1. If I forget my life, I won't forget your tear,
A scream that melted from your eyes as tears,
١. لو نسيت العمر ما انسى دمعتك
صرخة ذابت من عيونك دموع
2. Trembling, startled on your cheek,
And my heart shook for it between the ribs.
٢. ترتعش مرتاعة في وجنتك
وانتفض قلبي لها بين الضلوع
3. Your sadness disturbed the silence of the nights,
Seemingly humble, yet raging inside.
٣. أزعجت صمت الليالي عبرتك
بالخفا ثوره وبالظاهر خشوع
4. You shed a tear and veil your gaze,
The scene of the veiled gaze is dreadful.
٤. تسكب الدمعه وتظمى نظرتك
مشهد النظرة وهي تظمى يروع
5. Oh loss of life, loss of your smile,
With it was lost a heart like yours, broken.
٥. يا ضياع العمر ضيعة بسمتك
ضاع معها خافق مثلك جزوع
6. I wish someone could absorb the pain of your moment,
And happiness would light the lamps of your feast.
٦. ليت من يمتص جارح لحظتك
والفرح يشعل دياجيرك شموع