1. The day of the Franks was not easy for you,
Its count cannot be confined by lines of calculation,
١. وما يَومُ الفِرنْجَةِ مِنكَ فذٌّ
فَتَحصِرُ عَدَّهُ خُطَطُ الحِسابِ
2. Wednesday brought them a bloody Thursday,
With distant, billowing seas.
٢. أَجاشَ الأَربعاءُ لَهُمْ خَميساً
بَعيدُ الغورِ مُلتَطِمُ العُبابِ
3. You held their reins fast for them,
And made the command to attack bitter.
٣. وَأَحكِم بِالخَطيمِ لَهُم خِطاماً
أَمرَّ برِيمِهِ مُرَّ الضّرابِ
4. They marched together towards a cross
That clanks with the foolish clamor of crucifixion.
٤. مَشَوْا مُتَسانِدينَ إِلى صَليبٍ
يُبَرْقِعُ هَبوَةَ الصمِّ الصِّلابِ
5. Death wraps them in its folds,
And the mountain peoples rush out at them from the crevices.
٥. تَلُفُّهُمُ المَنايا في الثَّنايا
وَتَفجؤُهُمْ شعوبُ مِنَ الشَّعابِ
6. Their arrow swerved from its prey,
So you were a plague on the swarming swarm.
٦. أَطاشَتْ سَهمَ كَبشِهِمُ هَناةٌ
فَكُنتَ ذُبابَ طائِشَةِ الذّبابِ
7. You stripped the crown from him and stripped for yourself a crown,
In place of the braided crown of braids.
٧. حَلَلتَ التّاجَ عَنْهُ وَحَلَّ تاجاً
مَكانَ العِقْدِ مِن عِقدِ الكِعابِ
8. With the discipline of slavery, yet it was more beautiful
And brilliant than it in the shade of discipline.
٨. أَنافَ عَلى العِقَابِ فَكانَ أَشْهَى
وَأَبهى مِنهُ في ظِلّ العِقابِ
9. He climbed up while barred from climbing
And ascended while he was the utmost contender.
٩. فَأَشْرَف وَهوَ عَن شَرفٍ مَعوقٍ
وَأَصعَد وَهوَ غايَةُ الاِنصِبابِ
10. Misfortunes assail him while he is unyielding,
His resolve silenced from making any response.
١٠. تُكاشِرُهُ الشَّوامِتُ وهوَ مُغْضٍ
ثَناهُ مُنَاهُ عَن رَجْعِ الجَوَابِ
11. Far from defeat or being defeated,
He turns to the final day of return.
١١. بَعيداً عَن قِراعٍ وَاِقتِراعٍ
يَؤوبُ لَهُ إِلى يَومِ المَآبِ
12. How many lashes of your horses they faced,
Yet they were lashes of torment upon their chests.
١٢. وَكَم سَوطٍ بِخَيلِكَ أَقبلوه ال
صُدورَ فَكانَ سَوطاً مِن عَذابِ
13. You left them in the Levant distracted
From gaining a victory or from returning.
١٣. تَركتَهُم بِأَرضِ الشّامِ شاماً
لِظُفْرٍ تَتّقيهِ أَو لِنَابِ
14. You tore away his veil while the sun withdrew,
With a sun that is not veiled by any covering.
١٤. هَتكتَ حِجابهُ وَالشَّمسُ وَسْنَى
بِشَمسٍ لا تُوَارَى بالحجابِ
15. In your pure Indian white fabric,
Of protected interior and cheap trim.
١٥. بِأَبيضَ مِن حَبِيكِ الهِندِ صافٍ
مَصُونِ المَتْنِ مُبتَذِلِ الذُّبابِ
16. He has the mark of elders, purity of white hair,
And in his expressions, the sprightliness of youth.
١٦. لَهُ سِمَةُ الشّيوخِ صَفاءَ شَيبٍ
وَفي خَطَراتِهِ نَزَقُ الشّبابِ
17. Oh you who look upon the world with an eye
That saw its ornaments as the deception of mirage.
١٧. أَلا يا ناظِرَ الدُّنيا بِعَيْنٍ
أَرَتْهُ عِلابَها خَدْع السّرابِ
18. You masked it then divorced it thrice
At the height of fawning and deceit.
١٨. تَبَطَّنَها فَطَلّقَها ثَلاثاً
عَلى عِزِّ التَمَلُّقِ والخِلابِ
19. So he inclines not to any bright opinion,
Nor turns to any hope laid waste.
١٩. فَلا يَأوي إِلى رَأيٍ شَعاعٍ
وَلا يثني إِلى أَمَلٍ خَرابِ
20. He rose above gratifying desires,
And soared above socializing with the pretentious.
٢٠. تَرَفَّعَ عَن مُجاوَزَةِ الأَماني
وَحَلَّقَ عَن مُحاضَرَةِ التّصابي
21. May the prayers of Allah be upon all
The dwellings of your father, made of dust.
٢١. صَلاةُ اللَّهِ كُلَّ دُرورِ شَمسٍ
عَلى مَثْوَى أَبيكَ مِنَ التُرابِ
22. For he brought wrath unto Islam,
That in calamities, does not waver.
٢٢. فَقَد أَلْقَى إِلى الإِسلامِ عَضْباً
يُطَبِّقُ في النّوائبِ غيرَ نابي
23. Valiant men surge to him, like surging seas,
With eyelids that stretch out like answering each other.
٢٣. تَجِيشُ لَهُ رَوَاسٍ كَالرَّواسي
تُمدُّ لَها جِفانٌ كَالجَوابي