1. A daughter of the wind I have, golden-haired filly
As though a gazelle of the dunes with her elegant trot.
١. من بنات الريح لي صفرا جفول
كنها ظبي الفلا بجفالها
2. A fantasy brought to life, a mare fleet of foot,
Her beauty in her rhythm and majesty.
٢. منوة الخيال عساف الخيول
زينها في دقها وجلالها
3. Never have I seen beauty described when pausing to behold,
God who has endowed her with such beauty.
٣. زينها ما شفت وصفه بالمثول
الله اللي بالجمال اصخى لها
4. She dazzles all like my kohl,
None can resist her but her fantasy.
٤. تستذير كحيلتى من كل زول
ما يصخرها سوى خيالها
5. I remember God whenever she goes for a stroll,
And thank God who has graced me with her reins.
٥. اذكر الله كل ما قامت تجول
و احمد الله خصنى بحبالها
6. As though she walks to the beat of drums,
Tempting is she whose heart beats for her.
٦. كنها تمشي على قرع الطبول
فتنى اللي خافقه يبرى لها
7. The tale's climax to the shy ear I have disclosed,
The sun of the age is eclipsed by her shadow.
٧. ظافي القصه على الطرف الخجول
تنكسر شمس العصر بظلالها
8. Describing her is like clouds that shuttle
Every eye imagines her image.
٨. وصفها وصف السحاب اللي يحول
كل عين تستخيل خيالها
9. Or like a notion that briefly flashes in the mind,
Whose reality eludes capture.
٩. او كما طاري على الخاطر عجول
صاحبه حقيقته ما طالها
10. Every man in his life has his tendencies,
And passion holds sway over all men.
١٠. كل رجل في حياته له ميول
والهوايه تمتلك رجالها