
Humble your existence, be not proud

ذلل وجودك لا تكن ذا عزة

1. Humble your existence, be not proud
So that your entity becomes delicate

١. ذَلِّلْ وجودَك لا تكن ذا عِزَّةٍ
حتى تصيرَ نشأتيك جُذاذا

2. A great sin has come and grievous
He who takes other than God as refuge

٢. ذنباً عظيماً قد أتى وكبيرة
من يتخذ غير الإله ملاذا

3. Sin not and count not the delay and be humble
The sinner's teacher is affirmed

٣. ذنب ولا تعد التأخر واتضع
إنَّ المذنبَ يثبتُ الأستاذا

4. His misgivings melted and his affliction spread
When He gave him a downpour and gentle rain

٤. ذابت حشاشتُه وعمَّ بلاؤه
لما سقاه وابلاً ورَذَاذا

5. His days went by him in heedlessness
If the eye of certainty had not been his refuge

٥. ذهبتْ به أيّامه في غفلةٍ
إذ لم تكن عينُ الثبوتِ معاذا

6. Those who behold their selves have gone
And they slipped from Him to Him if only

٦. ذهبَ الذين يشاهدون ذواتهم
وتسللوا منه إليه لو اذا

7. They melted into the strange knowledge outwardly
They did not budge in their selves a bit

٧. ذبُّوا إلى العلم الغريبِ بظاهر
لم يبرحوا في ذاتهم أفذاذا

8. His remembrance of their existence in their confused state
Until they see Him as sanctuary and refuge

٨. ذكرهمُ بوجودِهم في بهتهم
حتى يروه في ملجأ وعياذا

9. That Imam and none other for they are deviants
So when they see Him in it they say what

٩. ذاك الإمام وما سواه فسُوقةٌ
فإذا رأوه فيه قالوا ماذا

10. They were confused by His glory and none were like them
The Ancient cannot be compared with the Modern

١٠. ذهلوا بمجلاه ولم يك غيرهم
ليس القديمُ مع الحديثِ يُحاذى