
I wondered at the one who prayed and the one who answered

عجبت لمن دعا ولمن أجابا

1. I wondered at the one who prayed and the one who answered,
And did not know the prayer or the answer.

١. عجبت لمن دعا ولمن أجابا
وما علم الدعاء ولا الجوابا

2. So when the one who prayed was sure,
And made sure what he prayed for humbly,

٢. فلما ان تحققَّ من دعاه
وحقق ما دعاه به أنابا

3. But in answering the acceptance of his prayer he missed what he hit.
As for the knowers of Him, they stood

٣. ولكن بالإيابةِ عن قبولٍ
لدعوته فأخطأ ما أصابا

4. Above the unveiling which guides to the right.
And His law affirmed the affirmation of a scholar,

٤. وأما العارفون به فقاموا
عن الكشف الذي يهدي الصوابا

5. And revealed it to the person of a book.
And the believers won through it and obtained

٥. وقرر شرعّه تقرير حبر
وأنزله على شخص كتابا

6. From God happiness and reward.
And the sinners obtained much forgiveness,

٦. وفازَ المؤمنون به ونالوا
من الله السعادةَ والثوابا

7. And in the world so they feared no punishment,
Establishing His ordained limit in them

٧. ونالَ المذنبون كثيرَ عفوٍ
وفي الدنيا فما أمنوا العقابا

8. Is established by which he accepted the penitent.
And no repentance he accepts will avail him from it,

٨. إقامة حدِّه المشروعِ فيهم
يقامُ به وقد قبلَ المتابا

9. When the Imam knows and he has turned in penance.
And the Imam judges him by his religion and chooses him

٩. ولا ينجيه منه قبولُ توبٍ
إذا علم الإمامُ وقد أنابا

10. And assigns him punishment and penalty.
And this is not the judgement of the Resurrection in him,

١٠. وبدينه الإمام ويصطفيه
ويوليه العقوبةَ والعقابا

11. Even if his Creator absolved him in accounting.
The Ash’ari sees him without limit,

١١. وما حكمُ القيامة فيه هذا
وإنْ وفاه خالقه الحسابا

12. And its deniers veil it from him.
And whoever witnessed matters without a veil

١٢. يراه الأشعريُّ بغير حدٍّ
ويثبتُ منكروه له الحجابا

13. Sees it and does not see it when it is hidden.
And the All-Knowing witnesses it in every aspect

١٣. ومن شهدَ الأمور بلا غطاء
تراه وما تراه إذا يحابى

14. And knows that if he erred, he erred.
And were it not for His being, there would be no being,

١٤. ويشهده العليم بكلِّ وجه
ويعلم أنه إنْ خابَ خابا

15. And by bringing us the clouds He showed us witnesses.
The decisive judgment came to you in us,

١٥. ولولا كونُه ما كان كون
وبالإتيان أشهدنا السحابا

16. And opens its shade in it and a door.

١٦. أتاك بها الحكمُ الفصلِ فينا
ويفتح ظُله فيه وبابا