
The star fell blazing from its zenith

هوى النجم من أوجه محرقا

1. The star fell blazing from its zenith
For one who came to steal eloquence

١. هوى النجم من أوجه محرقاً
لمن جاء يسترقُ المنطقا

2. And showed his lights in the West
And made his sunset a sunrise

٢. وأظهر في الغرب أنواره
فصيّر مغربه مشرقا

3. And all existence has an inner aspect
When its night grows dark, it lights up

٣. وكلُّ وجودٍ له باطنٌ
إذا ما دجا ليله أشرقا

4. And every garden has some faded blooms
When its branch withers, it leafs anew

٤. وكلُّ رياضٍ له ذابلٌ
إذا ما ذوى غصنه أورقا

5. And when the heart is rightly guided
By his lights and his true inspiration

٥. وإن الفؤادَ إذا ما اهتدى
بأنوارِه وحيه صَدَقا

6. May God protect him from the harm
Of his enviers, as He protected the likes of him

٦. وقى الله حسادَه شرَّه
بما الله أمثاله قد وقى

7. If his close ones found the door barred
Through their ignorance, not his exclusion

٧. إذا وجد البابَ قصادُه
لجهلهمُ دونهمُ مُغلقا

8. They would stand confused by his door
Not one of them truly realizing

٨. أقاموا حيارى على بابه
وما أحدٌ منهمُ حققا

9. Would the door of a generous host
Ever shut anyone out?

٩. وهل زي بابٍ كريم دعا
إلى بابه أحداً أطبقا

10. How much less the door of Him
Who has always been a caring, pitying friend?

١٠. فكيف بباب الذي لم يزل
رفيقاً بنا راحماً مشفقا