1. Knowledge of God and knowing Him I have
Combined them both religiously and they were not combined
١. العلمُ بالله والعرفانُ لي ولقد
جمعتُ بينهما شرعاً وما جمعا
2. Knowledge brings together what knowing singles out
In defining, together they are if you look at both
٢. فالعلمُ يجمعُ ما العرفانُ يفردُه
في الحد يجتمعان إنْ نظرت معا
3. It cannot be said that the Truth knows us
And He is the All-Knowing regarding us and so religiously
٣. ولا يقال بأنَّ الحقَّ يعرفنا
وهو العليم بنا وهكذا شرعا
4. You do not know them, God knows them
This deputyship no matter how much you listen
٤. لا تعلمونهم الله يعلمهم
هذي النيابة مهما كنتَ مستمعا
5. And it was not said regarding Him that God knows them
So speak with it if you are a follower of the Truth
٥. ولم يقل فيه إن الله يعرفهم
فقل به إن تكن للحقِّ متبعا
6. The literary man who walks according to his measure
Agrees with the Truth whether he gave or prevented
٦. إن الأديبَ الذي يمشي على قدر
يوافق الحقَّ إن أعطى وإنْ مَنَعا
7. Has traced a trace that he has no news of
With the one who was singular in expression and invented
٧. قد اقتفى أثرا ما عنده خبر
بمن تفرَّد في التعبير فاخترعا
8. God honored him when His grace was
Over others so he did not systematize or innovate
٨. الله كرَّمه إذ كان فضله
على سواه فلم يسنن ولا ابتدعا
9. And if the reward in him is redoubled, then listen
It is not equal to follow in it the one who legislated
٩. وإن تضاعف فيه الأجر فاستمعوا
ما يستوي مقتد فيه بمن شَرَعا
10. If not for the Law, the person would be in his blindness
If he wanted nearness with the one who made
١٠. لولا الشريعةُ كان الشخصُ في عمه
إذا أراد اقترابا بالذي صنعا
11. So the minds are ignorant of what is between the Truth
Inclined, accepting of all that he heard
١١. فبين الحقِّ ما الألبابُ تجهله
فمقبلٌ قابلٌ لكلِّ ما سمعا
12. And turning away from it, so in loss and deviation
From the correct path from which he refused
١٢. ومعرضٌ عنه في خسر وفي حيد
عن الصوابِ الذي عنه قد امتنعا