
As the Merciful originated him, so He renews him

كما بدأ الرحمن نشأ يعيده

1. As the Merciful originated him, so He renews him,
Without any prior ideal that preceded Him.

١. كما بدأ الرحمنُ نشأ يعيده
بغير مثالٍ حاصلٍ قبله سبقْ

2. Thus the Merciful said to me, addressing him,
And it was not of an agreed upon command that was agreed upon.

٢. كذا قال لي الرحمن فيه مخاطباً
وما كان عن أمر اتفاقيّ اتفق

3. Yes, it was intended for Him when He said it,
So whoever relates the saying from his Lord has spoken the truth.

٣. بلى كان مقصوداً له حين قاله
فمن كان يحكي القولَ عن ربه صَدَق

4. So observe, for the thinking intellect here,
And it is none other than what the Book has articulated.

٤. فلاحظ للعقل المفكر ههنا
وما هو إلا ما الكتابُ به نطق

5. When man looks at the states of his soul,
He sees the matter proceeding in existence upon a system.

٥. إذا نظر الإنسان أحوالَ نفسه
رأى الأمر يجري في الوجود على نسق

6. So he takes his knowledge from this and that,
For He who originated him is true in His eyes.

٦. فيأخذ من هذا وهذا علومه
فإن الذي أبداه في عينه لحق

7. So there is no predecessor except that there is a successor after him,
Who succeeds him in existence, then if he misses him, catches up with him.

٧. فما سابقٌ إلاّ وآخر بعده
يليه وجوداً ثم إنْ فاته لحق