
She is like the daughter of the wind, a nimble young gazelle

من بنات الريح

1. She is like the daughter of the wind, a nimble young gazelle
As if she were a deer frolicking in the wilderness

١. من بنات الريح لي صفرا جفول
كنها ظبي الفلا بجفالها

2. A fantasy of the imagination, a swift steed
Her beauty in her grace and majesty

٢. منوة الخيال عساف الخيول
زينها في دقها وجلالها

3. I have never seen beauty like hers standing still
God has granted her the most perfect beauty

٣. زينها ما شفت وصفه بالمثول
الله اللي بالجمال اصخى لها

4. She captivates me like an enchantress captivates all
None can resist her but her imagination

٤. تستذير كحيلتى من كل زول
ما يصخرها سوى خيالها

5. I remember God whenever she goes for a stroll
And thank God for granting me her love

٥. اذكر الله كل ما قامت تجول
و احمد الله خصنى بحبالها

6. As if she walks to the beats of drums
Bewitching is she who makes hearts pound for her

٦. كنها تمشي على قرع الطبول
فتنى اللي خافقه يبرى لها

7. Her story is veiled in shyness
The sun itself darkens before her shadow

٧. ظافي القصه على الطرف الخجول
تنكسر شمس العصر بظلالها

8. To describe her is to describe the clouds that wander
Each eye imagines her differently

٨. وصفها وصف السحاب اللي يحول
كل عين تستخيل خيالها

9. Or like a thought that crosses the mind in haste
Whose reality it never quite grasps

٩. او كما طاري على الخاطر عجول
صاحبه حقيقته ما طالها

10. Every man in his life has his desires
And passion commands its own men

١٠. كل رجل في حياته له ميول
والهوايه تمتلك رجالها