
Today is the first of the year, and yesterday was the end of the year

راس السنه

1. Today is the first of the year, and yesterday was the end of the year
The sun rises while the mullah is distracted

١. اليوم اول السنه وامس آخر العام
و الشمس تشرق و الملا لاهي

2. In the field of life, everyone beats their drums
I have not seen the soul turn away from the path of error

٢. في ساحة العمر كل(ن) يقرع طبوله
ماشفت للنفس عن درب الخطا ناهي

3. Everyone indulges in what pleases their soul
While the mind forgets the lessons of the days of fate

٣. كل(ن) على ماتبي نفسه يطربها
و الذهن عن عبرة ايام الدهر ساهي

4. O heedless heart, do not be fooled by its beauty
Be wise, you see the rose does not last even in bloom

٤. يا غافل القلب لا يغريك زاهيها
أفطن ترى الورد مايبطي و هو زاهي

5. O gatherer of wealth, whose only aim is this world
What will you do when wealth and status are gone?

٥. ياجامع المال يامن غايته دنيا
وش حيلتك في غياب المال و الجاهِ

6. If your world were adorned for you and its sun shone bright
You would see the afflictions hidden in the darkness of its night

٦. دنياك لو زخرفت لك شمسها واضحت
ترى البلا في خبايا ليلها راهي

7. The path must reach its end no matter how long it is
And life, however taut the rope of hope is stretched, will fade

٧. لابد للدرب مهما طالت نهايه
و العمر لو طال به حبل الرجا واهي

8. The winner is one who, with the breeze of fortune blowing,
Has been guided by his Lord to piety and did not go astray

٨. الرّابح اللي نسيم الحظ له ذعذع
قدّاه ربه على التقوى ولا تاهِ