1. Stranger of home and my comfort in hardship
Let me comfort my soul from love's ache
١. غريب الدار ومناي التسلي
أسلي خاطري عن حب خلي
2. I heard the song from one with little knowledge
Who thinks distance from home brings comfort
٢. سمعت الشور من قاصر معرفه
يحسب البعد عن داره يسلي
3. I travel from monastery to monastery
Maybe it would comfort me, but it didn't happen
٣. أسافر عنه من ديره لديره
عساي اسلاه لكن ما حصلي
4. I obsess over him and forget I forgot him
And think of nights that have passed me by
٤. أهوجس فيه وأنسى إني نسيته
وأفكر في ليالي(ن) قد مضن لي
5. When I come to, I forget him in my repentance
His imagination makes my tears flow
٥. وأنا لاجيت أبنساه إلتوابي
خياله وأنهمر دمعي يهلي
6. And I see him standing without my tears
Beloved of the heart appears in my eyes
٦. وأشوفه واقف(ن) من دون دمعي
حبيب القلب في عيني يهلي
7. He called me, stranger of home, get used to it
You have no place but my place
٧. دعاني ياغريب الدار عوّد
ترى مالك محل إلا محلي
8. Your place is in my eyes, my eyes
And my heart from love of you won't be full
٨. مكانك في عيوني ياعيوني
وقلبي من غرامك مايملي