
Tell the one who considered existence an example

قل للذي اعتبر الوجود مثالا

1. Tell the one who considered existence an example
Did the gnostics attain any attainment from it?

١. قل للذي اعتبر الوجودَ مِثالاً
هل نال منه العرفون مَنالا

2. No, by He who subjected existence to His might
It only increased them in blindness and misguidance

٢. لا و الذي خضع الوجودُ لعزِّه
ما زادهم إلا عمىّ وضلالا

3. So if you are incapable of attainment, you realize it
Is through incapacity, not what you considered an example

٣. فإذا عجزتَ عن المنال علمتَه
بالعجز ليس بما اعتبرتَ مثالا

4. He who made the example his evidence
To know Allah the Almighty attained deluded imaginings

٤. قد حاز من جعل المثالَ دليلَه
للعلمِ بالله العظيمِ خبالا

5. So he sees it a crown on heads adorned
And he sees it in the feet of men a sandal

٥. فيراه تاجاً في الرؤوس مكللاً
ويراه في رجلِ الرجالِ نعالا

6. And you saw it in the soft spoken being sincere
To viewers, and in the bright as a reflection

٦. ورأيته عند اللجينِ مخلصاً
للناظرين وفي النضار ذُبالا

7. Do not judge by what you see of a form
For the sun at times can be a crescent

٧. لا تقطعن بما ترى من صورة
فالشمسُ وقتاً قد تكون هلالا

8. The shining moon was not named crescent
Except by its disappearance and decline

٨. ما سمى البدرُ المنير هلاله
إلا كبرته إهلالا

9. Making much of the act of declaring His transcendence
From His creation, glory be to Him and transcendent is He

٩. حلاك تعظيمُ التشهُّد ذاته
من خلقِه سبحانه وتعالى

10. And attaining through it a sublime station
With its sciences, ranks and perfection

١٠. وتحوزُ منه مكانةً علويةً
بعلومها ومراتباً وكمالا

11. The mills of intellects revolved in seeking the One
Who did not cease to be in the mills of minds like bran

١١. دارت رحى الألباب في طلبِ الذي
ما زال في أرحى العقول ثفالا

12. So he sees their mounts towards that complain
To him of fatigue and exhaustion

١٢. فيرى مطيهمُ لذاك من الوجى
تشكو عياءً عنده وكَلالا