1. O king of grammar, the haa from its articulation
Beneath it they made guttural, has come to us
١. أَيا مَلِكَ النَّحْوِ والحاءُ مِنْ
تَهَجِّيهِ من تَحت قد أعْجَمُوها
2. Your analogy, which makes guttural
Things they had made plain
٢. أتانا قياسُكَ هذا الذي
يُعَجِّمُ أشياءَ قد أَعْرَبُوهَا
3. And when you pretended ignorance of Al-Aswad
Tomorrow the face of your ignorance will show its faces
٣. ولمّا تصنَّعت في العاصَوي
غدا وجْهُ جَهْلِكَ فيه وُجُوهَا
4. And they said, the sheikh has perished, indeed when the kings
Enter a town, they ruin it
٤. وقالوا قَفا الشيخ إنّ المُلُو
كَ إذا دَخَلُوا قريةً أَفْسَدُوهَا