُ خمْرُ الطَّلَى وغُبُوقُه
تطف النّفوس تديرها نشواتُهُ

12. It clothed Islam in shining white robes
And its aspects gleamed in the daylight.

١٢. فتحٌ تعمَّمتِ السَّماءُ بفخرهِ
وهَفَتْ على أغصانها عَذَباتُهُ

13. Its clouds poured over the horizons,
And its breeze blew gently through.

١٣. سَبَغَتْ على الإسلام بيض حُجُوله
وَاِختالَ في أَوضاحِها جبهاتُهُ

14. Praise God for a night that encompassed it
And a day that adorned its hours.

١٤. واِنْهَلَّ فَوقَ الأَبطَحينِ غَمامُهُ
وسَرَتْ إلى سَكِينها نَفَحَاتُهُ

15. It felled the enemy ranks,
As lightning bolts pierce through clouds.

١٥. للَّه بَلجَةُ لَيلَةٍ مَحَصت بِهِ
واليوم دَبَّجَ وشْيَهُ ساعاتُهُ

16. They cast down their arms in surrender,
The steeds and spears of the knights.

١٦. حَطَّ القَوامِص فيهِ قِماصها
ضَربٌ يُصلصلُ في الطّلى صعقاتُهُ

17. To the seasoned Mureed, wrathful in battle,
To the God-supported Murtazi, valorous in conquest.

١٧. نَبذوا السّلاحَ لِضَيْغَمٍ عاداتُه
فَرْسُ الفوارسِ والقَنا غاباتُهُ

18. His enemies live straitened in their shackles,
While their grievances against him burn.

١٨. لِمُجرّب عُمَرِيَّة غضباتُه
للَّه مُعْتَصِمِيَّةٌ غَزَواتُهُ

19. Their necks bowed submissively between the mountains
As his sharp blades sprouted from the bare rock.

١٩. تَحيا لِضِيق صفاده أُسَراؤه
وَتغيض ماءً شؤونها نقماتُهُ

20. Their tribes spread their tents around Aleppo
Like the adornments of spring scattered around.

٢٠. بَينَ الجَبالِ خَواضِعاً أَعناقُها
كَالذَّوْد نابَت عن براه حداتُهُ

21. A meadow whose flowers were sown by his charging steeds
And grew lush from the seeds they scattered.

٢١. نَشَرت عَلى حَلبٍ عقودُ بُنُودهم
حُلَل الربيعِ تَناسَقَت زهراتُهُ

22. Packed close on their saddles as dawn broke,
Their determination inspired by their morning draught.

٢٢. رَوضٌ جَناهُ لها مكرُّ جيادِه
وَاِستَوأَرَتْ حمّاله حملاتُهُ

23. Their spears did not let thorns grow
Before their tips bore fruit.

٢٣. مُتَسانِدين على الرّحالِ كَما اِنتَشى
شرْب أمالت هامَه قهواتُهُ

24. So let Islam praise what its ingrates reviled -
The orphaned sprouts nurtured by their lifeblood.

٢٤. لم تُنْبِتِ الآجام قبل رماحِهِ
شجراً أصولُ فروعِه ثمراتُهُ

25. And that battle cry watered the best land -
You were its crop.

٢٥. فلْيَحْمَدِ الإسلامُ ما جَحَدت له
شربات غَرس هَذِهِ مَجناتُهُ

26. He assumed the throne but turned away from it,
While his curtains veiled his noble station.

٢٦. وَسَقى صَدى ذاكَ الحَيا صَوبَ الحَيا
خَيرُ الثَرى ما كنتَ أَنتَ نباتُهُ

27. The full moon suffers no loss though stars
Lie as dust beneath its orbit.

٢٧. نَصَبَ السّريرَ ومالَ عَنهُ وَمَهّدَت
لِمَقَرِّ مَنصِبك السّريّ سراتُهُ

28. Each day his glory rises high in the sky
And climbs the ranks above.

