1. The one with a need, though it persists, wanders
And the one with an old dream, it seduces him
١. صاحب الحاجه ولو طالت لحوح
وصاحب الحلم القديم يغازله
2. And the heart's torments from too many wounds
How many swords of torment assail him
٢. واعذاب القلب من كثر الجروح
كم سيف بالعذاب ينازله
3. I conceal the stabbings though my eyes confess
As if sorrows gently descend upon him
٣. أخفي الطّعنات وعيوني تبوح
كن الاوجاع بهدبها نازله
4. My goal in the night of darkness does not pass
Between me, days, and him, a separator
٤. غايتي بليل ظلامه مايروح
بيني الايّام وبينه عازله
5. Whenever I walk away, he goes
And I find my steps leading me to his abode
٥. كل ما مشيت له عنّي يروح
وعيّت الخطوه تجي منازله
6. And longing in my heart confusedly rages
If it takes him to demise, it makes him settle
٦. والهوى بالقلب وهّاج يضوح
لو يسوقه للمنايا جازله
7. Every despair it dispels in me, aspiration
And every resolve my fluttering heart contends
٧. كل ياس يطرده فيني طموح
وكل عزمٍ خافقي ينحازله