1. We Arabs, O you who claim Arabism
While we are the people of monotheism and you are its bastards
١. حنا العرب يــا مدعين العروبة
و حنا هل التوحيد وانتم له اجناب
2. We are the sunrises of glory while you are its sunsets
We are the people of history while you are its strangers
٢. و حنا شروق المجد وانتم غروبه
وحنا هل التاريخ و أنتم به أغراب
3. On the day of poverty, you blamed us for its problems
And today, after oil, you started claiming ancestry from us
٣. يوم الفقر شلتوا علينا عيوبه
واليوم عقب النفط جيتوا لنا أنساب
4. And on the day of poverty, we had rampant nomadism
While today you have become nomads and bedouins like us
٤. ويوم الفقر فينا البداوة سبوبة
واليوم صرتوا مثلنا بدو واعراب
5. If inclination was up to you, you would have prevented its blowing
No doubt, the Sustainer of creation is the Lord of lords
٥. لو الهوى منكم منعتم هبوبه
لا شك رزاق الملا رب الأرباب
6. And if rain was up to you, you would have prevented its pouring
No doubt, the sustenance of creation is from The Giver
٦. و لو المطرمنكم منعتم صبوبه
لا شك رزق الخلق من عند وهاب
7. The army of envy has led wars against us
Each one wanting to plant his fang upon our body
٧. جيش الحسد سقتوا علينا حروبه
كل يبي يزرع على جسمنا ناب
8. Waging war on benefactors, you see it as punishment
By Allah, I hope you do not incite more wars
٨. حرب على المحسن تراها عقوبة
بالله عساكم ما تفيدون حراب
9. We have given so much without expecting reward
Except from He who we hope in and is never failed
٩. ياما عطينا ما ندور مثوبه
الا من اللى من ترجاه ما خاب
10. And we have supported many who were in distress
It is our habit to race towards those in adversity
١٠. و ياما نصرنا صاحب ضيقوا به
عاداتنا نقدم الى ما لردى هاب
11. And we have saved many from the difficulties of their roads
Taking them into our sanctuary when their companions abandoned them
١١. و ياما نصانا من تعثر دروبه
يدخل حمانا من تعذرها الأصحاب
12. We built our houses with goodness
While you robbed your houses of all that is good
١٢. حنا بنينا دارنا من طيوبه
و انتم سلبتوا داركم كل ما طاب
13. Allah quenched us from our freshwater sea
While your rivers spill like flooding seas
١٣. الله سقانا من بحرنا عذوبه
و انهاركم مثل البحر هدر تنساب
14. We planted love in fertile soil
While you planted hatred of generations in ashes
١٤. حنا زرعنا الحب بارض خصوبه
و أنتم زرعتوا كره الأجيال بتراب
15. And we called for peace, time and again
While you sold the pigeon of peace for a crow
١٥. وحنا دعينا السلم نوبه ونوبه
وانتم حمام السلم بعتوه بغراب
16. O you who called for war, do you know its perils
Do not think that war is just threats and talk
١٦. يا من دعا للحرب ما ادراك خطوبه
لا تحسب أن الحرب تهديد وخطاب
17. He who ignites the fires of war will have sleepless nights
And he who kindles the flames of strife will be engulfed
١٧. من شب نار الحرب يصلى شبوبه
ومن ثور الفتنة تعرض للأسباب
18. What clothes men is not their attire
But religion and honorable deeds are their robes
١٨. ما يستر الرجال ملبوس ثوبه
الدين وافعال الكرامة له ثياب