٢٨. ما ضَرّ هَذا البدرَ وهو محلّقٌ
أَنَّ الكواكبَ في الذُّرا ضرّاتُهُ

29. His deeds shine in the morning light
As time narrates his story.

٢٩. في كُلِّ يَومٍ تَستطيلُ قَناتُهُ
فَوقَ السّماءِ وتعْتَلي دَرَجاتُهُ

30. Where are those gone by who filled books with their ornamentations
Compared to the drops of this endless sea?

٣٠. وَتَظلّ ترقم في الضُّحَى آثارُهُ
مَجداً وَأَلسِنَةُ الزَّمانِ رُواتُهُ

31. They exhausted themselves praising the ruins,
Which lacked any essence for them to capture.

٣١. أَين الأُلَى ملأوا الطُّرُوسَ زَخارِفاً
عَن نَزفِ بَحرٍ هَذِهِ قَطَراتُهُ

32. Had they recounted some of his conquests,
His deeds would have mocked their efforts.

٣٢. غَدَقوا بِأَعناقِ العَواطِلِ ما لهُ
مِن جوهرٍ فَأَتتهم فذاتُهُ

33. His spears stand over the lamps and candles
While the Pleiades circle below their tips.

٣٣. لَو فَصّلوا سِمطاً بِبَعضِ فتوحِهِ
سَخِرت بما اِفتَعلوا لهم فِعلاتُهُ

34. Two lines of verse that kings cannot equal -
His actions inspire them and his vigilance animates them.

٣٤. يُمْسِي قَنانيه بَناتُ قيونه
فَوقَ القَوانِسِ والقينا قيناتُهُ

35. Their ambitions kept them from his path,
While his ambitions surpassed theirs.

٣٥. صِلَتان من دونِ المُلوكِ تُقرّها
حرَكاتهُ وتُنيمُها يقظاتُهُ

36. They settled for home while he settled new lands,
Matching the stars with his encampments.

٣٦. قَعَدَت بهم عَن خَطوِهِ هِمّاتُهم
وَسَمَت بِه عن قَطوِهم همّاتُهُ

37. Had the dawn of his conquest shone on Al-Tabari,
His chronicles would have swelled with its narrations.

٣٧. سَكَنوا مُسجَّفة الحجالِ وأسكنَت
زُحَل الرّحال مع السُّها عزماتُهُ

38. The cross was smashed by the strength of his resolve
As its wooden hands were severed.

٣٨. لو لاحَ لِلطّائِيّ غُرَّةُ فتْحِهِ
باءَت بِحَملِ تَأوّه باءاتُهُ

39. And the Prince drank the humiliation of exile
In the dew that his betrayals drew.

٣٩. أو هَبَّ للطَّبَرِيّ طِيبُ نسيمِه
لَاِحْتَشَّ من تاريخهِ حَشواتُهُ

40. So his nose was led by fate to death's halter
On the day his fortune ran out.

٤٠. صَدَمَ الصَّليب على صلابَةِ عُودِهِ
فتفرَّقَتْ أيدي سَبا خَشَباتُهُ

41. And he went moaning under the moans of regret
As the sighs of his anguish gasped their last.

٤١. وَسَقى البِرِنْس وقد تَبَرْنَسَ ذِلَّةً
بالرُّوج ممقر ما جَنَتْ غَدَراتُهُ

42. A lion who seized his prey like a swooping eagle,
As the blades of his teeth sunk in.

٤٢. فَاِنقادَ في خِطَمِ المَنِيَّة أنفُهُ
يَومَ الخَطيمِ وأقطرت نزواتُهُ

43. He slept under the stars many a night,
Veiling his eyes though they shined for him.

٤٣. وَمَضى يُؤنِّب تَحتَ إِنِّبّ همَّةً
أمْسَتْ زوافر غيّها زفراتُهُ

44. While the sincere weep for him beneath,
When his jesters laugh, their tears flow.

٤٤. أسدٌ تَبوأ كالغرنفِ فجأتهُ
فتبوّأتْ طرفَ السِّنان شواتُهُ

45. The Nile walks with his head, though it was he
Who set the course of the two Niles.

٤٥. دونَ النُّجُومِ مغمضاً ولَطالَما
أَغضَت وَقَد كَرَّت لها لحظاتُهُ

46. Had he embraced the Giant on the day you raised him,
You'd have seen it bow down in submission.

٤٦. فَجَلَوته تَبكي الأَصادِق تَحتَهُ
بِدَمٍ إِذا ضَحِكَت لَه شُمَّاتُهُ

47. Never before was its nose led by its ring,
Nor did its pride attempt to resist.

٤٧. تَمشي القَناةُ بِرَأسِهِ وَهوَ الّذي
نَظَمتْ مدار النَّيِّرَيْن قناتُهُ

48. A beast who bellowed, so you silenced its roar,
And it surrendered beneath your swords.

٤٨. لَو عانَقَ العَيُّوقَ يوم رفعتَهُ
لأَراكَ شاهِدَ خفضه إخْبَاتُهُ

49. When your black banner appeared above it
Your white victory reversed its banners.

٤٩. ما اِنْقادَ قَبلَكَ أَنفُهُ بِخُزَامِهِ
كلّا وَلا هَمَّت لها هدراتُهُ

50. And it saw your swords slicing like lightning bolts
As its ranks recoiled like curling worms.

٥٠. طيّان خفّ السَّرْح طالَ زَئيرهُ
نَطَقَت سُطاكَ لَهُ فَطالَ صُماتُهُ

51. It fled after drinking deep of your pond
And surrendered its protection money.

٥١. لَمّا بدا مُسْوَدُّ رايكَ فَوقهُ
مُبْيَضُّ نصْرك نُكسَتْ راياتُهُ

52. It left its churches and sextons to a looter
Who steals their chaste treasures.

٥٢. وَرَأَى سُيوفَك كَالصَّوالِجِ طاوَحت
مِثل الكرين تَقَلَّصت كرّاتُهُ

53. A victor made invincible by God, his allies undying
And his enemies unable to survive.

٥٣. ولّى وقَد شَرِبَت ظُباك كُمَاتَه
تحت العَجاج وأَسْلَمَتْه حُمَاتُهُ

54. Cast into the wilds, now beasts tear at his flesh,
While once his prey fled from him.

٥٤. تَرَكَ الكَنائِسَ وَالكناس لِناهِبٍ
بِالبيضِ يَنهبُ ما حَواهُ عُفاتُهُ

55. Today the castle granted you its keeps,
Surrendering its towering heights.

٥٥. غَلّاب أَروع لا يُميتُ عِداته
داءُ المطال ولا تعيشُ عُداتُهُ

56. Tomorrow the beauties will be yours to enjoy,
Your daughters dividing his wives.

٥٦. لِلوَحشِ مُلْقىً بالعرا يقتاتُهُ
ما كان قبلُ بصيدِهِ يقتاتُهُ

57. Your ambition trod the balconies underfoot
As their antiquities were tossed down.

٥٧. اليَّومَ مَلّككَ القراعُ قِلاعَهُ
مُتسنِّماً ما اِستَشرَقَت شرفاتُهُ

58. Still this kingdom rises sublime,
Its fragments forever beyond reach.

٥٨. وَغَداً تحلّ لَكَ الحلائل أَسهُم
مُتَوزّعات بَينَهنّ بناتُهُ

59. Time's hand cannot fail you, so seek it below you,
Rushing or slow, as you desire.

٥٩. أَوطَأتَ أَطرافَ السَّنابكِ هامَهُ
فَتَقاذَفَت بعتيقها قذفاتُهُ

60. You give life its life
And the spirits of verse their inspiration.

٦٠. لا زالَ هَذا الملك يَشمَخُ شأنه
أبداً ويكفت في الحضيض شتاتُهُ

٦١. ما أَخطأتكَ يَدُ الزّمانِ فَدونهُ
مَن شاءَ فلتُسْرع إليه هناتُهُ

٦٢. أَنتَ الَّذي تُحلي الحياةَ حياتُهُ
وَتَهبُ أَرواح القصيدِ هِباتُهُ